
Love's First Game

Soo Hee's POV

I feel like I'm dying inside, like my heart's been crushed into a million piece. I feel like my body is pulling me closer to the ground.

I dragging myself to get from one point to another..

It's not too late Minho.. please come back... I'll wait for you..

I stare blankly into space.. never paying attention to what my teacher teaches in class. I cry whenever I breathe. I cry whenever I think about him. He's the only thing I look forward to whenever I come to school. He's the best thing that has ever happened to me.

"Soo Hee..."

And now he's gone, I can't even imagine life without him, if you even call this life. This is pretty much hell to me. Every second, every breathe, everything thing is just hell.

"Soo Hee..."

I sit at my desk in class, scribbling my name with his surname, hoping one day we'll get married. I smile for a while, but everything keeps coming back to reality. Everything I've ever dreamed of, is now gone.

"Soo Hee!"

I wipe my tears again but they just can't stop falling. That stabbing pain in my heart is killing me.. and every second without him is the death of me.

"SOO HEEE!!!!"

I heard my teacher shout in class as he threw an eraser, hitting my head.

"How dare you not listen to my lecture? What is wrong with you, young lady?"

I touched my head where the eraser hit me because it hurt so bad. "Nothing.." I just mumbled.

"Alright, stop daydreaming and listen!" 


I stared at my watch for the rest of the day, hoping the time would just stop and mend my broken heart. I still can't believe this is actually true. 

This can't be true. He just won't leave without any reason at all.

Or maybe I just can't accept the reason. He doesn't love me anymore. Maybe that is the reason. I just won't believe it. 

I saw Rina approach me after class. "I've heard what.." She didn't finish what she was about to say. I think she knows I can't talk about it. Now now.

"I'm sorry for not being there when you need me, Soo Hee. But if you need me, need us, we are just a phone call away." She hugged me so tight that it made me cry again.

"You are such a cry baby, you know that?"

I looked at her, annoyed. This is not the right time to joke, you know.

"We love you. He is not the only one who loves you. We all do."


I walked home, dragging myself again, not really looking at anything on my way. I just want to go home and get this day over with.

Minho..please come back..

I heard heavy footsteps following me as I walk the dark road towards home.

But I didn't mind it. I just want my Minho back.

Then next thing I know, someone's hand is covering my mouth. "Don't shout and nobody gets hurt."

I felt a knife poke me slightly on the side. And then I trembled in fear. 

"Now get in the car, without any sound, and nobody gets hurt." 

I did what he said, almost indifferent to what is happening. I am almost in shock, i really don't know what to do. 

I don't want to die now. I don't want to die without answers from Minho. I don't want to die without seeing him.

He took a piece of rope and tied my hands. I struggled for a second, but he was too strong and he punched me on the face. He showed me the knife again and pretended to stab me.

But I struggled again, trying to push him away. "Stop.. STOPPPP!!" I kept shouting.

"Be a good girl, you !" He slapped me on the face, where he just punched me.

After he tied me up, he put a blindfold on me while I kept shouting. "HELPPPP!! ANYONE!!!"

"You are one stubborn kid. That's why she wants you dead you know!"

"Who wants me dead?" I shook in terror. 

"Shut up !" He then put tape on my mouth so I wouldn't say a word.

"You just stay on the back seat, okay? And I'll drive you to the last destination of your life."

I could have shouted or struggled but I couldn't move or say or see anything. 

I'm just gonna die. 

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BananaNutt #1
Chapter 54: wow, this was a cute behind story <33
BananaNutt #2
“Are you getting married?” <br />
“Oh no, we’re too young for that.” <br />
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lmfao, that happened to my before :P EMBARRASSING! hahaha.
BananaNutt #3
CHAPTER 39, im crying /': THATS SO SAD! Oh, it would be neat to have a story of Minho and the girl he married (': its a sweet story.
BananaNutt #4
CHAPTER 36, HOLY SHEEIT! Minho's best friend, i could just imagine how she feels >.<
BananaNutt #5
So i have to stop on Thirty but im freaking anxious (: love it so far <3
BananaNutt #6
omf, chapter TEN. Happened between my best friend and I! he always loved me though, and by the time i realized how i felt, it was too late /: never live a life w/o saying how you feel when you feel it, you'll regret it -___- asbfiuivjce, continuing to read it now (:<br />
<br />
JoJomontano #7
aww nice :)
insignificant #8
it's kind of sad there is no update.. coz i like ur stories..
ohmysupergirl #9
): why don't you update anymore