- Teaser ( Junho's Secret Noona ) -

~ Music Romance ~



Junho quickly heads up to his room. He lock the door behind him. The call was stopped. It took him quite a long time to get away from his friends. He didn't blame the caller. He press number 1 and hit call. The caller was at the top of his list.




Meanwhile, right behind Junho was Detective Park and the three stooges. Them with their so called 'ninja spying technique' was trying to creep to where Junho's at. Trying to not make a sound. However that was the most difficult task. Them not making any sound? It was like an ant not liking the sugar. Impossible. They were too much noisy, busy whispering at each other. Trying to tell each other not to make any sound.



Anyway, Junho was waiting for the end of the line to be picked up. The beep seems endless to him. He was about to hang up when his call was pick up.

" Junho.. " A sweet and shy girl's voice was heard at the other end.

" Alex noona.. " Junho can't help but feel excited to hear her voice. Her voice alone could give him pure happiness.




" Eh??.... Alex Noona?? " Park Jaebeom and the boys said in whisper.

" Who is that?? " Wooyoung ask them. They just shrugged.

" But still.. A noona.. Oo.. You go Junho! " Jaebeom said still whispering, cheering at his younger mate.





I got this idea when i was eating.

I suddenly got up in the middle of family dinner and said " That's it! "

My mom and dad had the "WTH" look on their face.


Anyway, obviously it's dedicated to my lovely and wonderful ate, staticdream.

I am a supporter of JUNIX movement!

LOL ^^

- Peace Out From Uri -

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vampycatty #1
Chapter 3: Nichkhun my bias from 2pm! Plus you mentioned jay.... Aweee....
Sorry guys for the late updates and completion for this story before this. I'm glad you enjoyed it and thanks for reading.
14 streak #3
Chapter 48: That was awesome!!!! I kind of knew that yoona was the other girl but i never thought it would be true...... Also i never thought yoochun would backstab(?) her... The story was awesome but its kind of confusing because i dont know whose pov is whose... Other than that im happy for them!!! ^^
Acgoo1999 #4
Chapter 3: i got the feeling! i even feel like im in nichkhun situation.. i even giggling by myself from reading this story!
Chapter 48: Congratulations in completing it.
G-DestherKwon #6
Chapter 48: Completed already :( i really like ur story and hoping to read more. Please write another love story of nichkhun and uumm mayb me hehehe if you dont mind my asking..neway plz write more hwaiting :)
paquitz #7
Chapter 46: wonderful story! update soon
G-DestherKwon #8
Chapter 45: Story is so great...plz update sooooonnn :)
Chapter 45: yay :) finally you came back. I love this story
yuxuan #10
i like this story i have been reading this story very long time