Operation Junho Go Go Go!!

~ Music Romance ~


All of you had settled down at the bench backyard. Earlier on, the tall guy and the serious looking guy had introduced themselves. The taller one was Chansung and Wooyoung was the other. Chansung was the maknea of the group and Wooyoung is actually not a serious person as how he look like. He was nice. As are the others. They are very funny and great to be with. They ask you a lot of stuff. One things for sure, they are kinda shock that you don't go 'fangirling' over them. You don't treat them like the idol they are. However, you made them feel like their you're their friend. And they like that.  They like that they can be their normal self.

" Hey noona.. Are't you the lady that played the piano at the Starbucks VIP lounge few days ago? " Chansung ask you and took a bite at the freshly grilled chicken wing.

" You guys saw me there before?? "

" Oh yeah... No wonder you look so familar... " Wooyoung recall back that part of his memory. You turn your head to Nichkhun oppa.

" Yup.. I was there too that time. " He flash that mezmerising smile again at you that cause you to blush a little.

" Your performance was great. I must say, you're very talented. " Junsu compliment you.

" Thank you.. But the credit should really go to the composer of the song. The piece was great so i was glad that i could played them well.. " You explain to him. He laugh at your reluctance on accepting the compliment.

" Here you are.. " Taecyeon placed a plate with a chicken wing, a drum stick and a sald on the side. While Nichkhun gave you a glass of Coke to you. You said thank you to both of them.

At one end, Junho looked tense. He was staring at his phone ever since you guys took your seats. It was like he was waiting for a call or a message from someone.

" Junho, are you? " You call out to him. He look up and just smile at you. Jaebeom took a seat next to you.

" Don't worry about him. He's been like that since last night. He'll be fine.. " Jaebeom assure you.

" Mm.. " You nod and took a sip of your drink.

" For someone who just know us, you're really caring.. " He added.

" Eh? Do i? Oh.. I'm sorry.. It must be annoying to you guys. " You sounded apologetic.

" No no.. It's fine.. It just.. Mm.. It's nice to have someone that cares for us as our ownselves and not as 2PM.. " He explain, with an undreadable expression.

" Then, i'll continue to treat you all this way.. At first i thought that you guys prefered to be treated as the idol,2PM.. But i guess even idol needs breaks.. " You being you were all worried about them. The rest heard what their leader had said, just kept quiet. They were kinda tired being treated as idols. But none would complain because they are blessed that they get to do what they like the most, that is performing for their fans and show their skills on the stage. Jaebeom turn back to you.

" Anyho.. So, are you guys dating? " He ask you all of the sudden. Your eyes widened at the question. Your heart was beating, fast. The rest of them turn their heads at you. You were speechless. Gathering up all your bravery, you manage to utter a few words.

" Well..well.. You should ask Nichkhun oppa! " You quickly point your finger at Nichkhun oppa and said it all with a fast pace. Nichkhun choke at his drink after hearing that you made them turn to him.

" Hey.... guys.. " He put up his hands to make them back off of him.

" Don't change the subject Khun.. Say it.. say it.. " Jaebeom walking up to him, while rubbing his hands together, grining.

" Well.. We're..-" When Nichkhun was just about to tell them, So Hee barged in.

" Hey ya guys! We brought snacks! " She shouted to announce their arrival while raising up the groceries bags that she's carrying.

" Argh... Dang woman. Why is your timing is always off!?? Why...? " Jaebeom growl at So Hee. Nichkhun was relieved. So Hee was clueless.

" What did i do?? " She ask Taecyeon who was not far from her. However Junsu answered her instead.

" You just interrupted Detective Park interrogation on Nichkhun about our new friend ______. " He said.You were glad by So Hee's interruption.

" ______? " So Hee turn to you.

" Hey So Hee.. " You wave at her, with a smile on your face. Of course you know the Wonder Girls. After all, Ye Eun is you cousin sister.

" ______ unnie!! "  So Hee runs to you and gave you a tight hug.

" So.Hee.Can't.Breath. " Is all you can say.

" Oh sorry.. But omo! It's been months we didn't see you! " She took a seat beside you and hug your arm. You got used to this. You often hang out with the Wonder Girls member. They are like sisters to you.

" Yeah.. So where are the rest? " You ask her.

" Oh.. They were right behind me just now. " As if right on timing, they came in.

" Hey guys.. I saw my cousin's car up front and i- Omo! ______! It is you.. " Ye Eun got up to you and hug you. The 2PM were just watching this. One by one of the Wonder Girls were greeting you, they were surprise at this.

" Woah.. So..you guys know each other? " Wooyoung ask. Looking at all of you hugging.

" Well, yeah.. Ye Eun is ______'s cousin. " Yubin told him.

" What?? Counsins??! " 2PM responsed together. You and the girls just giggle.

All of you settle down after that. There were lots to talk about but Jaebeom, have an unfinished business still.

" Hey Khun.. You still haven't told us.. So what's the deal between you and _____?? " Jaebeom start his interrogation. All were attentively focused to Nichkhun, Jaebeom and you.

" Well, we're-" Nichkhun was now interrupted again. But this time it's by Junho's phone. Junho quickly took off his pone out his pocket and look at all of you.

" Sorry guys.. " He bowed and left the scene, all smiley. Someone noticed the now smiley Junho, who was before this, had his temporary state of depression and it's the one, the only, Park Jaebeom. He got a mischievious grin now on his face. Jaebeom glanced at you and Nichkhun oppa. Both of you try to look away from him. Then he look at the rest of people there. Chansung, Wooyoung and Taecyeon gave Jaebeom an approving smile. As if they know what he's thinking.

" Ok people. Operation Nichkhun On Hold!! Now, Operation Junho Go Go Go!! " Jaebeom runs off to the kitchen door. The other three stooges follow suit. Junsu roll his eyes at his fellow members who was being silly as usual. Nichkhun was busy entertaining you and the Wonder Girls.



This is too childish..


Oh well..

Enjoy guys..

Uri is now on her insane state.

- Peace Out From Uri -

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vampycatty #1
Chapter 3: Nichkhun my bias from 2pm! Plus you mentioned jay.... Aweee....
Sorry guys for the late updates and completion for this story before this. I'm glad you enjoyed it and thanks for reading.
14 streak #3
Chapter 48: That was awesome!!!! I kind of knew that yoona was the other girl but i never thought it would be true...... Also i never thought yoochun would backstab(?) her... The story was awesome but its kind of confusing because i dont know whose pov is whose... Other than that im happy for them!!! ^^
Acgoo1999 #4
Chapter 3: i got the feeling! i even feel like im in nichkhun situation.. i even giggling by myself from reading this story!
Chapter 48: Congratulations in completing it.
G-DestherKwon #6
Chapter 48: Completed already :( i really like ur story and hoping to read more. Please write another love story of nichkhun and uumm mayb me hehehe if you dont mind my asking..neway plz write more hwaiting :)
paquitz #7
Chapter 46: wonderful story! update soon
G-DestherKwon #8
Chapter 45: Story is so great...plz update sooooonnn :)
Chapter 45: yay :) finally you came back. I love this story
yuxuan #10
i like this story i have been reading this story very long time