Hard Work

Love's First Game


Onew's POV

I went home, scoured my pockets to see how much money I have with me, looked for things I could sell. Old CD's, DVD's, books, shoes and all those things I don't use anymore. Some old lamp, dusty chests and some vintage looking clocks I bought in a yard sale that I don't really use.

I went to our neighbor to ask if they need some repairing in their house, maybe I could get paid for that. They asked me to repair their son's computer, although I didn't have any major hardware damage. I got paid really generously and I thanked them for it.

Umma asked me why do I need so much money all too suddenly. I told her about the trip to Maldives and she immediately got mad about me leaving the country. But when I told her I'll be with Soo Hee, she soon agreed. She told me she'll just pay for my expenses so I don't have to do odd jobs. "No umma, I have to do it myself."

Jonghyun offered to lend me money, and again, I turned down his offer. It is not that I'm too confident about myself regarding this, it will just defeat the purpose if I will borrow money from people.  I have to work hard for this and I have to do it on my own.

I went to school the next day thinking about creative ways to get extra money. I made my classmates homework for a price, I even sidelined as a pizza delivery boy for a week. I've done everything for that one trip to Maldives. For Soo Hee.

"You don't have to work like crazy, hyung! You have enough money for that already!" Jonghyun told me.

"Yes, I know. But the point is, I have to make money from scratch. Not from anyone, not from my parents, not from my bank account. From scratch."

"You make me so proud, hyung!" Jonghyun clapped his hand slowly, then tapped me on the shoulder. "Well, good luck with that!"

It is only 2 more days before the deadline. I sat down at the cafeteria during lunch time, checking how much money I still have to earn. 

"Yah! Why are you always counting money?" Soo Hee approached me and sat beside me. "Let's go eat something." She rested her chin on my arm and touched it a little bit.

"I'm not really hungry you know.." I said. But I was kinda hungry. I just don't want to spend extra money on other things.

She pouted and said she was really hungry. Then I saw Key sit on our table with that evil smile on his face.

"Are you guys hungry? Let's  eat something!" Key said.

"Oh thank goodness! I'm starving!" Soo Hee said as she got up and headed for the food counter. 

"You won't eat now, will you?" He looked at me as he stood up. He was smiling, evilly again. Then he walked fast so he can catch up with Soo Hee. He put his arm on her shoulder as they walked together. From there, he looked at me again, checking if I was looking at what he was doing. Then he made his fingers into an L shape and put it on his forehead. Then he said, without a sound, "Loser".

That made me even more determined to be with Soo Hee this weekend. I could not let this guy take my Soo Hee to Maldives. I just can't!

They went back to our table bringing food with them. 

"Why aren't you eating, Onew?" Key asked again. He really is getting into my nerves, asking questions he already know the answer to.

"I'm not hungry.." 

"Really? I bought this much food so we can share! Here, have some!" Soo Hee unwrapped the cake she bought and placed it near my mouth. I took a bite and afterwards, she ate some too.

She opened the meal she bought for me and told me to eat it. I told her I'm not hungry. "Aish, you're so hard headed you know that? I bought this for you so eat it, okay?" 

I just smiled and felt happy about it. I looked at Key who was looking really angry.

"What's wrong Kibum?" I asked him. Now, it is my turn to smile. He didn't answer. He just rolled his eyes.

"Oh that's my phone ringing. I have to take this one, okay? Excuse me." Soo Hee took her phone and went somewhere quiet.

"So do you think you can save up enough money until thursday?"

"I'm just a hundred dollars short. So I'm pretty confident." I said.

"In two days?" He laughed. "Well okay. If you're too confident and can't pay me enough, it will be your loss."

"I'll pay you. I am absolutely sure!"

"Well then, I'll give you the ticket on thursday!"


Key's POV

Soo Hee went back to the table and stood next to where I was sitting. "Sorry, it was Umma who called."

Then she leaned and whispered something to me.

"I'm sorry Key, I can't come to Maldives. Umma won't let me."

Then she sat next to Onew, where she was sitting before.

"Let's continue eating!" SHe said.

I looked at Onew again. Oh poor you! Saving up for Soo Hee, when she's not even coming.

Go to Maldives alone! 


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BananaNutt #1
Chapter 54: wow, this was a cute behind story <33
BananaNutt #2
“Are you getting married?” <br />
“Oh no, we’re too young for that.” <br />
<br />
lmfao, that happened to my before :P EMBARRASSING! hahaha.
BananaNutt #3
CHAPTER 39, im crying /': THATS SO SAD! Oh, it would be neat to have a story of Minho and the girl he married (': its a sweet story.
BananaNutt #4
CHAPTER 36, HOLY SHEEIT! Minho's best friend, i could just imagine how she feels >.<
BananaNutt #5
So i have to stop on Thirty but im freaking anxious (: love it so far <3
BananaNutt #6
omf, chapter TEN. Happened between my best friend and I! he always loved me though, and by the time i realized how i felt, it was too late /: never live a life w/o saying how you feel when you feel it, you'll regret it -___- asbfiuivjce, continuing to read it now (:<br />
<br />
JoJomontano #7
aww nice :)
insignificant #8
it's kind of sad there is no update.. coz i like ur stories..
ohmysupergirl #9
): why don't you update anymore