
~ Music Romance ~


The dinner had an unexpected twist. Your mom and dad was there. And the other two guest. You let out a sigh. After you sent Ye Eun unnie back to her apartment, you went back home. By the time you reach home, it was already 10.40pm. As soon as you reach at your apartment, you place the keys and phone on the sofa side table. You walk to your room and lie down on your king size bed. Looking up at the ceiling, your thoughts were at the dinner.


- Flashback -


 " Mom? Dad? " You were shock to see your parents there.

 " ______-ah.. How are you? And why are you shock to see us here? " Your mom puts her arms ard you to give you a hug. You manage to hug her back despite being shocked. Then, your dad hug you.

 " Well, of course i am. You're here. You came back, without telling me. " You said it all out.

 " Didn't you receive our message and our email? " Now your mom look quite suprise.

 " No.. There wasn't any message from you. Wait, and email? I didn't check my emails this few days. I was busy. " It is true. You were busy with your studies. Even if you were online, you were only on for a chat with Nichkhun oppa. Now that you have his number, you barely go online. All of you were sitting at the living room. The other two guest and Ye Eun parents were now talking to each other. But were to occuppied, interrogating your parents. Ye Eun had went upstairs to her room.

 " That's odd. I ask your dad to message you telling you that we're coming back two days ago. " Your mom look at your dad.

 " Oh my. I guess i forgot to sent it to her. I was busy with the new house and all. " Your dad blurted out.

 " Huh? Wait. What new house? " You are more confuse than ever. You hate being confused like this.

 " Hmm.. Since your dad didn't send you the message.." Your mom turn to eye on your dad. While your dad gave an apologetic smile. " Then i guess we should tell you now. Sweety, your dad and I bought a new house in Seoul. We sent you an email about the house. How it looks like, where it is and all.. The house is for us when we're here. It'll be easier for us when we're here. " Your mom explain.

Well, it is true. Whenever your parents comes over, your parents always stayed at the hotel. They didn't want to stay at your apartment because they didn't want to disturb you and their stay was usually for business purposes.

 " Hmm.. I guess it's alright. You are the parents anyway. " You calm down a bit now. Your mom and dad just smile.

 " There's something else. " You dad now talking.

 " There's more? Ok.. What else dad? " You said, facing your dad now.

 " We're gonna set up another company. We, your uncle and aunty and the other two guest. " Ok, now you're shock again. This is big news. Their already successful enough. Why do they want to set another company? And what company?

 " What? A new company? Oh gosh.. You guys are already successful. Hmm.. Again, you guys are the parents. So i'll just support. " You smile at them, don't want to make them worry. It's true. You're always support them as they are your parents and they know what's best. Your parents smile at you.

 " ______-ah, you're so understanding and vry supportive of us. We're glad that you are our daughter. " Your mom hug you. You love your parents. You miss them. It's been awhile they come over to South Korea. The last time they came, you were busy with your exam.


At that time, your aunt Yana came over.

" Dinner is ready. We should go to the dining room. " All four of you went over to the dining table.

You were seated next to Ye Eun unnie and your mom.

 " ______-ah, aunty and uncle told u about the new company already. " Ye Eun unnie ask you.

 " Unnie, you knew about it? " Your eyes went big as if their gonna popped out of their sockets. Ye Eun unnie gave you a smile.

 " I was told about it a few weeks ago, before i left for my tour. I was as shock as you are when i found out. I wanted to tell you about it but i guess aunty and uncle should tell you bout it. " Ye Eun unnie confess.

 " Hmm..  " You sigh.


Your father and uncle introduce the guest of the evening to you and Ye Eun unnie. They were Mr and Mrs Horvejkul. They are partners of the new company.

 " Nice to meet you. " You greeted them. Ye Eun unnie did the same too.

