Page Twelve

Untold Pages

Hyoyeon had been in a daze the past days which made her sister and brother think of what could plague her mind.


“Oppa, I am scared of what’s happening on Unnie,” Soohyun blinked at her older brother as they watch Hyoyeon stare at the already cold mug of coffee in the table.

“Yeah, me too. I hope she gets fine by tonight for the ball,” Kyoung Jae exhaled.




“Lay, have you prepared your suit?” Kris asked after putting down Kirby who ran up to kiss him after Kyle.

“Yeah, and the mask as well. We are ready to go,” he grinned.

“Brace yourself; the female crowd will surely swarm over you,” Kris grinned back in reply.


“Are you attending a masquerade?” Sooyoung asked.

“Ne, but don’t worry I will be home earlier,” Kris smiled and moved to kiss his wife.

“Can I come?” she asked.

“No babe. It will be dangerous for you, trust me,” he moved to pull her by the waist.

“But I am bored in here already. It’s been a month since my last activity,” she pouted.

“Then don’t worry, you will soon be bombarded after Summer learns to walk. That will be the time I will allow you to leave and join parties with me, will that be fine?” he smiled.

Sooyoung pouted but later on squished Kris’s face with such affection before she hugged him, “I love you,” she whispered.

Kris returned the words pulling her closer.


Lay let out a sigh which made the two parts and realize that he is still standing near them together with the twins looking up at them.

“Finally, you two realized an audience,” he sighed.

The married couple shared a laugh as they move to get their blinking twins who can’t comprehend yet the sweet gesture the two just displayed.

“Get a girlfriend and marry her afterwards and you will understand the feeling,” Kris pats his shoulder and left him blushing upon remembering the kiss with Min Ah under the rain.




Hyoyeon tried to calm herself as the hired make-up artist finishes the touches on her make-up. Her hair is pulled up in a messy bun leaving tendrils framing her face. She let out a sigh as she stood up to straighten her long, silvery gray gown, hugging her upper body perfectly, the lower skirt is slightly billow. The diamond drops on her ear and the large diamond on her neck completes the get-up.

“Omo! Unnie, you are so beautiful,” Soohyun squealed as she hands her the half Venetian mask she is going to wear. It is a black one with silver designs; a large heavily embroidered ribbon is attached on the right part.


She let out a smile as Kyoung Jae appears on the room. “Let’s get going,” he laid out his hand and guided her out to the waiting sleek black Mustang.

She kept on breathing again and again to calm herself.

“Chill, you look so tensed,” Kyoung Jae let out a chuckle as they finally curved on the large mansion that looms over the garden. The grandeur of Sooro’s house always enthralls her and scares her at the same time.

There stood a valet near the door to get the keys as Kyoung Jae held out his hand to her inside. His face is already covered with a plain silver mask.

“This is not the first time you attended such affair so chill,” he assured her.

“I was confident before when I didn’t know he exists,” she replied making her brother let out a weary sigh.


The way to the hall is guided with a carpet up to the stairs that will lead you downstairs. The light immediately spots them when they came to the top of the stairs. Colorful masks welcomed her sight as she holds him tight, feeling her knees get weak.


The colors are beautiful, but certain colors among that sea of masks identify the real prestigious and VIP guests of this gathering.

She kept on calming herself, as they slowly descend the stairs. Most of the people wearing tuxedos eyed her.

That’s when she remembered what Sooro had said during their first meeting after her comeback.


-“both of you happens to be a ‘hot topic’ on the underground world”


 Sooro’s statement made her shiver. But despite that nagging fear and unexplainable feeling she tried her best to be in her best look, disregarding the fear that starts to gnaw almost her whole heart.

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forgive my lousy chapters, i don't know how to write a good action page so please bear with it.^^


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parvitasari #1
Chapter 46: great happy ending.. good job author nim for your many updates.. and you said that u write another story? is it hyolay story? please i want more.. there are not many of hyolay story in this world.. anyway good luck for your internship..
zhngxiyeon #2
Chapter 43: Finally over, new hyolay storx soon unnie ^o^
Chapter 46: Omooo..cant believe this story finally ended...
Chapter 35: Ako sis pwede ako maging sis hehehe
Chapter 34: Late comment..
Firstly, wauuu so many updates... *thumbs up*
I really hope that hyo will win the competition.. And i really really really curious of who the Reaper is..
I wonder who are the group of five person in the last part of chapter thirty four (cant believe its already that long
parvitasari #6
Chapter 34: Min ah, just leave lay alone!! What the heck are you thinking? I want hyolay more.. And why hyoyeon act cold towards lay? Thanks for your many updates.. Update soon..
zhngxiyeon #7
Chapter 34: So Minah thought that their relationship to be in the next level? Lol not that fluent in english tho
zhngxiyeon #8
Chapter 34: Woooh Finaly, Lay open up his feelings hoho. But it's very unfortunate for Hyo to lost her sister. I did some so called ceremony before deciding to read the or not. I don't have any knowledge about that. I'm too young, but for the sake of not skipping pages, I read them. I only understamd some. Forgive me. THANKS FOR THE MANY UPDATES. AND I HOPE YOU WILL UPDATE SOON UNNIE. AJA HWAITING
Chapter 25: Glad that luna come to rescue hyo..
Update more..
zhngxiyeon #10
Chapter 25: Update soon unnie :)