Unexpectable Encounter

~ Music Romance ~


The day turns to be a dull saturday for ______. Without her practice with Yoona, she ended up being bored.

" What should i do now? " After awhile, she decided to go out for a day of pampering since the weather is nice.

" Well, i am feeling much better after yesterday's nap and a good night sleep. The weather is nice for a day out. Hmm.. I better get ready. " She went off to her room to get change. She put on light make up and decided to wear her favourite blouse and a pair of Levi's skinny jeans. After everything is set, she grabs her bag where her purse, phones and keys are and walk out off her apartment door.

( http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:7_qbCUb03q_tqM:http://i688.photobucket.com/albums/vv243/hoangtohanh1996/881.jpg&t=1 )


At JYP's practice room.

" Khun, you ok man? " Jaebeom ask Nichkhun who was looking rather distracted the whole day.

" Yeah.. I'm just tired that's all. " Nichkhun was unable to give his all at the practice. Just then, JYP's great maestro himself enters the practice room. All of the 2PM members and their manager, Minjae stands up and bow to greet Jin Yong.

" Hey boys, how's practice? " Jin Yong was concern about the boys. He knew that they have been working hard even before their debuts. He was proud of 2PM. The album sales were off the charts when their hit single Again and Again was out.

" We're good hyung.. We're about to start to practice. " Jaebeom as the leader answer him.

" Ok. I want to see your routine. " Jin Yong sits at the couch in the practice room, waiting for them. The boys all get to the centre of the room and now waiting for the music to be on. Minjae press play.

Jin Yong watch them with a serious face. Every practice should always be done with great effort. No pain, no gain. That was what they learn from the great man. The 2PM boys work their way perfectly through the routine. He could see that they had work hard to perfected the Again and Again dance routine. One face was standing out for Jin Yong, Nichkhun's face. Nichkhun was looking rather sad to him, not a usual sight to see. Nichkhun to him was a hard working boy, innocent but cheerful. Eventhough Nichkhun's moves and singing was improving, but he still has a hint of sadness. While the rest of the 2PM member look tired. After the dance routine and song ended, he ask that all of them to sit infront of him.

" Boys, you did great. I must say, you've improve a lot this couple of weeks. However, i see that you guys look tired and some look sad or some sort. Are you sure you guys are ok? " He look at Nichkhun. All of them nod.

" Minjae, did you make sure that they eat right? " Jin Yong look at the manager of the group.

" Yeah hyung.. I did. " Minjae responds to the big boss.

" How long did you guys practice today? " Jin Yong ask again.

" We've been practicing since 7am hyung. " This time Taecyeon responds to his question. Jin Young look at his watch. Its 2.45pm.

" Did they had their lunch already? What is their schedule tomorrow? " He ask Minjae again.

" They haven had lunch. Mm.. Tomorrow they will have a photoshoot for EXR starting 7.30am tomorrow which finishes around 12pm if according to schedule. At 1pm they have an album signing which finishes at 3pm. Interview for Korean E! News at 4.30pm. Then around 6pm they have a rehersal for M!Countdown show. " Minjae explained.

Jin Young knows that with that they had a hectic day tomorrow. Even the 1 hour o two hour interval is not enough. Plus the rehersal for any show usually will ends late due to several rounds of practice with various artist.

" So, today their free? " Jin Yong ask again.

" Yes hyung. " Minjae answers him again.

" Ok. I'm letting u have a break until 6pm. Then later come back here for practice. And this time, i'll be watching the whole practice. Ok? " Jin Yong decided.

" Really hyung? Oh yes! " Wooyoung was really happy. He was tired and hungry. So are the rest of them. It doesn't matter whether the break is only for a couple of hours, they needed it. Rest of them cheered too. Jin Yong smile but reminded them about the practice later that day. They promised him and Jin Yong walks out of the room.

" So, what do we do now? " Junsu ask the rest of them.

" How about we take a shower and chill at Starbucks since it's near and we don't have much time. " Junho suggested.

" Hey great idea! Food.... I need them.... " Chansung whines while grabbbing onto Junho's shirt. Junho swipes of Chansung's hands of him.

" All agree? " Jaebeom takes his role as their leader again.

" Hey sure man.. Let's go. " Taecyeon wraps his hand over Jaebeom and Nichkhun who was still quiet.

All of them went off while Minjae decided to wait for them at the lobby of the building. After a good bath, all of them get ready and puts on their disguise. Minjae joins them and off they went to starbucks with Minjae driving their van to the place.

One Starbucks branch was not far from the JYP's building. It is ironic that Park Jin Yong himself is a share holder for the place and so, it is common for artist such like themselves to be there. That particular Starbucks has VIP lounge on its 2nd floor, which is exclusive for celebrities and high rollers.


Just then, you just came out from a bookstore after buying a book title ' The Essential Collection Chopin Piano Music Book'. It has the arrangements of Frederic Chopin's work that you needed to improve your piano skills. After that you decided to go to your favourite hang out, the Starbucks. It is a good place for you as this Starbucks' branch has a VIP lounge which also happens to have a piano.

Your normally are not the type would use your status of the daughter of the power couple, where your parents both are the CEO's of the Samsung group but this, you made an exception. One, because it's near a music store and bookstore. And two because you love coffee.

Anyway, you walk in the place. The branch manager of the place, Mr Hwang, greets you like always.

" Welcome Miss Lee.. Right this way. " He greets you with a warm smile on his face. He walks you up to the VIP lounge to your usual spot near the glass window which is not far from the piano.

" Thank you Mr Hwang.. " You smile as you sit at the table. You look around, there was nobody there except for you.

