Anxious and Caring

~ Music Romance ~


At around 6.00pm, Nichkhun feels that it's about time that he should check on ______.

" I wonder whether she's up or not? " He was eating with the his fellow mates in the dining room. He look at his phone. There was still no message from _____ah. He frowned.

" Hyung.. You ok? " Junho ask Khun.

" Yeah.. Don't worry.. " He looks at Junho and flash a smile, Then he continue eating, staying quiet.



15 minutes later in the living room.


Nichkhun, who looked more worried than ever, look at his phone again.

" Has she eaten yet? Its late.. " He got up from the couch and start walking back and forth. The rest of them who earlier on had their eyes fixed on the televisyen, diverts their attention to Khun. Chansung poked Junho then both of them started giggling. To them, Khun's worried face was hilarious.

" Khun, are you sure you're alright? " Taec ask, trying to hold his laughter.

" I'm.. " He look at his direction and saw all of them looking at him. Wait, more like eyeing on him. The way they stare make him blush.

" I'm fine.. Mm.. (cough) Excuse me.. I think i'll go to my room. " He answer, shyly. Then he walk to his room in a fast pace, making them laugh out loud.

" Uu.... " All of them said, loudly, making sure he could hear them.

" Hahahaha... He's getting funnier every seconds passes.. " Junsu said after finally being able to control himself from laughing. All of them just continue laughing. Chansung laugh so hard until he falls from the couch, making them laugh more.

" Hahah... This makes me want to know more bout this girl.. " Jaebeom added.




In Nichkhun's room.


" Dang. Is it that obvious? " He sits on his bed.

" Aish.. But i'm worried. " Thinking on what to do next. Just then, his phone rings.

" A message! Finally! " He check the meassage.

" Oppa.. " It says. At that instant, Khun feels as if his heart soars up to the sky.

" YES! It's her! She message me! " He clench his hand into a fist and jump. Then he reply her message.

" ______ ah.. Are you ok? Have you eaten?? Feeling any better? Did you eat medicine? Do you need to see the doctor?? _____ah.. I'M WORRIED BOUT YOU.. " All his worries and what he feel was poured out into the text message. He got up and start to walk back and forth infront of his bed. He anxiously waiting for her reply. He stare at the phone.

" I'm fine oppa. I had porridge for dinner, took bath and i ate medicine already. And there's no need to see the doctor. I know what you're going to say.. I'm already in bed, i wont sleep late.. But i still want to message you just to let you know. " She replied after a few minutes later.

" Are you sure?? You're all alone and sick. I'm still worried. " He really is worried. Stil walking back and forth, back and forth in his room.

" Yes.. I'm fine.. Oppa, you sound like a worried boyfriend.. Heheh..  :) " Then he stopped. Then another message came.

" Oppa.. Thank you.. Muax.. " Then, he melts. He then falls himself on the bed. He reads the message again. His first message kiss from her! He smile widely. He took a pillow and hugged it, while rolling himself on the bed. He stop his foolish act when another message came.

" Oppa? Are you alright? Did i say something wrong? If i did, i'm sorry.. :( " It says.

" Ah?? Why would she think that?? " He thought to himself. He quickly reply her.

" Nonono... Yeah i'm fine.. :) "


Then after awhile, another message came from her.

" I'm glad.. " This time, he quickly reply her.

" ______ah.. " Then she replied him.

" Yes oppa? "  His heart started to beat fast after he send his reply.

" I miss you.. Muax.. " He grips his phone tighter, waiting.

" I miss you too oppa.. :) " He rolls himself on the bed again, giggling. Then, another message came again. He stop and reads it.

" Oppa, I'm getting sleepy because of the medicine i took. I think i'll sleep early tonight. " He snapped back to reality. She's still sick. 

" Yes.. You should rest. Good night ____ah. Please remember to drink more water to prevent dehydration ok? Sleep tight _____ah. " He smile.

" I will. Thank you oppa. Good night to you too. :) "


Everything went silent, then..

" YAHOO! OH YEAH... " He shouts at the top of his lungs. He got up and starts to dance a funny dance. He shouted so loud until the rest of them who was in the living room could hear him.

" Yup. He's definately crazy in love. " Jae said.

" Mmhmm mmhmm.. " The rest just agrees with him.




In _____'s room.


She was smilling to how Nichkhun oppa treats her. He's caring and so loving. She is happy that he cares so much for her. She took a drink from her water bottle that she had placed at her bedside table earlier on.

The next day was saturday. She was suppose to have a practice with her bestfriend Yoona for a class presentation.

" I should message Yoona just in case i can't make it. " She text Yoona telling her that she's sick and might probably can't make it for the practice. Few minutes later, Yoona replied her.

" Don't worry _____ah.. Just rest. We cancel the practice ok? Your health is more important. I'll visit you when i can. So now, just rest well and get well soon. :) " _____ah smile.

" Thank you. :) " _____ah then doze off to dream land.




How was it? Ok??

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Thank you for reading it. ^ ^

The 2PM here is so childish and all happy huh? Hehe...

Hope you all like it.

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vampycatty #1
Chapter 3: Nichkhun my bias from 2pm! Plus you mentioned jay.... Aweee....
Sorry guys for the late updates and completion for this story before this. I'm glad you enjoyed it and thanks for reading.
14 streak #3
Chapter 48: That was awesome!!!! I kind of knew that yoona was the other girl but i never thought it would be true...... Also i never thought yoochun would backstab(?) her... The story was awesome but its kind of confusing because i dont know whose pov is whose... Other than that im happy for them!!! ^^
Acgoo1999 #4
Chapter 3: i got the feeling! i even feel like im in nichkhun situation.. i even giggling by myself from reading this story!
Chapter 48: Congratulations in completing it.
G-DestherKwon #6
Chapter 48: Completed already :( i really like ur story and hoping to read more. Please write another love story of nichkhun and uumm mayb me hehehe if you dont mind my asking..neway plz write more hwaiting :)
paquitz #7
Chapter 46: wonderful story! update soon
G-DestherKwon #8
Chapter 45: Story is so great...plz update sooooonnn :)
Chapter 45: yay :) finally you came back. I love this story
yuxuan #10
i like this story i have been reading this story very long time