Thirty Two

I'm still falling for you


Jungmin woke up and glanced around the room.

It was already morning and the sun’s ray was filtering inside the room through the windows with an uncovered curtain. She smiled and closed her eyes once again as she stretched lazily on her bed. She never had a sleep that peaceful. Last night, she felt that it was as if someone was lulling her to sleep. Jungmin smiled at the feeling and grabbed her alarm clock on the bedside table.

Her arms reached out on an empty space. No alarm clock.

Jungmin sat up straight and winced slightly as she felt a twinge of pain on her leg. She ignored the pain and glanced wildly around the room.

Yup! Not my room.

Her voice inside her head confirmed it.

She then laid back softly on the bed as the previous night flashes on her mind. But memories of what happened after the doctor gave her some medicine to relieve the pain were somehow fuzzy, warm and fuzzy that is.

Jungmin sat once again, gently this time and lifted off the blanket over her exposing her right ankle. She grimaced when she saw it swelling making it look like twice its usual size. She remembered what the doctor said.

“You’re quite lucky that you didn’t break a bone. It’s just a minor sprain but it will be quite painful. So I’ll give you some medicine for the pain and for you to sleep well tonight. Don’t step on it for at least a week or else it might heal longer than it should,” the stocky man politely explained to her.

She then gently inched her body towards the edge of the bed pausing if the movement was too painful. After gathering her courage, she cautiously placed her right leg dangling over the bed followed by her left leg. She then tried standing up, holding onto the bedside table for support and her left foot bearing almost all her weight.

“Noona!” a voice exclaimed on the doorway surprising Jungmin causing her to step on her injured leg.

Pain shoot through her and Jungmin cried out as her foot touched the floor making her dizzy.

The owner of the voice went beside her immediately, placing her arms around his shoulder trying to take up her weight.

Jungmin looked at the voice owner and was greeted with Taemin’s worried expression.

“You shouldn’t have stood up on your own.” He scolded her but Jungmin can’t take him seriously with his innocent expression.

“What happened?” a second voice asked and loomed on the doorway.

“Minho-hyung, please tell noona to take a rest. She doesn’t listen to me.” Taemin pouted in reply to his hyung.

Jungmin chuckled inwardly.

Minho walked towards them and faced Jungmin.

“Do you want to go out of the room noona?” Minho asked her gently and Jungmin nodded, finally glad that someone understood what she wants.

Minho raised her free arm and slung it over his shoulder as well, now she has Taemin on one side and Minho on the other.

They were too good looking to be human crutches. Jungmin thought out of the blue and smiled at her thought. She then started to hobble out of the room with the two guys supporting her weight but was surprised when Minho stopped her. Before Jungmin realized what happened she let out a gasp as Minho bent and moved slightly behind her and placed his arms under her legs and shoulders carrying her bridal style. She expected for him to offer his shoulder as a crutch but not to carry her per se.  She had no choice but tightened her hold around Minho’s neck to make sure she wouldn’t fall.

Jungmin tried to catch Taemin’s eyes for help but the maknae went ahead and went out of the room with Minho following him behind.

“Mi-Minho, I can walk.” Jungmin protested weakly trying to flail her legs but stop when it was too painful to do so.

“Key hyung told us not to let you stand on your own. So, I’m sorry noona, but I’ll have to carry you if you want to move around.” Minho told her with a grin and followed Taemin out of the room. They entered the living room and her peripheral vision saw Key’s back, facing the stove.

Minho then placed her on the couch facing the television, the kitchen on her right side. Minho then left the living room and went back to the hallway in his room, probably. Taemin who was waiting for them pulled the small center table closer to Jungmin and placed a small pillow on top of it.

“Uhm, please rest your leg on it noona.” Taemin suggested cheekily while standing beside her and his arms hidden on his back.

Jungmin smiled at his concern and she lifted her injured foot and placed it on the pillow. She then glanced at Taemin and saw an approved smile on his face.

“Taemin. Minho. Eat your breakfast. Manager hyung will be here any minute now.” Key’s voice called from the kitchen. Taemin smiled at her and went to the kitchen. Minho appeared from the hallway followed by Onew and both went to the kitchen as well.

Onew smiled and mouthed a “good morning” to her when he saw her sitting on the couch.

Jungmin smiled back at him and tilted her head.

The three boys sat on the table and started eating. Jungmin smiled at how “normal” their day was and sighed. She then stared blankly ahead of her and sighed.

“Is there something troubling you?” Key asked from beside her and Jungmin glanced at him in surprise. She didn’t hear him approach her.

“Aniyo” she answered and shook her head.

“Well, if you have something troubling you, don’t hesitate to tell me ok?” Key told her casually. Jungmin frowned in confusion wondering why Key was being nice to her all of a sudden. Her thoughts were disrupted when Key handed her a bowl of porridge.

Jungmin held the bowl of porridge in surprise. She heard Taemin exlaimed happily when he saw that their breakfast were bacon and egg.

