
I'm still falling for you


Jungmin got out of the car as soon as it stopped. She was quite disappointed that the ride was a little bit short and she never knew something about the group named Super Junior. The driver also got off the car and opened the trunk. He started to get the plastic bags but Jungmin stopped him.

“It’s alright ahjussi, I can take care of this. Thank you so much for the ride.” Jungmin told him politely with a smile.

“Aniyo, let him help you Jungmin.” Eunmi said from behind her.  Jungmin looked back at her, a bit startled. She didn’t notice that Eunmi got out of the car as well.

“I really insist, those bags are too heavy for you.” Eunmi added and motioned the driver to pick up the bags. Jungmin bit her lip not knowing what to say. The driver then picked up the plastic bags and Jungmin helped with the other bags.

Jungmin entered the building and flashed her ID at the reception desk and smiled at the lady behind the counter with Eunmi and the driver following her. They all went inside the elevator and Jungmin pressed 3 on the control panel.

When they reached the 3rd floor, Jungmin stepped out and turned right, then stopped at the door with the number 303.

“Thank you so much for your help Eunmi and ahjussi. It would’ve been really difficult for me if you didn’t come.” Jungmin told her. “Just place them here ahjussi, I’ll be the one to take them inside.”

The driver glanced at Eunmi and placed the bags down when Eunmi nodded at him and told him to go back ahead in the car. The driver then left.

“Jungmin, can I come inside with you?” she asked Jungmin.

“Well, it’s already getting late…” Jungmin started to say as she checked her watch. It was already seven in the evening.

“I really need to use the bathroom.” She added when Jungmin hesitated.

“Well, okay. But please hurry and don’t take what I said the wrong way, it’s just that I really don’t know if I’m allowed to let other persons in.” Jungmin told Eunmi. Eunmi smiled and nodded.

“It’s ok Jungmin. I totally understand. If it weren’t for my full bladder I wouldn’t have ask you otherwise.” Eunmi told her with pleading eyes.

Jungmin sighed and turned her back on Eunmi, covering the keypad as she entered the code that Chunja texted her. The door made a beeping sound as it accepted the code and Jungmin was able to open it. She carried two plastic bags on each hand and entered the room with Eunmi following her.

“It’s also my first time here, I’ll just get the other bags at front then I’ll help you look for the bathroom ok?” Jungmin told her after placing the plastic bags on the kitchen counter.

Eunmi nodded and smiled at her. Jungmin left her on the living room and went back at the foyer to carry the remaining grocery bags and bring them in the kitchen. Jungmin was bewildered when she didn’t saw Eunmi in the living room when she came back. She hurriedly placed the bag in the kitchen counter along with the others and searched for Eunmi.

Jungmin entered a dim hallway with 4 doors, there were 2 doors on her left, one on her right and one door was just straight ahead. She opened the first door nearest to her, which was on the left side. Jungmin’s eyes adjusted to the dark room. When she neither saw a shape nor figure she closed the door immediately not wanting to invade Shinee’s privacy. Jungmin was about to open the door across the first one she opened when someone tapped her back.

Jungmin let out a gasped and turned around. She saw Eunmi behind her with a grin on her face.

“What were you doing?” Eunmi asked her nonchalantly and tried to look past her and peek in the room. Jungmin hastily closed the door.

“I was looking for you.” Jungmin reasoned out with a straight face.

“I’m so sorry Jungmin, my bladder was really full so I went and searched for the bathroom without waiting for you.” Eunmi told Jungmin sweetly.

“So are you ok now?” Jungmin asked her still with a straight face.

“Yup” Eunmi replied with a bright smile. “I’ll be going then ok?”

Jungmin nodded and walked with Eunmi out of the hallway and into the living room. Eunmi turned around when they reached the door.

“By the way, would like me to drop you off somewhere, it is kinda late?” she asked Jungmin.

Jungmin shook her head and smiled at the other girl’s concern for her.

“I still need to arrange the things I bought.” She replied.

“Okay” Eunmi said. “I guess, I’ll just see you around!” And with that, Eunmi left Shinee’s dorm and Jungmin closed the door and sighed in relief.

She really didn’t want to let Eunmi enter the dorm, specially without the permission of Manager Jin and Shinee themselves but she couldn’t say no when Eunmi needed to use the bathroom. Jungmin shook her head to clear her thoughts and not worry about something that she should not. I know, I’ll just mention this to Chunja-unni so at least I know if I need to be reprimanded or something. Jungmin thought to herself.

Jungmin then went to the kitchen and took out the beef strips and vegetables that she bought. She searched the cupboards and drawers for a pan and then she stir-fried the beef and mixed the vegetables, adding some salt and pepper from time to time until she felt that it tasted right. She placed it in a serving dish and placed it on the table and covered it with a plate. She then cooked some rice using the rice cooker. While waiting for the rice to cook, Jungmin took out the things that she bought and placed the items neatly in the shelves. The toiletries were left in the table.  She then took out a piece of paper from her bag and started to write a note for Shinee.

Jungmin then placed the note on the table next to the serving dish and smiled. She glanced at her watch and saw that it was already 8:30 in the evening, so she hurriedly cleared her things and left the dorm, tomorrow will be another early day for her.


Shinee arrived in the dorm at about half past nine in the evening. Taemin was the first one to enter the dorm and he plopped himself in the sofa right after and closed his eyes.

“I’m not moving from here anymore! You can’t make me!” Taemin declared.

Minho and Onew chuckled as they heard Taemin’s declaration, when they entered in the living room. Onew went ahead in his room while Minho went to Taemin and pulled his hands.

