
Love's First Game


Soo Hee’s POV


It’s been days since that thing happened and I really don’t know what’s going to happen next.


“I haven’t seen you for a while.” I said, sitting beside him and handing him a cup of coffee. “You look really stressed.”


“Yeah. Too much school stuffs, I guess.” He tasted the coffee and said, “Thanks.”


“Are you..” I stopped, having doubts if I should continue asking him the question in my mind. “Are you avoiding me?”


He laughed. For a second, I felt relieved that he isn’t avoiding me. I haven’t seen him for a while and that was a bit odd since he would always call me or message me if he’s too busy to meet up.


“Maybe.” He said, smiling a little.


I didn’t know what to say. I’m shocked, really. Everything’s been a roller coaster ride. One day, we’re together, a few hours later, we’re a terrible mess. I don’t know where to put myself in all of this, really.


For a while, there was just nothing between the two of us sitting there. We didn’t say a word, didn’t move, didn’t know what else to do, nothing.


“Tell me what you’re thinking.” I ordered.


“I’m not thinking of anything.” 


“Don’t be too stubborn! Tell me. Now.”


“All right then. I remember one thing. Well, I remember this everyday.” He said. 


“What is it?”


“When we kissed. That night when we are officially together.”


I felt a little embarrassed when he said that. But it sounded so nice to my ears. 


“Why that one?” I asked, pretending not to be affected by what he said, but inside, my heart was so happy.


“I miss you.”


It was that simple. He said it immediately, without hesitations. He said it like it was the first thing that came out of his mind.


“I don’t understand why your not being aggressive. I mean, you keep saying all those things and yet you’re doing nothing.” I said, angrily.


“I don’t know what to do anymore. I’ve done what I had to and nothing happened. Well something happened but it ended so soon.”


“Keep trying, pushing!” I demanded. “For me?”


“Sometimes I wish Minho was still here. You were a lot happier when he was around.”


“How can you even say that?”


“You never cried. He didn’t let a single tear leave your eyes. He protected you so well.”


“Can’t you be like him?”


“Be like him?” He yelled. “I am me. Stop comparing!”


“I’m not comparing! I’m just saying, be a little nicer. Stop being so mean!” I raised my tone.


“Sorry Soo Hee. This isn’t going to work.” He stood up and left. Again.


“You always walk out on me! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU AVOIDING!”


Sometimes I get too much wrinkles just by thinking about this whole thing. How troublesome!


“Soo Hee..” Out of nowhere, it was Key again.


“Why do you always show  up like that Key? Are you stalking me or something?” I joked. 


Instead of responding, he handed me a bouquet of flowers.


“Wha-a-a-t’s this?” I asked.


“That’s for you.”

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BananaNutt #1
Chapter 54: wow, this was a cute behind story <33
BananaNutt #2
“Are you getting married?” <br />
“Oh no, we’re too young for that.” <br />
<br />
lmfao, that happened to my before :P EMBARRASSING! hahaha.
BananaNutt #3
CHAPTER 39, im crying /': THATS SO SAD! Oh, it would be neat to have a story of Minho and the girl he married (': its a sweet story.
BananaNutt #4
CHAPTER 36, HOLY SHEEIT! Minho's best friend, i could just imagine how she feels >.<
BananaNutt #5
So i have to stop on Thirty but im freaking anxious (: love it so far <3
BananaNutt #6
omf, chapter TEN. Happened between my best friend and I! he always loved me though, and by the time i realized how i felt, it was too late /: never live a life w/o saying how you feel when you feel it, you'll regret it -___- asbfiuivjce, continuing to read it now (:<br />
<br />
JoJomontano #7
aww nice :)
insignificant #8
it's kind of sad there is no update.. coz i like ur stories..
ohmysupergirl #9
): why don't you update anymore