“I’m sorry if that’s just your breakfast for today. I don’t want you to eat too much since this your first meal since yesterday.” He explained softly.

“No, this is enough for me.” Jungmin immediately said, not wanting Key to think that she didn’t appreciate his effort. “That’s weird though, I don’t really feel hungry.” She added.

“That’s because you haven’t eaten anything since yesterday.” Key scolded her and Jungmin looked at him sheepishly and bit her lip when she saw his expression. He did not look angry at her, he looked worried. “It’s a good thing you didn’t collapse from dehydration or hunger.” Key added.

“Well, I drank a lot of water yesterday.” Jungmin supplied and Key grinned.

“Go finish that porridge and if you do I’ll try to make you a more satisfying lunch.” Key told her and winked then went back to the dining table with the other guys.



Jungmin sat there in a trance-like manner, her other hand unconsciously placed over her chest as if trying to calm it. It’s a good thing that the bowl of porridge was on her lap held by her other hand. She tried breathing deeply and removed her gaze from Key who was now facing his back on her. She then shook her head.

What’s happening?She asked herself and closed her eyes. Her arms around Key while lying on a bed flashed before her and her eyes snapped open, a loud gasped escaped .

The four boys having breakfast immediately looked at her. Key and Taemin rushed to her side while Onew looked at her with a worried expression and Minho wears the same as their leader but he was standing as if ready to run to her if needed.

“Noona, are you okay?” Taemin asked her worriedly, hovering around Jungmin.

“Does your foot hurt?” Key asked, standing rigidly behind Taemin, his arms crossed over his chest.

Jungmin looked around in daze and her eyes focused on Key as his words were the one that penetrated her shocked conscious. She blushed when their eyes meet and her head lowered.

“Well?” Key asked again.

“I’m okay.” Jungmin mumbled and took a deep breath. She then grabbed the spoon on the bowl and looked up. “I didn’t realize that the porridge was hot.” She told them lamely. A large sighed filled the room.

“I thought you were hurt noona.” Taemin said with a pout and stomped back on the table. Onew grinned and Minho chuckled and both returned back to eating their breakfast as well.

Key remained where he was and Jungmin looked at him questioningly.

“Are you sure you’re ok?” Key asked softly, his face softening.

Jungmin nodded, she didn’t trust herself talking to Key after the image of her and Key sharing a bed flashed in her mind, more like her snuggling with Key on the bed. Key sighed once again and returned back to his meal.

Jungmin took a peek and glanced at him as he walked towards the table and sat back on his chair. She looked at him longingly as she stared at his broad shoulders. He was quite slim but the feel of his chest and shoulders made her feel secured. She smiled as she heard his laughter rang amidst the laughter of other when Onew made a joke. Jungmin frowned as she realized what her thoughts were about.

When did she ever see Key in a different light? Sure he was handsome and has a beautiful voice, but who doesn’t have those in his career? Having had a chance to mingle with the different idols made them look normal human beings to her. Human beings who worked hard to please their fans and the company they worked for.

She placed her hand on her chest once again as if trying to have a conversation with her heart. Why was it beating fast whenever Key was around? Why does it change rhythm whenever they touched? In contradiction, why does she feel safe and at peace whenever Key was with her. Even if it was by her side or even the thought that Key was waiting for her was enough to calm her.

Am I really starting to fall for you?

Memories of Key always beside her and always there to help her flooded back and those memories brought warm feelings to her heart.

Do you feel the same way? Or am I reading too much meaning behind your actions?

She asked him silently.

“Noona, please finish you porridge.” Taemin called at her from the table and Jungmin was awakened from her reverie.

 Jungmin blinked a few times and took a spoonful of porridge and swallowed it. “I will Taeminnie.” She told him with a smile and stole one last look at Key’s back before continuing to eat her meal.

You sure are the "Almighty Key"

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Chapter 43: omg please writ again, I gave up my nights sleep to read this! so please update soon!
Chapter 43: Yay, you're back! Aww, Key is such a sweetie. ^w^ Can't wait for the next chapter!
Thanks for updating, and please update when you can!
Chapter 42: I finally caught up... LOL. So I understand everything about Sohee now... Why do I get the feeling that she'll reappear soon... : \
Thanks for updating, and please update soon~
Chapter 42: Awe! Let the loving commense! Lol update soon!
Btw I upvoted your story! Continue with the updates!
Chapter 41: .___. bish /slaps sohee
/hugs SHINee <69
Chapter 41: Omo?! She did that?! That....that......JERK!! URG!! Poor taemin. ...continue and update soon! !
breeze03 #8
Chapter 41: Dont tell me Shinee fell for that?! Poor Tae
Okay, i really wantto know what with sihee accindent? So author-nim, i cant wait for the next update. Please update soon. ^^
Chapter 40: Wow! This is an amazing story! Hi! I'm subscribing now! Continue and update soon!