“C’mon Tae, just go straight to bed if you want. Key umma wouldn’t like it if you sleep here.” Minho told him pulling his arms softly to stand him up.

Taemin didn’t budge and pouted.

“I’m so tired. I don’t want to move anymore.” Taemin insisted.

Minho sighed at Taemin’s stubbornness. He then went to his room as well to get some change of clothes knowing that Key would know what to do.

“Yah! Taemin!” Key yelled loudly upon entering the dorm as he saw Taemin on the sofa. “Go wash first before sleeping.” He told the maknae while shaking Taemin on the shoulder.

“Umma, can I just sleep first just this one time, I’m really tired.” Taemin mumbled as Key started shaking him.

“Aniyo” Key told him firmly. “You already said that more than once Taemin.”

Taemin pouted and didn’t open his eyes.

“Taemin, if you don’t start moving, I’ll-” Key started saying when they were interrupted by Jonghyun’s squeal. Taemin opened his eyes and sat up straighter to see why his hyung squealed.

Key rushed to Jonghyun who was on the kitchen and checked what happened. Jonghyun was standing beside the table with a plate on his hands and a wide grin on his face.

“Kim Jonghyun!” Key called him loudly. “Why the heck do you have to squeal like a girl?” he told him with a frown on his face and his arms on his waist. “I thought you got in an accident or something.”

Minho went out of his room and dashed in the kitchen to see what the squealing and raised voices were about when he turned around and saw Onew following beside him. Minho laughed upon seeing Onew’s state. He was dripping wet. A towel was wrapped around his waist hastily and his hair still has shampoo while his chest has soap suds. He was already slightly shivering.

Taemin stood up and burst out laughing as well when he saw their leader.

Key stopped nagging Jonghyun and they both looked up and saw Minho and Taemin laughing. Key then saw Onew.

“Jinki hyung!” Key exclaimed. “What happened? Have we run out of water?” Key asked him in worry.

“A-a-a-nniyo” Onew said with teeth chattering. “I- I- thought the-there w-was a-a-a f-fire o-o-r som-something.” He explained.

Key groaned in exasperation. “This is all your fault dino.” Key glared at Jonghyun and Jonghyun looked at Key with wide innocent eyes.

“Go finish your bath hyung, this is much better than that.” Jonghyun told them with a grin.

“Wae?” Minho and Taemin asked while Key sighed.

“We have dinner” Jonghun simply stated. Taemin and Minho’s eyes widened and rushed beside Jonghyun.

"Wow, it smells good." Taemin said happily after sniffing the food.

Onew was about to go there also when Key stopped him, his hands in front of Onew’s face.

“Please finish your bath first hyung.” Key ordered him and Onew shuffled back to the bathroom while glancing back from time to time. “We’ll wait for you before we eat.” He added and saw Onew shuffled faster.

Key sighed and turned to the other three who are looking on the table with awe.

“You guys!” Key called their attention. “Is this your first time seeing food? I cook for you occasionally.” He reminded them.

“But umma, it’s been a while since you cooked something for us. Our hectic schedules make us all so tired.” Taemin mumbled and went to Key’s side.

“Who cooked it?” Minho asked.

“There’s a note here.” Jonghyun said and read it aloud.


Please enjoy your dinner. I hope you like stir fried beef with vegetables.

I saw that you always have instant foods so I tried to cook a “real” food.

I hope you guys like it. There’s rice in the cooker.



P.s. the toiletries are left on the table.

I wouldn’t want to check the rooms to look for the bathroom

so please be the one to put it to its proper place… ^^


“Oooh… Jungmin unni cooked it for us.” Taemin said with a smile.

Minho then opened the shelves behind him. “She shopped for us as well.”

“Maybe that’s the errand Chunji noona asked her to do.” Jonghyun said.

“I’m sure cooking for us wasn’t part of the deal.” Onew said from behind them, his hair damp but now in his dry clothes.

“Wae?” Jonghyun asked him.

“Chunja noona does shopping for us before, and that’s that. No free home-cooked meals for us.” Onew reminded them.

“That’s because she is busy with our other activities.” Key reasoned out.

“I’m sure Jungmin has something better to do than cook for us in her free time as well.” Onew replied.

“I told you Jungmin unni is nice.” Taemin announced.

Key smiled quietly and Jonghyun saw his smile.

“Key! Do you like Jungmin now?” Jonghyun a bit.

Key glared at him. “Just bring out the plates dino, let’s just have our dinner.” He said changing the topic.

Everyone hid their smile and prepared the table so that they can eat their dinner.

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Chapter 43: omg please writ again, I gave up my nights sleep to read this! so please update soon!
Chapter 43: Yay, you're back! Aww, Key is such a sweetie. ^w^ Can't wait for the next chapter!
Thanks for updating, and please update when you can!
Chapter 42: I finally caught up... LOL. So I understand everything about Sohee now... Why do I get the feeling that she'll reappear soon... : \
Thanks for updating, and please update soon~
Chapter 42: Awe! Let the loving commense! Lol update soon!
Btw I upvoted your story! Continue with the updates!
Chapter 41: .___. bish /slaps sohee
/hugs SHINee <69
Chapter 41: Omo?! She did that?! That....that......JERK!! URG!! Poor taemin. ...continue and update soon! !
breeze03 #8
Chapter 41: Dont tell me Shinee fell for that?! Poor Tae
Okay, i really wantto know what with sihee accindent? So author-nim, i cant wait for the next update. Please update soon. ^^
Chapter 40: Wow! This is an amazing story! Hi! I'm subscribing now! Continue and update soon!