Twenty Six

I'm still falling for you


Key stood up fast and sprinted toward Jungmin and grabbed her hand to stop her from going away.
“Key” he heard her say softly.
His lips tightened as he saw beads of perspiration on her forehead trailing down her neck. He didn’t acknowledge Jungmin’s greeting knowing he’ll just nag her for not taking care of herself.
Key simply pulled out his handkerchief from his pocket and folded it into a triangle.  He could feel Jungmin’s confused look at him and still he didn’t say a word. Then he wrapped the handkerchief around Jungmin’s head, bandanna style. He went behind Jungmin, gathered her hair and placed it on one side.
“Pabo!” Key muttered softly as he was tying the bandanna behind her. “Running around under this heat without some sort of protection.” He can’t help but nag.
“Mianhe” Jungmin said softly.
Key placed both his arms on her shoulder and turned her around facing him again after he finished putting the bandanna. Jungmin lowered her head when she faced Key. Key smiled as he saw Jungmin’s cheek reddened.
“Eat your lunch later arasso?” Key told her softly, his hands still on her shoulder. Jungmin glanced up and saw Key looking at her intently and she again immediately lowered her eyes and just nodded. Key reluctantly removed his hands on her shoulder and Jungmin sprinted off.
Key looked towards the direction Jungmin was heading and saw Eunmi staring at Jungmin with a scowl on her face. Key hesitated whether to follow Jungmin or not.
“What the hell was that?” Onew whispered and slung his arms around Key’s shoulder, appearing suddenly as soon as Jungmin sprinted off.
“I think I like her.” Key answered softly and simply, his gaze still following Jungmin’s retreating figure.
“Oh, ok” Onew replied and turned away then froze in mid-step.
Key returned to their tent when he couldn’t see Jungmin anymore, overtaking Onew who was frozen in his step. Key sat back on the grass beside Jonghyun and resumed eating his lunch.
Taemin, Minho and Jonghyun’s shocked and confused gazes’ ping-pong with each other the whole time Key was with Jungmin. They were too shock to stand and ask Key, that’s why they stare in awe when they saw their leader approached Key in the instant that Jungmin left.
Silence prevailed in the atmosphere.
“Onew, get back here and finish your food.” Key called him when he noticed him still standing and continued eating.
Onew snapped out of his frozen state and stumbled as he sat next to Key.
He picked up his lunch set but stared at Key.
“Wae?” Key asked with a frown in his face. Taemin, Jonghyun and Minho looked away and pretended to concentrate on eating when Key raised his voice at Onew.
Onew hyung, fighting! The three thought in unison and looked at Onew hopefully.
“I thought I heard you say something unbelievable.” Onew muttered and started eating.
“What’s unbelievable in starting to like Jungmin?” Key asked him and Onew choked on his food.
Taemin hurried to Onew’s side unscrewing the cap of his bottled water and handing it to him. Onew grabbed it and drank immediately.
“Are you okay hyung?” Taemin asked him worriedly and Onew nodded. “What happened?” he asked again.
Onew only shook his head.
Jungmin sprinted towards the direction where Eunmi was waiting for her. Her cheeks still flushed. She stopped in front of Eunmi
who was scowling and with arms across her chest.
“I’m sorry if I took too long Eunmi” Jungmin said in between huffs.
“Are you close with Key?” Eunmi asked her suddenly.
Jungmin was taken aback by her hostile tone and shook her head.
“Then what’s with that bandanna?” she asked again. Jungmin touched the bandanna on her head and smiled inwardly.
“I really do not know.” Jungmin told her honestly.
Eunmi scoffed and went off. “Follow me!” she just told her.
They went back to where the lunch sets were being given. Eunmi handed her four lunch sets.
“Give those to Leeteuk, Kyuhun, Shindong, and Eunhyuk.” She told her.
Jungmin held the lunch sets placed on her arms.
“Eunmi!” Jungmin called as her sunbaenim started to go to another direction.
“What?” She asked her, her face scowling.
“Sorry, but could you tell me where they are? I’m afraid I really don’t know Leeteuk.” Jungmin told her apologetically.
Eunmi rolled her eyes and sighed.
“Haven’t you searched for the different idols in SME? We cannot always spoon feed information to you. We’re also busy.” Eunmi scolded her and Jungmin bit her lip. “They always stay over there.” She added and pointed vaguely across the stadium then marched off.
Jungmin sighed and went to the direction that Eunmi pointed. She just has to ask them their names, Jungmin planned. At least she knows that they are wearing the same color of shirts as Shinee. Jungmin searched the area that Eunmi directed her. Most of the idols were sitting on the grass, laughing and talking to one another. She craned her neck as she tries to look for a similar colored shirt.
