Twenty Nine

I'm still falling for you


Jungmin and Taemin approached Minho, who was leaning on the tent’s pole. He smiled as he saw them approach.

“Hey Taemin! You did a great job out there.” Minho praised him when they reached the taller boy.

“Thanks hyung!” Taemin replied with a toothy grin. “How are you?” Taemin asked him gingerly.

Minho’s eyebrows raised in question.

“Me?” He asked in surprise. “I’m great.” He told them.

“C’mon hyung, I know you hate losing.” Taemin mumbled and lowered his head. Minho ruffled Taemin’s hair and chuckled causing Taemin to look back at him.

“Yeah, but I also know I didn’t have a chance in winning this time, knowing how full our schedules are.” Minho replied, touched by the maknae’s concern.

 “Jungmin noona has something for you.” Taemin told him enthusiastically, changing the topic and Minho glanced at Jungmin expectantly.

“Hold out your hand.” Jungmin told him with a grin and Minho did. Jungmin then got the lollipop from her pocket and dropped it in his open palm.

Minho’s face lightens up when he saw the candy on his hand. He was not too keen on sweets but he liked this brand. He glanced back up at Jungmin.

“Thank you Jungmin noona.” He told her softly, touched by Jungmin’s effort to somehow make him feel better.

“I got one too hyung.” Taemin said and showed his lollipop to Minho. “Isn’t it great that noona got our favorite brand of candy?”

Minho nodded and removed the candy wrapper and placed it in his mouth.

“This is great.” Minho said, savoring the sweetness of the candy. “Thank you again noona.” He said with a grin.

“You’re such kids at heart, so easy to please with a piece of candy.” Jungmin told them teasingly. “Aren’t you going to eat yours yet Taemin?” she asked Taemin when he saw him placed the lollipop back in his pocket.

“Aniyo, I’ll eat it at the dorm.” He told her. “Minho hyung, don’t tell the others that Jungmin noona gave us that ok? She only has two and the other hyungs might get jealous.” Taemin told Minho and he nodded happily that he received one. Jungmin and Taemin’s concern for him lifted a huge weight on his shoulder.

“Where’s Onew hyung?” Minho asked them, searching for their leader who has just finished the relay as well with Taemin.

“I think he went to look for Manager Jin” Taemin answered him.

“Wae?” Minho asked worriedly.

“Something about ice pack?” Taemin replied unsurely.

“Well, I’ll leave you guys ok? I need to get back there and see what I can help” Jungmin told them with a smile.

“Okay noona! Fighting!” Taemin told her with a grin.

“Thank you again for the lollipop noona.” Minho added and both of them waved goodbye to Jungmin as she left them.

"Hyung, I'll just go look for Chunja noona." Taemin told him and started to leave when Minho called him back.

"What do you need Chunja noona for?" Minho asked him, his sentenced slightly mumbled because of the lolllipop in his mouth.

"She said she got me some banana milk." Taemin answered with a grin and Minho chuckled then shooed him away. Minho watched as Taemin jogged away and then he turned and focus back his attention to the event happening on the track with a smile on his face.



Onew came back to the field after talking to Manager Jin and watched the remaining events to distract him. He played with the crowd and bonded with the other idols. He was standing near the track, watching an event when a male coordinator placed an ice pack on his neck.

Onew threw a startled glance at the coordinator as the coldness hit him and grinned.

“Thank you sir.” He told him his eyes crinkling upwards.

The coordinator grinned back at him.

“Well, Minho-sshi told me to give you one as soon as I have an ice pack.” The male coordinator shared and left.

Onew smiled at the thought. Minho must have been really worried about him.


“Minho!” Key called out and Minho turned his head at the sound of his name being called. Key was approaching him with Woohyun and Mir nowhere in sight.

“Hyung.” Minho greeted him back.

“Is that a lollipop?” Key asked him as he came near Minho.

Minho grinned mischievously and nodded.

“Where did you get it?” Key asked him curiously.

“It’s a secret.” Minho simply told him and looked away.

“Yah!” Key shouted with his arms on his waist. “C’mon, I want one too.”

Minho pretended not to hear him and instead watched the female’s race intently.

Key tugged his shirt when Minho didn’t pay any attention to him.

“Hey! I’m talking to you Choi Minho.” Key told him in a stern voice which made Minho chuckle rather than feel threatened. He turned around again to face Key with a grin on his face.

“You want one?” Minho and showed the lollipop to Key. Key stepped back instinctively when Minho almost shoved his lollipop to his face.

“Eeew.” Key told him grossed out and Minho placed his lollipop back in his mouth, still holding the handle and grinned again. “Wait.” Key suddenly said and grabbed Minho’s arm that was holding the lollipop stick. Key then removed a small piece of wrapper stuck near the handle and Minho placed the candy back in his mouth once again.

