Chapter 36

Average Me

A/N: author's name at the top once again lol. Okay so firstly, it's because...100+ SUBSCRIBERS!!! OMG! I cried! I'm want to thank all of you sincerly and from the bottom of my heart. Whether you just started reading this fic or have been reading this fic since it's first chapter was uploaded, I really want to thank all of you sincerely<3 I know I have not been giving surprise chapters or updates on time due to personal matters or school but you guys were patient. I really thank you for being understanding. I want to thank the readers who never failed to give comments and words of encouragement. I want to thank those who upvoted this story. I want to thank all my subscribers. I also want to thank all the readers, even though you did not subscribed, I'm glad that you left a comment of encouragement and stated you enjoyed it. I love all of you! Without all of you, I won't be at like chapter 36 now :') I love love love all of you! Getting 100 subscribers is like basically just a dream to me, but you all changed it to reality. :D I thought I would only get like 50 subbies max but you guys changed it totally. Thank you for supporting this crappy fanfic of mine even though it's weird c: (reading my own story makes me cringe though. Honestly, I don't like the way I write this story lol but I enjoyed writing this story still) Once again, thank you to all of you! Luv you! 


Okay, enough of the long author's note. hehe. So be prepared before reading chapter 36... Subscribe, comment or maybe upvote if you love the story? <3

(   P.S. I won't be giving surprise chapters anymore. I have been getting really busy with school and personal matters. Sorry :(    )



My eyes widened. I tried to confirm who was ahead of me once or twice and squinted my eyes to get the clearest image possible. I knew it was Kyungsoo but I didn't continue to walk. I stopped in my tracks seeing someone with him and that's when I realised it was a female. I was pretty far away and they didn't notice me but the problem is, their voices was inaudible to my ears and all I could see was them talking.

I walked up a few steps and I finally discovered the other familiar figure. My mind was right in guessing. Kim Soo Mi.

Why are they there together? I thought Kyungsoo wanted to meet me at the bus stop? This is absolutely confusing.

Somehow, I was growing curious but I didn't dare to go up. Probably because, honestly, I was afraid of Soo Mi. I was just scared that she would harm me after that incident at the locker area. 

I suddenly saw Soo Mi turning her head to my direction and I quickly dashed behind a wall. Did she spot me?

"What is it?" I could sort of hear Kyungsoo's voice.

"Just one last..." I heard Soo Mi's voice. Her voice sounded melancholic but the words she said out were suspicious.

She didn't complete her sentence. One last what? What do you mean by 'one last'? Was she begging for forgiveness? One last chance?

I didn't hear any words spoken out next. All I hear was silence and it was really weird. I walked quietly to the side of the wall and attempted to peek at the area. Have they went off? No wait that couldn't be possible-

My eyes grew wide. Eyes full of shock. Eyes full of hurt. I cupped my mouth with my hands as I accidentally dropped my bag on the ground.

The loud thud of the my bag hitting the ground managed to garner attention from the two. Tears were about to fall. I didn't expect this.

"O-oppa..." I spoked softly with my cracking voice but as the area was incredibly silent, my voice could be heard.

He stood rooted to the ground. Too shocked to say anything. On the other hand, I was ready to run away from the area.

I picked up my slingbag from the ground with shaking hands while a tear escaped from my watery eyes.

"H-Hyo Jin...I can explain!" I heard his voice.

"I don't need an explanation." I tilted my head up and tried to state calmly but the trembling voice I had was making things hard.

Without any second words, I quickly stood up and ran away from the area. It felt like my heart was pierced with many glass pieces. I felt hurt and heartbroken. Really heartbroken. I didn't know what to do anymore.

"Hyo Jin!" he shouted loudly, it broke the silence of the area here.

I didn't turn back. I didn't even want to turn to get a quick glimpse of him. Knowing that he was probably chasing after me, I started to increase my speed with the cold wind hitting my bare skin as I ran against it. 

My tears were running down automically and it could never be stopped. I just kept on running as far as my legs could carry me but to no surprise, I was beginning to slow down due to a lack in stamina. Noticing another route at the path I was going, I immediately dashed there and hid behind a wall. I looked out secretly and sighted him going the other direction. I stopped looking and closed my eyes, sliding down the wall and accidentally slamming myself on the ground.

it was painful but I didn't mind it. My heart was even more painful compared to my body right now. I sniffed as I wiped the tears off my face using the back of my hand as I stared into blank space. I couldn't believe my own eyes. I couldn't believe it at all, not even the slightest bit. Recalling the scene earlier was causing hot tears to flow down my cheeks again. I swallowed the lump growing inside my throat as I looked at the dark sky.

The scene earlier couldn't be possible. Kyungsoo couldn't be cheating on me. But perhaps, that's just what I thought. I might just have no idea about anything at all.

I surveyed around the dark alley and found out that there weren't anybody. I don't even know where this place is and to put it simply, I'm highly sure that I'm lost. 

I wiped off tears again as I attempted to stand up and gain balance at the same time with my shaky legs. But as I was about to stand up, someone pushed me back to the ground forcefully and my heart beated fast in shock and fear. Somehow I knew this was something bad.

