Mom? Dad?

~ Music Romance ~


After the last message from Nichkhun oppa, you feel really happy. You got up from your seat and walk to the piano again. This time you didn't take the book along. You sat at the chair, touching the key. At this time, one song came to you. A piece that you haven't played for so long. You touch the key and start to play.

( )

It's the Final Fantasy X Soundtrack's To Zanarkand. Once you started playing, you remember how you get to know Nichkhun oppa. It was funny. At first you thought he was a girl. You were online at one of those music chat rooms. It's not like you to join in on those type of things. That day, you went online to chat with Yoona. You know it seems silly because you see her almost everyday and you have her number. But Yoona insisted that you join her. And so you did.

You were bored. You were chatting on the main chat line so that you could talk to various people. It's like MIRC. You can chat with a lot of people at the main board or have a one on one chat with each other. On that day, there are a few people on the main board. The topic was of course music. It was what type of music you guys think is the most interesting. Jazz, classical o others. Those sort of stuff.

As the time goes by, there were only two people left. It was Khunnie0624 and you. The two of you click. It was already nearly midnight. At that time. You guys were talking about Korean Idol Popstar. You told him that you don't really listen to it or keep update to them much.


- Flashback -

 " I don't listen to them much. The ones i know are Rain, The Wonder Girls, BoA, DBSK and a few others. " You said to him.

 " Oh.. So what do you listen to? " He ask you.

 " Mostly classical music. I'm majoring in music in University of Seoul. " You typed.

 " Really? So what instrument you play? " He response.

 " I play the piano and the violin. I'm a boring person aren't i? " You ask him.

 " Nope. Not at all. I wonder.. Hmm.. What happens if you happen to meet and get to know a Korean Pop Idol? " He ask. You laugh at the question and thought of Ye Eun unnie. Of course you never tell anyone who she is to you except for your bestfriend, Yoona.

 " Well, their just people. I think i'll be happy, estatic if i meet the ones i like but i won't go crazy. It's too tiring. " You smile.

 " Wow. You're different from the girls i know.. :) It's refreshing. " He replied.

 " Thank you, i think. Hahah.. Anyway, it's late. I better go. I have class in the morning. It's nice chatting with you. " You really thought that he's nice. Eventhough you don't really know him.

 " Yeah.. Same goes to you. It's nice chatting with you. Anyway, good night and sleep tight. Chat with you again next time ya. Bye. "

 " Yeah sure.. :) Bye.. Sweet dreams. " You log off and switch off your laptop.

- End -

From that day, whenever both of you online, you would chat with each other.


The sweet harmony of the song that you were playing describes the emotion that you feel towrds him, with a slight twist in it. (The song was at 2.00) . Your mind was still thinking about the past few months. All how you giggle and laugh while just chatting with him online.

 " What is this that i'm feeling? " You ask yourself. It feels different. It doesn't feel like the normal happiness from normal everyday life. You take one deep breath and finishing the song. The soft keys calms you down like a cool breeze in the hot summer. The song ends. You smile thinking about him. After that, you play another song. It's I think I Love You by Byul.

( )

You began humming to the tune while playing. The sound of your sweet voice matches the song.  After the second verse of the song, you begin to sing to it. You pour all that you feel to the song. The words were perfect. You end your playing. You got up from the piano and walk back to your seat. You look at you watch.

" One more hour plus to go. Hmm.. Maybe i should just go home first and get ready. On the way picking up unnie, I can pick up the tarts. Mm.. I better leave now." You thought to yourself. You pack up your stuff and heads dwnstairs to pay your meal. There were a lot of people downstairs. Some of them look at you. They were whispering about you.

 " She's beautiful.. " A girl said to her friends.

 " The second floor is for VIPs only.. Do you think she's a new artist o something? " Another one ask her friend.

 " Maybe.. Maybe she's a model. " Another one across her added.

You pay your meal and walk out of the place. The comments about you always make you blush.

 " They are wrong. How could i be? I'm not beautiful in anyway. " You told yourself. You were never the type that think yourself as a beautiful girl. Whenever people says that you are, you'll blush and try to deny it. Anyway, you took a cab and reach your apartment 15 minutes later. You took your bath and get yourself ready. You wore a brown colour blouse and a pair of slim fit jeans. You look at the mirror to check yourself.

( )

  " Ok. I'm done. I better leave now for the tart. It's time." You look at your watch. Its already 5.45pm. You got your bag and keys to your car. You walk out to the basement to get your car. You drive a Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder. You don't know much bout cars. This car was your 18th birthday present from, of course, your beloved parents.