“Thanks!” Minho mumbled

“Don’t be stingy.” Key muttered at him and pouted which made Minho laughed out loud this time.

“Mianhe, hyung. I surrender. Sorry for teasing you.” Minho said after his laughter died down. “It was just given by Jungmin noona.”

Key’s eyes widened in surprise. “Jungmin?” he asked him and Minho nodded.

“Ask Taemin if you don’t believe me. He got one too.” Minho added and froze as he shook his head when he remembered Taemin’s words.

Minho hyung, don’t tell the others that Jungmin noona gave us that ok?

Oh no.Minho thought and facepalmed. He totally forgot about it because he was so absorbed in teasing his hyung.

Minho glanced back at Key and noticed that the latter one become quieter.

“Hyung.” He said, trying to get Key’s attention as he was looking around as if looking for something or someone.


“Hey guys!” Jonghyun suddenly appeared beside Key and slung his arms around him. Key looked at him and frowned.

“What are you wearing?” Key asked in a frown after seeing the towel over Jonghyun’s head and removed the arms that was slung on his shoulders.

Minho chuckled at his hyung’s appearance. Only Jonghyun’s eyes were seen as the towel’s end were wrapped around, covering his nose and mouth.

“Wae?” Jonghyun asked in a curious tone.

“Is that the new fashion sense?” Key asked him sarcastically which made Jonghyun smile, his eyes crinkling upwards.

“I don’t care if I’m breaking any fashion rules. This was given by Jungmin so I’m going to use it as I please.” Jonghyun replied smugly and held the towel ends tightly.

Key frowned once again.

“You got a towel while Minho and Taemin got some candy.” Key said talking to no one in particular.

“Why? What’s the matter?” Jonghyun asked Key. “Haven’t Jungmin gave something to you?”

“Onew hyung!” Minho called out before Key could answer when he saw their leader passing by. Key and Jonghyun turned around and saw him approaching their circle.

“What’s up?” Onew asked them and he slung his arm around Jonghyun’s shoulder.

“Woah” Jonghyun gasped and took a step away from Onew as the latter’s arm touched his shoulder. Minho and Key looked at him in surprise.

“Your hands are cold.” Jonghyun stated simply and moved in between Key and Minho.

“I know.” Onew replied goofily and extended his arms that touched Jonghyun.

Key and Minho grabbed his extended hands.

“It is cold.” Key said as he touched Onew’s hands for a moment, not first believing Jonghyun.

“You’re such a prankster hyung. It’s a good thing it was Jonghyun hyung and not me that became a victim.” Minho said as he touched Onew’s hands as well and then let it go.

“Where did you get that?” Key asked him. “Don’t tell me you purposely soaked your hands in the cooler just to trick Jonghyun?” he asked again before Onew could answer, his eyes narrowing.

“Aniyo” Onew replied still grinning and shook his head. “I wouldn’t go that far. They gave me an icepack.” He answered.

“They? Meaning Jungmin?” Key asked cautiously.

“No.” Onew said. “Thanks Minho for asking the coordinator to look for an ice pack for me.” He said instead facing Minho.

“It’s nothing hyung. I just hoped your headache is all gone.” Minho replies warmly.

“Why did you mention Jungmin?” Onew asked Key after he thanked Minho.

“No reason.” Key replied, his face became more cheerful.

“But she did gave me an umbrella a while ago.” Onew shared and Key’s beaming face fell.

Minho chuckled at Key’s reaction while Jonghyun and Onew just looked at each other in confusion.



Short update again.. hehe.. I'm sorry..

I was distracted by the drama "Scent of a Woman"..

Thank you so much for your wonderful comments.. ^_^

They really make my day.. I'm happy that you're happy as well.. hehe..

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Chapter 43: omg please writ again, I gave up my nights sleep to read this! so please update soon!
Chapter 43: Yay, you're back! Aww, Key is such a sweetie. ^w^ Can't wait for the next chapter!
Thanks for updating, and please update when you can!
Chapter 42: I finally caught up... LOL. So I understand everything about Sohee now... Why do I get the feeling that she'll reappear soon... : \
Thanks for updating, and please update soon~
Chapter 42: Awe! Let the loving commense! Lol update soon!
Btw I upvoted your story! Continue with the updates!
Chapter 41: .___. bish /slaps sohee
/hugs SHINee <69
Chapter 41: Omo?! She did that?! That....that......JERK!! URG!! Poor taemin. ...continue and update soon! !
breeze03 #8
Chapter 41: Dont tell me Shinee fell for that?! Poor Tae
Okay, i really wantto know what with sihee accindent? So author-nim, i cant wait for the next update. Please update soon. ^^
Chapter 40: Wow! This is an amazing story! Hi! I'm subscribing now! Continue and update soon!