" Please Miss Lee.. Call me James. " He corrected you everytime. You smile.

" So, what will it be today Miss? " James ask you.

" I have the usual James. " You replied with a smile.

" Ok. One hot chocolate and 3 buttered croissant coming up. " James was about to leave when you call him again.

" James, is the piano open? " You ask.

" Yes Miss.. You can play anytime you want. If you'll excuse me. " He left and you took out the book that you just bought to read it.




Meanwhile, the 2PM had just walk in the building when James was about to leave the counter after putting up your order. He walks up to the group and greet them.

" Welcome Sirs, let me show you up.. " James knew who they are, the famous 2PM who are also a regular customer of the place. After taking their seats away from the window, James took their orders and left.

" Hmm.. There are nobody here except for her. " Junho move his head to your direction. Then all the 2PM members turn their heads to you.

" Well, she doesn't look like a crazy fan so it's ok. " Minjae assure them.

" Well, she is here so she must be a celebrity or somebody important. " Chansung added. Junho, Junsu and Wooyoung nodded in agreement.

" She's very pretty don't you think? " Taecyeon was looking at you reading the book that was on your seat table.

" Yeah.. She's so pretty... " Jaebeom look at you, mezmerised by your beauty.

" Don't look at her like that Jae. You're gonna scare her off with your face. " Nichkhun said. All of the rest giggle at his comment.

" Yah... I won't ok? " Jaebeom look at them.


Nichkhun lean back to his seat and took out his phone. There was no message from ______.

" She must be resting. " Nichkhun thought. So, decided just to leave you to rest and message you at night.




You were reading the notes on the composition of the Etude in E Major Op. 10. No 3. You're itching to play it. Not caring who was there, you walk up to the piano with the book. You take your seat at the piano and started to run your finger on the keys to make sure they are in tune. When you were ready, you filp the page to where the score was. You took a deep breath and place your feet on de pedal and started to play the song.

( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tihAGz1jYYc )

Your fingers more on the keys oh so gently, smooth and connected. Where the score says legato. You pour your emotions on to the music, onto each key that you touch. Every cresendo was expressed. The timing was right for every note. Every accent was right. The drag of notes were perfect.

In the corner of your eyes, you saw James was placing your orders on your table. He stood there, looking at you as you play. Some of the staff was there as always, watching you play. So was the other guests. Ignoring them, you play your own tune with each expression noted. The middle of the score you were needed to play the keys bolder. So you did but not i a harsh way. At the end of it, it was back to being soft and gentle, as the letter pp, meaning piano indicates that the song end with gentle of keys. Then it was the end of your performance. Everyone on the floor clapped, you smile. Then you walk back to the seat.

" Great performance Miss Lee.. As always. " James compliment you.

" Miss Lee.. Hwaiting! " The rest of the staffs said to u from where they stand. You smile at the compliments. After that everyone when back to normal. You examine the score again while sipping on your drink.




At the 2PM corner.

"Wow man.. She's good. Is she some kind of pianist that i never heard of? " Junho ask the rest of them.

" Don't know man. She's very pretty and talented. " Jaebeom said.

" Is she a trainee hyung? " Junsu ask Minjae.

" Not that i know of. " Minjae answered him.

The 2PM boys are completely smitten by your performance. When Nichkhun saw the performance, he remembers about you as you told him that you're majoring in classical music and you play piano.

" I wonder whether ______ plays like that. That girl is really good. " Nichkhun thought.


After awhile, James and few others came with the 2PM orders.

" James, who is that girl? " Taecyeon ask.

" That girl? Her parents is the power couple of the Samsung Group. She's the low key, very pretty and very talented Miss Lee ______. " James said. Then Nichkhun choke on his spaghetti when he mention your name.

" Hyung, you ok? " Chansung pat Nichkhun's back.

" I'm fine. " He replys. He wipe the sauce on his mouth and look at you.

" Oh... No wonder she's a VIP here. " says Wooyoung.

" Well, if there's nothing else sirs, please excuse me and enjoy the meal. " With that James walk off. The 2PM member started eating except for Nichkhun who was poking his food with his fork, thinking.

"Hyung, are going to eat that? " Chansung ask, eyeing Nichkhun's food.

" Mm.. Yeah.. " Nichkhun said and continue eating, turning his head looking at you once awhile.



How was it?

Sorry.. I try to control myself from talking too much about musical term..

Hope you like tis chapter.

My fren say its like a bomb just drop.


Anyho, enjoy k?

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vampycatty #1
Chapter 3: Nichkhun my bias from 2pm! Plus you mentioned jay.... Aweee....
Sorry guys for the late updates and completion for this story before this. I'm glad you enjoyed it and thanks for reading.
14 streak #3
Chapter 48: That was awesome!!!! I kind of knew that yoona was the other girl but i never thought it would be true...... Also i never thought yoochun would backstab(?) her... The story was awesome but its kind of confusing because i dont know whose pov is whose... Other than that im happy for them!!! ^^
Acgoo1999 #4
Chapter 3: i got the feeling! i even feel like im in nichkhun situation.. i even giggling by myself from reading this story!
Chapter 48: Congratulations in completing it.
G-DestherKwon #6
Chapter 48: Completed already :( i really like ur story and hoping to read more. Please write another love story of nichkhun and uumm mayb me hehehe if you dont mind my asking..neway plz write more hwaiting :)
paquitz #7
Chapter 46: wonderful story! update soon
G-DestherKwon #8
Chapter 45: Story is so great...plz update sooooonnn :)
Chapter 45: yay :) finally you came back. I love this story
yuxuan #10
i like this story i have been reading this story very long time