"Well...found you here...surprisingly." I heard a female voice but it wasn't from someone I know. I tilted my head up to see a girl with long hair and her two friends behind her. Oh .

"Did Yeon Joo told you?" the same girl spoke, most probably the leader.

Yeon Joo? 

"Hyo Jin-ah, earlier there were a group of female students that came up to me and said that are you are in danger. I don't know what it's all about. But you have to be careful, alright? Tell me if you receives any signs related to this."


"Unknown: I told you, right?"

The text message from anonymous? Could it be...

"Still remember that? A mysterious message and a warning that we given?" she smirked.

I cleared my throat and looked at them with fear. What did I do? My words were stuck in my throat and I couldn't say it out. I wasn't talking throughout but staring with eyes showing I was afraid.

"Never mind. But whatever it should know that many of us fans, reminded countless times not to go near Kyungsoo, right?" the student changed to a serious expression.

I didn't know what to say. I'm currently questioning myself if I still had a relationship with Kyungsoo. I don't know if I should reply.


"It's alright, Park Hyo Jin. You are going to die today." she spoke with a scary expression and my eyes grew large. 

I didn't move. I couldn't move. My body wasn't cooperating with me. The student suddenly took a pocket knife from her friend and my heart started to beat at an extremely rapid speed. My mind was blank and the words 'help' was stuck in my throat. 

This was similar to the incident months ago. It's happening again. I just stared at the student in shock as she was about to move the sharp object. Will this be the end of my life? What have I exactly done?

My mind and body was not functioning and all I did was to close my eyes as tears flowed down again.

Closing my eyes for seconds, I couldn't feel any object hitting me. I slowly opened my eyes and saw someone holding the female's arm.

"Luhan oppa...I..." she stammered as her other friends looked at him with shock.

"What are you doing?" he stated while grabbing the student's arm tightly, restraining it from moving.

"Hyo Jin. Call the police." he turned to me and stated seriously.

"Huh?" that's the only thing that came out of my mouth.

"Call the police now."




"Why did you save me?" I asked Luhan as he passed me a bottle of water.

"What are you saying? Are you trying to imply that you want to get killed?" Luhan looked at me with shock.

"I could have just died. I don't want to live anymore." I looked away as I retrieved the bottle from him.

"Are you insane? What's wrong with you?" Luhan made me turn to him and I wiped a falling tear.

"No wait. Let me ask you again. Why did you save me?" I questioned while biting my lips with lots of force.

"I need to! Then, do you want me to just leave you there?" Luhan replied and looked at me.

"Then, why didn't you save me that time?" I was totally dragging the conversation topic from the initial one. And now I guess, I'm starting another reason for me to cry about. What the hell is wrong with me?

"Hyo Jin..." Luhan looked away for a second and cleared his throat, "Okay. I lied that time. I did had a girlfriend before dating you. It's just that we weren't on good terms for a period of time and then one day, I realised I had feelings for you."

"The reason why I helped her that time was because we got back together and in addition, I didn't know the victim was you. So that's why. But now, we are not together any longer." Luhan turned to me and spoke with a regretful tone, " I'm sorry, Hyo Jin. I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have done that."

I remained silent as I sipped my drink. He apologised, speaking the truth now even.

"Will you forgive me?" he asked while looking at me in the eye.

I guess I shouldn't make him feel remorseful for his entire life. I looked at him again and nodded my head slowly.

"Really?" he questioned while trying to make me look at him.

"Yeah." I forced a smile at him. I wasn't really in the mood to smile after recalling back of the incident an hour earlier at the alley. 

"Wait...Hyo Jin. Why are your eyes red? Did you cry?" Luhan frowned at me as I turned away.

"Luhan..." my tears ran down my cheeks.

"I think I'm breaking up with Kyungsoo. He cheated on me." 

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13/10 - It has been months since I updated. I'm really apologise for having this fanfic on hiatus mode for months. I promise to update as soon as I can.


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PinkInnocence25 #1
Chapter 37: WAHH!!!! Update soon please i really want to know what happens next!!!! pretty please!!! xD
DorianneMathew #2
Chapter 37: update soon ≧﹏≦ Daebak! (>_<)
Chapter 36: Yass I was right about Kyungsoo and Soo Mi but still I wish I wasn't right.... Why u do dis Kyunggie!!! T.T
xtwinkle02 #4
Chapter 36: Thanks authornim for new update❤️ Woah is it just me or is this chapter really well written and depressing
PinkInnocence25 #5
Chapter 35: And soo mi..........ohhhh hell no i dont want that disgusting b*tch near my kyunggie!!!!!! i reall y love this story. Update soon author nim❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 35: and soomi? or luhan?
xtwinkle02 #7
Chapter 35: i so feel like it's Soo Mi and Kyungsoo. Update soon authornim or maybe a surprise chapter❤️
Chapter 35: I feel like it's Kyungsoo and Soo Mi who she saw... Oh my gosh can't wait for the next chapter so I can find out if I'm right LOL :D
doey9693 #9
Chapter 35: kyungsoo and???? can't wait for da next chap