I'm Sick

~ Music Romance ~

Nichkhun is happy everytime they had freetime from work and training. He would go online just to chat with one person. Only with one girl.

That day the management gave them a half day rest after doing an interview and some gruesome training. Once the 2PM van reached the house, Nichkhun just rush through his way into the house.

" Hey hyung.. What's wrong?? " Chansung, the 2PM maknae said seeing one of his hyung acted differently from usual.

" Let him go Chansung. He's been like that lately. Always giggling in his room. " Jaebeom added..

" Poor boy.. He finally crack.. " Junsu shakes his head while the rest of them started to rush to their door.


Back inside, Nichkhun had taken off his shoes and literally run to his room. Once he got to his room, he quickly switch on his laptop and goes online to on his chat. His eyes was searching for the girl's nickname, fast.

" Ah.. She's on! " He smile to himself and click to the girl's nickname.

" Hi gurl.. :) " He typed and waited.

After a solid 35 minutes pass, there was no reply from her. He wonders whether the girl was busy or just don't want to talk to him. Sadly, he decided to go to the living room to join his friends. When he was about to go out of his room, a beep was heard. He smile and went back to his laptop.

" Hey boy.. :) " The girl reply him back.




In your room.


You woke up after around 2 hours of sleep. Feeling dizzy while you open up your eyes. You place a hand on your forehead to check your temperature. Its burning hot. Then suddenly, you heard a beep from your laptop.

" It must be him.. " You smile knowing who was it.

You carefully got up from your bed. Your balance was realy off but you manage to got to the seat on your desk without hurting yourself. You look to the screen.

" Hi gurl... :) " It says. You smile.

" Hey boy... :) " You replied. While waiting, you look at your clock on the wall. It is 3.15pm.

" How are you? " That was his reply after one minute later.

" I think i'm sick.. I didn't bring any umbrella when i went for class today.. :( " You were still smiling even when your feeling dizzy.

" WHAT?? Did you had your lunch? Did you took your shower after getting under the rain? " You smile at him being worried.

" Oppa.. " You replied.

" Hmm..? "

" I'll be fine. Don't worry ok? " Another smile escape from you. You like it when he is concern about you.

" You sure? Ah.... I just wish i could take care of you there.. You're sick.. " He sounds frustrated. Another smile from you.

" I'm sure.. And there's no need for that. I'm not a baby oppa.. By the way, i had my lunch earlier on before i got home. So don't worry. I just need to rest. Are you ok with that? "

" Ok then.. I should let you rest.. :) Stay safe ok ______? "

" I will.. " You smile at him being concern. You were just about to get back to bed when you heard another beep.

" ______-ah, This is my number 010 - 8886636. Call me or message me when you need me ok? " You look shock that he would give you his number. Yes, you two had been chatting online for two months but you just can't believe that he would give you his number. It shows how much he care for you. You then smile knowning that he really care.

" I will oppa.. And oppa, here's mine. 010 - 8563388. I have to go now. Bye. You take care too. " You quickly off your chat line and gasp. Why are you feeling nervous and excited?




At Nichkhun's room.


" I will oppa.. And oppa, here's mine. 010 - 8563388. I have to go now. Bye. You take care too. " The girl replied.


" YAHOO! " Khun shouted. She trust him with her number. Him, the guy that she chat online for two months. Then happily, he switch off his laptop and went downstairs to join his friends, with a big smile across hs face.





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vampycatty #1
Chapter 3: Nichkhun my bias from 2pm! Plus you mentioned jay.... Aweee....
Sorry guys for the late updates and completion for this story before this. I'm glad you enjoyed it and thanks for reading.
14 streak #3
Chapter 48: That was awesome!!!! I kind of knew that yoona was the other girl but i never thought it would be true...... Also i never thought yoochun would backstab(?) her... The story was awesome but its kind of confusing because i dont know whose pov is whose... Other than that im happy for them!!! ^^
Acgoo1999 #4
Chapter 3: i got the feeling! i even feel like im in nichkhun situation.. i even giggling by myself from reading this story!
Chapter 48: Congratulations in completing it.
G-DestherKwon #6
Chapter 48: Completed already :( i really like ur story and hoping to read more. Please write another love story of nichkhun and uumm mayb me hehehe if you dont mind my asking..neway plz write more hwaiting :)
paquitz #7
Chapter 46: wonderful story! update soon
G-DestherKwon #8
Chapter 45: Story is so great...plz update sooooonnn :)
Chapter 45: yay :) finally you came back. I love this story
yuxuan #10
i like this story i have been reading this story very long time