“Ms. Itchy throat!” a male guy approached her and Jungmin smiled at him.
He was the person who gave her the medication and bottled water at the recording studio. Her smile widened further when she saw that she was wearing the same color of shirt that Shinee was wearing.
“Were you that happy to see me?” He asked her when he noticed her smile and Jungmin shook her head.
“So you’re an idol?” Jungmin blurted out and bit her lip. “Not that you don’t look like an idol or something.” She tried to recover and the guy laughed heartily.
“Yep, I’m afraid I’m an idol.” He said with his disarming smile reminding Jungmin of Jonghyun.
“So what are you doing here? Aren’t you from Shinee?” he asked her.
“You know who I work with?” Jungmin asked in disbelief.
“I try to know about new faces.” Was his short reply. “So, what can I help you with? You look lost.” He added.
“Yeah, you came right in time. Do you know where Leeteuk-sshi is?” she asked him and the guy laughed.
“Wae?” she asked him.
“I am Leeteuk.” He told her simply and Jungmin’s eyes widened and she bowed.
“Mianhe” she told him, her head lowered.
“No need for apology. I’m sure a lot of people don’t know me.” Leeteuk told her with a chuckle and Jungmin glanced up.
“I am Jungmin.Part time personal assistant of Shinee” She properly introduced herself with a grin.
“Why were you looking for me?” Leeteuk asked.
Jungmin stretched her arms. “Please get one lunch set.” She told him.
“Oh, were you helping Haneul noona?” he asked her as he got one lunch set and Jungmin nodded. “Whose lunch set were the other three?” he asked her again.
Jungmin tilted her head and tried to remember the names Eunmi told her.
“These are for Shindong, Eunhyuk and Kyuhun I think.” She supplied.
“Shindong! Hyukkie! Come over here.” Leeteuk called someone behind Jungmin and she saw two guys, one chubby with a brown hair and one slightly build with a blonde hair, approaching them. They stood beside Leeteuk, one on each side.
“Guys, this is Jungmin, she’s helping Haneul noona and Eunmi in assisting us today.” He introduced her to them.
“Annyeong! I’m Eunhyuk!” the slightly built guy introduced himself with a grin.
“I’m Shindong.” The chubby one said.
Jungmin bowed in greeting and smiled at both of them.
“Please, get your lunch sets.” Jungmin grinned at them and extended her hands again.
“Uwahh, thank you!” Eunhyuk said and grabbed one lunch set.
“Thank you, my stomach’s starting to complain.” Shindong said cheerfully and got his.
The two then went back after getting their food.
“I’ll take Kyuhun’s lunch set. I think he’s off wandering somewhere.” Leeteuk told her with a grin and Jungmin handed the last lunch set to him.
“Thank you for introducing me to your members, I’m afraid my knowledge on K-pop is just starting to expand.” Jungmin gratefully told him.
“Well if you need help on anything and Shinee can’t accommodate you, your super junior oppas are here to help ok?” Leeteuk told her and Jungmin felt like hugging him but held back. She felt like he was really her brother. Jungmin stifled the giggle when she thought of almost hugging him.
“Wae?” Leeteuk asked her.
“It’s just that you really sound like my brother.” Jungmin explained.
“Well, just like I told you. I am your oppa now.” He said with a grin. “You wanna eat with us dongsaeng?” Leeteuk .
“Thanks for the offer oppa.” Jungmin said and chuckled after saying “oppa” which made Leeteuk smile as well. “But I think I have to go and look for Eunmi and ask if she needs my help. Thank you oppa!” she said again and walked away.
So I was watching SUJU clips in youtube..
and I can't help but add them in the story.. hehe..
hope you don't mind.. ^_^
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Chapter 43: omg please writ again, I gave up my nights sleep to read this! so please update soon!
Chapter 43: Yay, you're back! Aww, Key is such a sweetie. ^w^ Can't wait for the next chapter!
Thanks for updating, and please update when you can!
Chapter 42: I finally caught up... LOL. So I understand everything about Sohee now... Why do I get the feeling that she'll reappear soon... : \
Thanks for updating, and please update soon~
Chapter 42: Awe! Let the loving commense! Lol update soon!
Btw I upvoted your story! Continue with the updates!
Chapter 41: .___. bish /slaps sohee
/hugs SHINee <69
Chapter 41: Omo?! She did that?! That....that......JERK!! URG!! Poor taemin. ...continue and update soon! !
breeze03 #8
Chapter 41: Dont tell me Shinee fell for that?! Poor Tae
Okay, i really wantto know what with sihee accindent? So author-nim, i cant wait for the next update. Please update soon. ^^
Chapter 40: Wow! This is an amazing story! Hi! I'm subscribing now! Continue and update soon!