When The Love Falls

~ Music Romance ~


The party went on great. After nearly one hour plus upon arriving there, you had the chance of meeting the 2PM manager, Minjae. He too ask you to call him oppa. Everyone was still at the backyard talking. Some were drinking beer and some just the soft drinks. You, Nichkhun oppa and Junsu oppa were at the kitchen, cleaning up. Everything seems so great at that moment. You were really having a good time with them.

While wiping the dishes dry, you look at Nichkhun oppa who was washing them under the running tap water. He looks so angelic. He noticed that you were starring at him. You quickly turn away.  He chuckled at your reaction. Junsu was looking at the both of you. He just smile.

" Honestly.. You two look cute together. " Junsu broke the silence.

" Hyung.. " Nichkhun oppa was blushing at Junsu oppa's comment.

" Ok ok.. I would not say a word about it again.. " Junsu raise his hands, surrendering. All three of you continue doing the dishes.


At the backyard, the rest of 2pm and the Wonder Girls along with Minjee oppa was still enjoying their time chatting. Chansung was bored. He look around him. Junho was back from his secret phone call. He was happily texting after his depression session from before. Chansung got up to his feet and walk up to Junho.

" Hyung.. Let's play a game? " Chansung ask Junho. Junho look up to see Chansung infront of him.

" Mm..? What game? " Junho slides his phone back to his pocket.

" How about arm wrestling? " Chansung wiggle his brow.

" You're on! " Junho and Chansung sat opposite of each other. All the rest was watching them. Then, Jaebeom gets closer to them.

" Yah yah.. So what's the bet? " Jaebeom ask them.

" Bet? What bet? " Chansung ask the leadja. Then Jaebeom mischievious grin appear as he turn to Junho.

" Oh boy.. This is bad.. " Junho said, knowing that the game's bet would be something that might give them, but especially him.

" How about... If the loser, has to answer a question from us. Any question we ask him. " Jaebeom was definately on on Junho. Junho gulp at that bet. All eyes were at the boys.

" Deal! " Chansung said. Junho just nods. He knows that he needs to win.

" Alright. When i count to 3, then you guys start. 1...1 and a half... 1 and a quater.. " Jaebeom starts.

" Hyung.... Too slow.. " Chansung whine.

" 2,3! " Jaebeom finishing the count fast. Chansung was taken by suprise. He should have known that Jaebeom is gonna be crafty. Luckyly he was ready. The competition is stiff. Both parties won't gonna take it easy. Then suddenly, drop of rains landed on their heads.

" It's gonna rain. Let's go inside. " Ye Eun said. The boys were concentrating on the arm wrestling competition between Junho and Chansung. While the girls got up and went back into the house. The rain started to come pouring down more heavily.

" Ok guys.. Go in.. I don't want you guys to get sick. You have no time to be sick. " Minjee got up and pull Junho's and Chansung's shirt. With that, the match ended.

" Hyung.... We were about to unlock the greatest secret! " Jaebeom call out to Minjee who was dragging the two boys away.

" I don't care.. " Minjee shout out. Disappointed, Jaebeom retreat too. Taecyeon and Wooyoung was already in the house. They ran when the rain stared to get worst.

All of them went to the living room. Nichkhun oppa, Junsu oppa and you join them. Some were on the coouch, some sitting on the floor and some were lying down.

" So what now? " Taecyeon ask. The rest just shrugged.

" Ah! How about if we sing! " Sohee suggested.

" Nah.. Too lazy to.. We given a break to have a break you know. So let's not. " Wooyoung answer her.

" True.. As much as i love singing, breaks should be used to relax the voice. " SunYe said. Then the room was quiet again.

" ______-ah.. Would you play for us? " Junsu said looking at you then move his eyes to the grand piano not far away from them.

" Great idea! Unnie, would you? Please.. It's been awhile we heard you play.. " Sohee look at you.

" Mm? I don't mind playing.. But what song do you want me too play? " You ask them.

" Hmm.. Just play what you want. Follow your heart. " Junsu said. You look at Nichkhun oppa. He smile at you. You got up and walk to the piano. Now all eyes were at you. You make yourself comfortable and press a few keys on the piano.

You close your eyes. Trying to get your emotions to decide a piece. The sound of rain drops gave you an idea. Yiruma's When The Love Falls was your choice. The rain effects make you remember the raining version of the song. However, the most important aspect was Nichkhun oppa's presence. You took a glance at him. He was looking back at you. You try to remain calm. Smiling to yourself at the effect of Nichkhun oppa had over you. With the choice of song decided, you start to play it.


From the corner of your eyes, you could see that your audience were feeling the music. It is a lovely music for that particular time. Each notes were played, expressed with full of emotions. It made you audience drawned to your performance.

" Nichkhun oppa and the rest is watching me perform. I need to make it my best performance. " You thought to yourself. You were estatic.

Not far from where you are, Nichkhun was looking at you, once again playing the piano. He could not even take his eyes of you. He feel that he is where he wants to be. Yes, he found what he needed in his life. You look so serene playing the piano. The music produced was perfect.

" Yes.. She is all i need.. It's been months but i fel like that i've known her for ages. I admit, she is beautiful.. But that is not it. Something about her gentleness, her thoughts and she herself that pulls me to her. Is this love? Such a great feeling to have.. " Nichkhun thought to himself, concentrating on your performance.

Meanwhile, the others were starting to realise the emotion circle that you and Nichkhun oppa have. They look at each other. The connection between you two as you play. It was so obvious.  The song went on until the last note was played.

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vampycatty #1
Chapter 3: Nichkhun my bias from 2pm! Plus you mentioned jay.... Aweee....
Sorry guys for the late updates and completion for this story before this. I'm glad you enjoyed it and thanks for reading.
14 streak #3
Chapter 48: That was awesome!!!! I kind of knew that yoona was the other girl but i never thought it would be true...... Also i never thought yoochun would backstab(?) her... The story was awesome but its kind of confusing because i dont know whose pov is whose... Other than that im happy for them!!! ^^
Acgoo1999 #4
Chapter 3: i got the feeling! i even feel like im in nichkhun situation.. i even giggling by myself from reading this story!
Chapter 48: Congratulations in completing it.
G-DestherKwon #6
Chapter 48: Completed already :( i really like ur story and hoping to read more. Please write another love story of nichkhun and uumm mayb me hehehe if you dont mind my asking..neway plz write more hwaiting :)
paquitz #7
Chapter 46: wonderful story! update soon
G-DestherKwon #8
Chapter 45: Story is so great...plz update sooooonnn :)
Chapter 45: yay :) finally you came back. I love this story
yuxuan #10
i like this story i have been reading this story very long time