Our best friends ...

30 y ... divorcée


Image and video hosting by TinyPic" width="252" /> Yong Guk collarbone ~~

Few minutes later Himchan dragged his friend in his car and they were heading to Hongdae. They enter to a random club again a little classy and funky than the last time they’d come. As usual they sitted at the bar and Himchan watched every chicks that entered the club.

On the other hand, Hyuna and Erin headed to the dance floor and were absorbed dancing together like teenagers would do at a crazy party. Erin had some mini skirt with a translucide tee shirt, in another worlds she was damn fabulous tonight. They were glued to each others making impossible for men to approach those two muses. Soon, Hyuna ,less resistant than Erin, needed a break from dancing and went to the bar.

As last time, before she ordered something, the barman gave her a drink.

“Enjoy it !” someone whispered in her ear. She was ready to curse at the man that dared to do that, but when she turned around and saw Himchan smiling to her with amused eyes. He was wearing a tigh shirt,just ed to give a hint of his toned and manly chest. Unlike Yong Guk Himchan was the type to take care of his body, styling his hair in  a refined manner and wearing classy and manly clothes. Her anger disappeared and Himchan dragged her while holding gently her wrist to his table , where Yong Guk was sitting.He told her to take her seat in front of them.

“Thanks for the drink ! Whaouh what a coincidence to meet there !”

Yong Guk was truly annoyed being there and answered without looking at her and pointed his friend with a accusing finger : “Deal with him.”

Himchan sighed, seeing how his friend was enjoying this night : “Ya Yong Guk you’re rude … yes finding each other like that… I will leave you two and enjoy the dance floor.”

Hyuna takes a sip of her whisky and  was now left alone with Yong Guk. He had a annoying expression on and seemed tired.

He dragged you without your consent ?”

As he nodded with a grumpy face, Hyuna took his hand surprising him  and patted it gently : “ Cheer up I’m here so I will stay there for a moment , okay ?”

“Where’s Erin by the way ?” he asked, now curious.

“Dancing. “

They have suceed their deal until there , Hyuna had never mentionned Erin in front of Himchan and Yong guk never mentioned Himchan in front of Erin. But what is a peaceful life, after all ? Both realized that theirs friends were both dancing in this crowded looked at each others paniqued :

“They won’t meet, right ? They’re too busy doin their own stuff right ?” Yong Guk asked her, not sure of the veracity of what he was saying.

“Let’s think this way” she said before sipping her drink.

Yong Guk and Hyuna stayed there for a long moment,drinking very slowly and soon Hyuna were intoxicated by his slow way to live and were tired.

“I’m going to search Erin” she said to him before leaving the table.

Yong Guk ,aware of the eyes of men on her, followed her. Last time he saw Himchan was around 1am, usually at this hour, his friend was flirting with a girl and Yong Guk has no other choice than going back home.

Hyuna grabbed Erin shoulders , glad to have found her :

“Finally Erin, where were you ?”

“I was getting closer to someone …” Erin said with a clear look. Hyuna sighed, knowing very well what this look means.

“Okay, I ‘ll go home so enjoy your date oh no I mean your one night stand “  Hyuna said

She already was searching for Yong Guk and just by turning herself she almost fall in his embrace.

“I’m going !” she mouthed to him. If you are, I’m going too ! Yong Guk thinked.

“You’re not going to check Himchan ?” He shook his head blankly and she nodded.Soon, they both headed to the entrance of the club, both quite happy to leave it. Yong Guk was finding a way to walk until it and Hyuna had some trouble to follow him. Soon, he stopped to walk and she smashed into him. What is he doing ?  she wondered. He pointed something with his finger and whispered to her ear :

Ya, it’s not Himchan and Erin hugging against the wall ?”

Hyuna looked at him with a shocked expression and looked the couple thta he was talking about. This almost unbutonned shirt , and this mini skirt. No doubt it was Himchan and Erin ...

“Oh, my god, why is she kissing him ?”

“ Is your best friend cupping Erin ?" She asked with a atonished face.

And is she touching his …” He almost blushed and didn't get to finish his sentence.

Both looked at themselves briefly before devoring theirs respective bestfriends in each others arms. Soon as those two were getting really close, they break their hug and went out of the club.

Yong Guk and Hyuna were froze, after a few seconds realizing the situation both run  outside of the club.none of Evil Erin or Drama Queen Himchan was there was missing …

“whouah I can’t realize that … “ Yong Guk finally get to say.

“nor do I ... How are we supposed to come back home ?”

“I guess we’ll be walking …”

“let’s eat something before ! Oh sh*t my purse is in her car …..”

Yong Guk takes out his wallet of his jacket with his lovely gummy smile of him : “ A boy thing : always have your wallet in your pocket, I’m treating you tonight”

“Can I get something sweet and very bad for health ? It help me to get wiser “ She said still shaken up by this vision of Himchan and Erin kissing, deeply.


Yong Guk and Hyuna started to walk until the first supermarket they would see, both were thinking about this scene trying to understand what happen. Soon they arrived in a 24/7 supermarket and started to eat their ice cream.

“I didn’t think of it, Himchan and Erin as each other one night stand” Hyuna stated , then she imitated Erin talking and took a sensual look saying I was getting closer to someone Awww it’s so …"

“It’s completely weird, I feel like my son is making out with your daughter actually”. He said with a resigend face.