At the dinner, more of the company was revealed. It wil be a broadcasting company with L&H as the name. The business wasn't entirely new. The company was last own by STAR, which had gone bankrupt. So they, your parents, Ye Eun unnie parents and the Horvejkul decided to take over and rebuild the company. The company building is now under renovation and will be finish in few more weeks. So there will be an opening ceremony after it is done. The workers of the old management are welcomed to resume their posting and so most of them did. The empty posts were already filled with new candidates as the Horvejkul and your uncle and aunty had held the interviews while your parents was informed on the candidates. You and Ye Eun got to know that the STAR company had gone bankruptcy due to power control issues and of course financial problems. It was interesting to hear the three couple talk about the new company. They already had investors and clients. The old concept of the company are changed. Everything was done and waiting for the opening ceremony. You can see how excited they were. All and all the dinner was great. Your parents and the Horvejkul left for their hotel. While you had to sent Ye Eun unnie back.


- End -


" Well, as long as they are happy. " You thought to yourself. You got up and walk to the bathroom and change to your pyjamas. After done changing, you walk to the kitchen to get yourself some snacks and heads to the living room to watch tv.




The 2PM had just reach home after having dinner with Ji Young. Their practice ends late. It's already 10.50pm when they reached home. Junho, Chansung and Wooyoung were basically walking to the couch like zombies. While Taecyeon and Jaebeom heads for the shower. Of course in separate bathrooms. As they are so many of them, JYP decided to move them to a house after their album had gain so much success. Their old place were too cramp for the 2PM members and their manager. Nichkhun goes to the kitchen to get a bottle of water before walking to his own room to shower. 


" Jin Young hyung was strict, as always. " Junho whines.

 " Yeah.. I always get scolded. " Junsu pout.

 " That's cause you always mess up the dance routine.. " Wooyoung reminded him.

 " I can't help it.. I got more lines to cover. " Junsu sigh.

 " It's ok hyung.. Hwaiting! " Chansung ball out his fist as he said that with a serious face.

 " Hwaiting! " Junho also follow suit. Saying it with his fist balled and a serious face. It looks funny. The rest of the just ended up laughing at his expression.

 " Hey.. It's not funny.. " He pouts.

 " Hahaha.. Anyway, tommorow your schedule will be more hectic. I suggest you guys to sleep early since tommorow you guys will be starting early. " Minjae got up and heads to his room.




In Nichkhun's room.


He had just finish taking his bath. He went to his tanle and sat at the seat, drinking from the bottle that he took before coming up to his room.


" Wonder whether she's already asleep? It's 11.08pm now. " Nichkhun took his phone. 

 " I'll just send her a message to say good night. " He typed the message and sent it to ______. He got up and lie himself down on the bed. He is tired because of the practice. He switch off his bed lamp and shut his eyes.

* Beep beep *


He quickly switch on the lamp and check the message.


    From : ______

         To : Nichkhun Oppa

              " Night oppa. Sleep tight. And i'm not sleeping yet. "


A big smile forms. He is energised.



Another chapter done. ^^

Please comment so i know you guess read.

If not, i won't update. :P

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- Peace out -

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vampycatty #1
Chapter 3: Nichkhun my bias from 2pm! Plus you mentioned jay.... Aweee....
Sorry guys for the late updates and completion for this story before this. I'm glad you enjoyed it and thanks for reading.
14 streak #3
Chapter 48: That was awesome!!!! I kind of knew that yoona was the other girl but i never thought it would be true...... Also i never thought yoochun would backstab(?) her... The story was awesome but its kind of confusing because i dont know whose pov is whose... Other than that im happy for them!!! ^^
Acgoo1999 #4
Chapter 3: i got the feeling! i even feel like im in nichkhun situation.. i even giggling by myself from reading this story!
Chapter 48: Congratulations in completing it.
G-DestherKwon #6
Chapter 48: Completed already :( i really like ur story and hoping to read more. Please write another love story of nichkhun and uumm mayb me hehehe if you dont mind my asking..neway plz write more hwaiting :)
paquitz #7
Chapter 46: wonderful story! update soon
G-DestherKwon #8
Chapter 45: Story is so great...plz update sooooonnn :)
Chapter 45: yay :) finally you came back. I love this story
yuxuan #10
i like this story i have been reading this story very long time