Twenty Three

I'm still falling for you


Jungmin hurriedly run towards the stadium entrance as she got off the bus. She was huffing as she reached the entrance and slowed down when she saw large number of people on a line.

Are they here to see the event?Jungmin thought in passing. She saw the entrance for employees and got her ID out of the bag. She showed her ID at the lady behind the counter and the guard let her in.

“Well, well…” a female said behind her. Jungmin turned around and saw Eunmi near the employees’ entrance as well.

Jungmin smiled at her and bowed in greeting.

“I never expected to see you here again.” Eunmi told her with a surprised look in her face.

“Wae?” Jungmin asked curiously.

“Didn’t Onew got mad at you?” She asked her instead, not answering her question.

Jungmin shook her head. “Aniyo, it was not a big deal once I explained what happened.”

Eunmi remained silent, tight lipped.

“Well, do you know where Shinee is staying?” Jungmin asked her.

“You don’t know?” Eunmi asked with her eyebrows raised.

Jungmin lowered her head in embarrassment. “I was late.” She murmured softly and she looked up when she heard Eunmi scoff.

“I don’t really know.” Eunmi said and walked away.

Jungmin sighed at Eunmi’s abruptness and shrugged. She then looked around the area and saw Taemin approaching her with Minho behind him.

“Noona!” Taemin called out to her, with a big smile on his face and his arms waving in the air.

Jungmin smiled as she saw them.

“Why are you here?” Jungmin asked them both. “I thought the event has already started.”

Taemin shook his head. “It will start at 9am.” He told her with his irresistible grin and Jungmin can’t help but ruffle his hair.

“He wanted to make sure you won’t get lost and see him in his relay.” Minho said from behind Taemin. “Let’s go noona, Onew hyung may be looking for us.”

Jungmin nodded and followed them towards their booth.


Chunja rushed towards Jungmin as she saw her coming towards them with Taemin and Minho.

“Jungmin, I am so sorry for forgetting to tell you about this. I mean, this event took practically all of our time in making sure everything was organized.” Chunja told her with a sincere look of apology in her eyes.

Jungmin smiled at her and shook her head. “It’s ok unni, I know how busy we’ve been this past few days.”

“Thank you Jungmin” Chunja told her with a smile. “And I already told the manager why you’re late and he said no worries.”

Jungmin sighed in relief.

“Noona! Watch me in my relay with Onew hyung ok?” Taemin told her when Chunja went off.

“Of course!” Jungmin said with a smile. “What time will be your relay?”

“A little after lunch I guess.” Taemin said with a frown.

“Taemin, everyone is asked to assemble there.” Jungmin told Taemin and pointed towards the race track. Taemin nodded and called his other hyungs and the all went at the assembly line. The event was going to start.


Jungmin was kept busy running around the big stadium even if she wasn’t part of the competition. She was helping Chunja control the crowd and assemble the players whenever an event was about to begin. There are a few times when Jungmin called out the wrong person since she was not familiar with the K-pop idols around her. She was running to and fro looking for the players and giving out drinks even to non-Shinee members.

Although her focus was on Shinee, she was helping other personal assistants like Jaeyo and Seona in their errands. When she finished her errand, Jungmin saw a shady part and sat on the grass to rest for a moment before running around again.

“Hey, are you the late assistant?” A female staff asked her as she stood in front of her.

Jungmin glanced up and stood up quickly then bowed as she knows that the one talking to her was someone who was in the industry for a long time. She heard Jaeyo and Seona unni speaking to her in a formal tone.

“Ne, sunbaenim” she politely addressed her. The noona’s eyes widened in surprised as she didn’t expect Jungmin to be polite.

“Just a part-timer and you have the gall to be late?” she still asked her sternly and Jungmin frowned at the other person’s aloofness.

“I’m sorry sunbaenim.” She said again and bowed lower.

“You help Eunmi with assisting super juniors arasso?” She told her still with a stern face. Jungmin nodded in assent. “Just do whatever she tells you to do.” And with that the stern face noona left her and walked away.

Jungmin took a deep breath. What the hell happened? She asked herself. One minute she was busy running around and the one moment that she sat down on the grass, a scary noona came ranting on her.

“Jungmin!” Chunja called her from afar. Jungmin jogged towards Chunja unni.

“Jungmin, Haneul asked if you could lend a hand to super juniors and I agreed, two of their part time personal assistant were sick so it is only Eunmi and Haneul today.” Chunja told her and Jungmin grimaced at the late warning of her senior.