Hyuna burst into laughs , breaking the tension and the shyness around them “ Sure,  it will only be one night , maybe we will hear about it for a week and then they will catch another victim”

“Sure , don’t let those animals create a awkwardness between us.”

They high fived with a mutual smile smiled and then takes a mouthful of their dessert. “The fact is that Erin  did that often when we were younger , fall for a guy and let me down like this …  but at this time I also had someone to bring home.  she thinked, quite sad… Whatever , I'm just hoping that I won’t have to hear about their night together.

“Welcome to the club if she’ll do that, Himchan absolutely loves to chat about this …”

Now they were able to laugh about this, their best friends were "getting to know each other" .After finishing their cold snack , they were once again in the Seoul streets, it was aroung 2am.

"We might take a taxi." Yong Guk stated.

"At this hour of the night ? We’re not even in Hongdae, there’s no way that taxis come."

Hyuna started to be cold and her feet were hurting after hours of being in high heels. As she was thinking that Erin was dropping her at Yong Guk house, she leave all her stuffs in the car, her jacket, her flat shoes but also her wallet and her phone. Yong Guk noticed her dress neatly for the first time, blushing because with her high heels she was way taller than him and his eyes were almost at the same level than her . Her dress let him see those shapes and again he sees himself making them justice, letting his fingers run on them and kiss them. To stop those dirty though out of his mind, he takes off his jacket and put it on her shoulders, brushing her shoulders accidentally.

Hyuna put some surprised eyes on him, enjoying his warm jacket. She put it properly with her hands in the sleeves with a hidden smile, her hands were lost in the sleeves.Then she zipped the jacket to keep it warm.She cupped her face with her hands, getting to smell this awesome fragance of him...  How come his scent is this manly and good ?

“Thanks but if you’re cold you should keep it”

“It’s not that cold and if you had a jacket , I won’t be doing that”  and if you wasn’t that appealing I won’t have to hide this beauty from me, think about it  he thinked ….

“Phh I left it in Erin car, I’m not that mindless, I even bring flat shoes …” She retorted.

“Oh let’s buy some here, it will be so dumb of us to not buy it when we’re front of a supermarket right ?”

A few minutes laters, Yong Guk handed her the cheap and flat shoes. Hyuna started to take off her shoes but failed , almost falling if Yong Guk didn't catch her. Yong Guk showed her a bench and she sitted. He just took off her shoes, trying his best to stay still and not to look at her legs, he put on the flat shoes and get up immediately to hide his red face.

“Let’s go.”

They started to walk very slowly until the house. Yong Guk was leading as he lived there since his childhood.

“Drama Queen and Evil Erin together for a night …” he was thinking loudly.

"Express yourself on this please Mr Bang "  she says as a professional  reporter handing a micro.

Yong Guk amused, played a perfect witness :

“Oh its sounds really weird, I have a pressentiment that we’ll hear about it more than we’re willing to. But we have to wait .”

“Thanks for giving us your opinion Mister Bang, we all sure want to know what’s really happening between Drama Queen Himchan and Evil Erin and hopefully if you stay tuned in the Moon Channel you’ll be updated about that tomorrow morning, earlier than you think. It was Moon Hyuna in live in the periphery of Seoul”

He laughed from his breathy low way and she felt proud of herself. She pushed him with her shoulder and run away from him.

For a short moment, she was fully happy.

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Chapter 36: I died in romantical way xD

Ah i'm waiting for erine's fic anw ;"3
Indian ocean? Where are you come from?
Chapter 36: This was to cute!!!
sunfoolfinger #3
Chapter 36: I really like this one~
jmayo81 #4
Chapter 36: Awww, while I'm sad it's ended, it was the perfect ending for the 2! so sweet & adorable, I love their daughter, so fiesty! although, I will say, that I totally think that Hyuna is preggers again! her feeling lightheaded, sick of smells, feeling tired... all those lil things made me think that. LOVED what Yongguk said about it taking 6years to make him, so he'd be perfect for her! ugh, the feels on that! thank you for writing the awesome story & look forward to reading you other ones!
Chapter 36: Thank you for writing this! It was a great read :)
jmayo81 #6
Chapter 35: I loved this chapter, I swear, sometimes I think you read out of my journal w/ a lot about her & Yunho! hahaha... but I was SO glad & touched at how her & Yongguk had that sweet & loving moment after she ran back home to him! ugh, just the feels! loved this chapter, thank you so much for updating! sorry, that things didn't quite work out for you & your crush, maybe next year? and Yes, it seems like he's got a good crew of friends & loved ones. hopefully Yongguk leans on them.
jmayo81 #7
Chapter 34: OMG... the Yongguk feels throughout!!! I had a similar relationship to her & Yunho w/ my ex & would LOVE to meet a guy like Yongguk. so sweet & kind & not making you feel like a burden! but the cliffhanger!!!! UGH, can't wait for him to meet a REAL man. I hope it goes well >_<!! thank you for updating!
jmayo81 #8
Chapter 32: Welcome back! this was a cute chapter! love the siblings :D Jae & Dae & Nahyun. thank you for updating, looking forward to what will happen next!
jmayo81 #9
Chapter 31: Ahhh, I wanted to space out the story, but I loved it! I'm glad they got together, FINALLY... can't wait for an update :D
jmayo81 #10
Chapter 1: I'm just starting this story... loving it so far. thank you! glad I've got more chapters to go :D