Back Together

Love's First Game

Soo Hee's POV

I was at home, watching TV with nothing much to do, thinking about the events that had happened recently. I smiled at myself. I never thought I would as I could be. I may not know if I have moved on fully but now I can say I am happy. 

I heard the door bell ring. I was so lazy to go out and open the door but Umma was shouting and telling me I should go and see who is it.

"Who is it?" I asked the person standing outside as I opened the door.

My smile quickly stopped when I saw who it was. He was looking down, doing something with his feet. And then he looked up, slowly, graciously. He's still as handsome as before. "It's my house, remember? Not Min Jee's."

"Yeah I know. Listen, we need to talk--" Okay, I think I'm in trouble.

"Ohh." I scratched my head. "I'm really kinda busy so.."

"But it will just take a second!" He insisted.

"I...I don't know.."

"Soo Hee, who is it?" I heard Umma shouting.

"It's Onew!" I replied.

"Now why don't you let him in?"

"Just a second, Soo Hee." Onew promised. And then I let him in. 

We went inside the house, in the living room and seated on the sofa. Then Umma approached. "I'm just going somewhere. Your dinner's on the table, Soo Hee. And you can eat here too, Onew."

"Umma! You can go tomorrow if you want!" I really think this is not the right time to go. I'm really not in the mood to talk right now so if she stays, we won't be able to talk.

"No, you two talk or do whatever you have to and I'll just.."She wore her jacket and hurriedly approach the door."Be back later okay."

"Umma!" I guess she can't be stopped.

I sat back on the couch and sighed. At first there was just silence between the two of us. But he soon spoke.

"I'm sorry." 

I never thought I'll ever hear him say that. He's so full of himself sometimes. 

"It's just that I've never been to any relationship before and I don't know how to handle things like that."

I hate it you know, when he does something horrible and just the sound of his voice makes me want to forgive him and forget everything. I hate myself for that. I just can't resist him!

"Are you still mad at me?" He said cutely. This boy sure knows how to get away with everything!


Then he smiled.

"I missed you Soo Hee. I miss the old times."

"You were the one who changed!" I said, teasing him.

He got up and reached for something. "I brought you some cookies!"

"Oh you shouldn't have!" I opened the box and started eating.

"You really like her?" I asked him. Then he looked serious.

"I'm starting to." He said shyly.

"Well then, I'm happy for you."

"I'm really sorry. I wish I could undo everything. I'm really really really sorry." He looked me in the eye. I felt a faint hint of sadness from his eyes. I realized he is really sorry.

I moved closer to him and sat beside him. I rested my head on his shoulder. From that position, I could smell his scent very vividly. Then, a thousand memories came rushing back to me.

"You're with Minho now, are you?" He asked.

"Well.. no."

"Not yet!" He laughed. "He seems really nice to me."

I just smiled.

Everything was so comforting from that point. There was silence. And all i could hear was my heart saying I'm happy. And that everything is alright now. We are friends again. Even better friends.

He brushed my hair slightly. And then, he hugged me.

"I wish we could just stay like this forever, Soo Hee." 

"You always knew we can." I assured him.

But I felt sad. Why stay friends, when we could be lovers forever?

Though I was happy. And contented. Something I've never felt for a long time.

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BananaNutt #1
Chapter 54: wow, this was a cute behind story <33
BananaNutt #2
“Are you getting married?” <br />
“Oh no, we’re too young for that.” <br />
<br />
lmfao, that happened to my before :P EMBARRASSING! hahaha.
BananaNutt #3
CHAPTER 39, im crying /': THATS SO SAD! Oh, it would be neat to have a story of Minho and the girl he married (': its a sweet story.
BananaNutt #4
CHAPTER 36, HOLY SHEEIT! Minho's best friend, i could just imagine how she feels >.<
BananaNutt #5
So i have to stop on Thirty but im freaking anxious (: love it so far <3
BananaNutt #6
omf, chapter TEN. Happened between my best friend and I! he always loved me though, and by the time i realized how i felt, it was too late /: never live a life w/o saying how you feel when you feel it, you'll regret it -___- asbfiuivjce, continuing to read it now (:<br />
<br />
JoJomontano #7
aww nice :)
insignificant #8
it's kind of sad there is no update.. coz i like ur stories..
ohmysupergirl #9
): why don't you update anymore