
~ Music Romance ~


"Go away! I don't wan him near me! Go away!"

There was a scream coming from her room. From the sound of it, it's her. I rush to her room to see what's the commotion. I could see Ye Eun and a guy standing outside of her room with the doctor.

"I'm sorry sir. But you have to leave." The doctor said to him. The man nod in agreement and left.


"Khun! You're here!." Ye Eun make her way to me.

"What happen?" I walk towards the room.

"I don't know. She won't say. We couldn't even go near her when she woke up. I'm sorry to have disturb you but I have to go. I still have a scheduled photoshoot."

"Just go. I'm still having my day offs so i can take care of her." Ye Eun nod and left.

I knock on the door.

"Go away! I don't want to see anyone." Nevertheless, i took my chance and peep in, opening the door only a little.

"Not even me?" She lightens up and goes quiet. I walk towards the bed and hug her. She hold on to me and started to cry.

"______-ah.. What's wrong?"

"Oppa.. I know who had kidnapped me."




I was in is arms for a few minutes as i told him. He was shocked.

"Are you sure? Who was it?" I try to control my tears. I told him everything. Everything about my life, Yoochun oppa, my engagement and everything i know about the kidnapping incident.

"Your engaged?" He looks disppointed, hurt.

"Yes.. But only because of my parents. I did love him once.. But i guess now it's different." It is different now. When i have him. I hug him real tight, scared to lose him like how i had lose Yoochun oppa once before.

"Please..Dun leave me.." I could feel tears welling up in my eyes.

"I won't.."

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vampycatty #1
Chapter 3: Nichkhun my bias from 2pm! Plus you mentioned jay.... Aweee....
Sorry guys for the late updates and completion for this story before this. I'm glad you enjoyed it and thanks for reading.
14 streak #3
Chapter 48: That was awesome!!!! I kind of knew that yoona was the other girl but i never thought it would be true...... Also i never thought yoochun would backstab(?) her... The story was awesome but its kind of confusing because i dont know whose pov is whose... Other than that im happy for them!!! ^^
Acgoo1999 #4
Chapter 3: i got the feeling! i even feel like im in nichkhun situation.. i even giggling by myself from reading this story!
Chapter 48: Congratulations in completing it.
G-DestherKwon #6
Chapter 48: Completed already :( i really like ur story and hoping to read more. Please write another love story of nichkhun and uumm mayb me hehehe if you dont mind my asking..neway plz write more hwaiting :)
paquitz #7
Chapter 46: wonderful story! update soon
G-DestherKwon #8
Chapter 45: Story is so great...plz update sooooonnn :)
Chapter 45: yay :) finally you came back. I love this story
yuxuan #10
i like this story i have been reading this story very long time