“Do not worry, Haneul is very kind. I’m sure you’ll get along with her.” Chunja told her as she saw Jungmin grimaced. “She’s the one with the white shirts and black shorts with the clipboard.” She added and pointed to Jungmin. Jungmin nodded. Yup! She’s the scary noona. She said in her mind. How can Chunja unni says she’s kind?

“Another thing, the delivery van for the lunches will be coming soon so wait near the back entrance so that you can get Shinee’s food.” She told her and went off.

When Chunja left her, Jungmin sprinted across the field towards the back entrance. She placed her hand over her head as she left her shady spot. It was almost noona and the sun was making it presence known.

Jungmin was able to get 5 packed lunch for Shinee and went to their booth. She only saw Jonghyun and Key sitting on the grass.

“Where are the others?” Jungmin asked as she approached them and then looked around for the others.

“I think Taemin’s in the bathroom with Onew, and Minho’s with manager Jin.” Jonghyun told her.

“Here is your lunch.” Jungmin told them and handed one lunch set each. Jonghyun took both lunch sets and he handed one to Key. She then placed the other three lunch sets beside Jonghyun.

“Could you give this to Taemin, Onew and Minho when they come back?” Jungmin asked Jonghyun and he nodded as he started eating his lunch, same with Key who was quiet the whole time.

“I’ll just get you some drinks.” Jungmin mumbled and went to get some drinks. Beads of perspiration covered Jungmin’s forehead and she wiped it with her forearm.

“Noona! I’ll help you carry those!” Taemin told her as she saw her getting five bottled waters from the cooler. Taemin grabbed three bottles before Jungmin could say no. She saw Taemin carrying a lunch set.

“Why do you have an extra lunch set Taemin?” Junhmin asked. “I already got one for you.”

“This is for you noona.” Taemin told her and smiled. “I’m sure you’ll forget getting one for yourself so I asked manager Jin to get one when he gets his.”

“Thanks Taemin” She told the maknae and they both started to return to where Key and Jonghyun were.


“Jungmin” Eunmi called her.

Jungmin and Taemin stopped and faced her.

“Help me bring the lunch sets to super juniors” Eunmi told her.

“I’ll just bring these bottles to Shinee then I’ll help you ok?” Jungmin told her and Eunmi nodded as Taemin was tugging Jungmin to return.


“Does Eunmi noona frequently orders you around?” Taemin asked her as they walked away from Eunmi.

“Aniyo” Jungmin said shaking her head. “She even helped me with my errand one time.” Jungmin added.

“Ok. But hyungs said she’s bad news so don’t get too close to her alright?” Taemin advised her as well.


Minho and Onew were with Key and Jonghyun when Taemin and Jungmin returned. They each handed everyone a drink and the boys started eating. Jungmin then turned away and started to go back to Eunmi when Taemin grabbed her arm.

“Eat first noona.” Taemin told her with a pout.

“I’ll eat later Taemin. I don’t want Eunmi to get angry.” She told him and Taemin let her go.

She excused herself from the group and was a few steps away when someone grabbed her arms again. She turned around and was surprised to see Key in front of her.


“Key” she muttered, heart beating faster. Now he’s noticing me?

Key just pulled his handkerchief on his pocket and folded it into a triangle. Then he wrapped the handkerchief around Jungmin’s head, bandanna style.

“Pabo!” Key muttered as he was tying the bandanna behind her. “Running around under this heat without some sort of protection.”

“Mianhe” Jungmin said softly. Key turned her around facing him again after he finished putting the bandanna.

“Eat your lunch later arasso?” Key told her softly his hands still on her shoulder. Jungmin glanced up and saw Key looking at her intently and she immediately lowered her eyes and just nodded then sprinted towards Eunmi who was watching them from a distance.


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Chapter 43: omg please writ again, I gave up my nights sleep to read this! so please update soon!
Chapter 43: Yay, you're back! Aww, Key is such a sweetie. ^w^ Can't wait for the next chapter!
Thanks for updating, and please update when you can!
Chapter 42: I finally caught up... LOL. So I understand everything about Sohee now... Why do I get the feeling that she'll reappear soon... : \
Thanks for updating, and please update soon~
Chapter 42: Awe! Let the loving commense! Lol update soon!
Btw I upvoted your story! Continue with the updates!
Chapter 41: .___. bish /slaps sohee
/hugs SHINee <69
Chapter 41: Omo?! She did that?! That....that......JERK!! URG!! Poor taemin. ...continue and update soon! !
breeze03 #8
Chapter 41: Dont tell me Shinee fell for that?! Poor Tae
Okay, i really wantto know what with sihee accindent? So author-nim, i cant wait for the next update. Please update soon. ^^
Chapter 40: Wow! This is an amazing story! Hi! I'm subscribing now! Continue and update soon!