( )

You got into the car and drive to the bakery. When you got there, Jane unnie got your tarts ready packed for you. As you don't like to be late, you didn't stay long with Jane. After paying for your things, you take your leave and heads to Ye Eun unnie's apartment. It was already 6.25pm. You arrive on time. You call Ye Eun unnie. After a few minutes, she got into your car.

 " Mm.. I can never get used to you driving. Seriously, your car is great. " That was the first thing she said when she got into your car.

 " Hahah.. Hi unnie.. " You greet her, ignoring to what she said.

 " Don't hi unnie me. Drive more often will you? " Ye Eun was annoyed with her cousin sister. She knows that you don't like to drive because of how people will react when you drive your car.

 " Nah.. Too much drama. " That's all you got to say. And off you went to your uncle's house.

Ye Eun's unnie's dad wasin the real estate business. Your uncle owns one of the biggest real estate company in Asia. While her mom is a fashion designer who is very successful in not only in South Korea, but also in Asia and Europe.After 20 minutes of driving, you arrived at the house. Their house was beautiful. A mansion to be more precise.

( )

You park the car and got out off the car with Ye Eun unnie, with the egg tarts.

 " What's that? " Ye Eun unnie point at the bags that you're carrying.

 " It's Sweet Bakery's famous egg tarts. " You smile knowing that Ye Eun unnie also like the tarts.

 " Oo.. I love you for it. " She is happy. Both of you ring the door bell and the butler, John open the door.

 " Miss Ye Eun, Miss ______. " He smile at the two you. He's a nice man. He's been with Ye Eun unnie's family before both you and Ye Eun unnie were born.

 " Hello John. " Both of you greet him in unison. He lead the two of you to the living room where your uncle and aunty were. Ye Eun unnie walk ahead from you. She had not meet with her parents for weeks due to her tight schedule.

 " Mom dad. " Ye Eun hugs her mom once she got there.

 " Oh.. Ye Eun dear.. I miss you so much.. " Aunt Yana hugs Ye Eun unnie.

 " I miss you too mom. " Ye Eun unnie then breaks off from her mother's embrace and walk to the couch to hug your uncle.

 " Aunt Yana.. " You bow at her.

 " ______ dear.. You came. I haven seen you for quite awhile. You look so beautiful, as always.. " She smile at you. She walks to you and hug you. You are close to Ye Eun's unnie family. After all, you are also a part of her family.

 " Sorry aunty.. I'm quiet busy with my studies. Here, i brought something for you. " You break from her embrace and gave her the tarts.

 " Oh ______.. You shouldn't have.. " It was her favourite egg tart. She is happy that you remembered.

 " It's ok Aunt Yana.. I want to. Please enjoy them " You smile at her.

 " We'll have it for desert later. But first we still have to wait for few more people. " Then as if on que, the door bell rang. After a few minutes, the guests has enter the living room with John leading them. There are 4 of them. Two of them look familiar to you.

 " Mom? Dad? " You can't believe it.



Sorry.. I'm having a bad flu..

My concentration is affected.. Ugh..

Well, i'll update more and make it even better next time. Sorry ya

Enjoy the story and pls comment..

Peace out

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vampycatty #1
Chapter 3: Nichkhun my bias from 2pm! Plus you mentioned jay.... Aweee....
Sorry guys for the late updates and completion for this story before this. I'm glad you enjoyed it and thanks for reading.
14 streak #3
Chapter 48: That was awesome!!!! I kind of knew that yoona was the other girl but i never thought it would be true...... Also i never thought yoochun would backstab(?) her... The story was awesome but its kind of confusing because i dont know whose pov is whose... Other than that im happy for them!!! ^^
Acgoo1999 #4
Chapter 3: i got the feeling! i even feel like im in nichkhun situation.. i even giggling by myself from reading this story!
Chapter 48: Congratulations in completing it.
G-DestherKwon #6
Chapter 48: Completed already :( i really like ur story and hoping to read more. Please write another love story of nichkhun and uumm mayb me hehehe if you dont mind my asking..neway plz write more hwaiting :)
paquitz #7
Chapter 46: wonderful story! update soon
G-DestherKwon #8
Chapter 45: Story is so great...plz update sooooonnn :)
Chapter 45: yay :) finally you came back. I love this story
yuxuan #10
i like this story i have been reading this story very long time