A Lot Luckier

Love's First Game

Soo Hee's POV

I feel like I want to die of embarrassment and shame for what I've done. His parents are so great and warm that I wish I just evaporated right then and there. He doesn't deserve me! He deserves someone better!


He sat at the couch and told me to sit beside him.


"So you don't want anything? I can get you juice or coke. What do you want?" 

"Minho!" I raised my tone a little bit so he would notice me.

He the TV.

"Minho! Please!" 

"I love you, Soo Hee." 

"Minho! I don't think you understood what I told you."

"I think you don't understand anything." He winked.

"What? Minho, we kissed! I'm a bad person! I cheated!"

He laughed. And he laughed some more, clapping his hands even.

"What's so funny?" I pouted.

"You're even prettier when you're so guilty!"

"Let's be serious now, please!"

"Okay. Sorry. Okay. To tell you honestly, I got hurt." He tone became a little sad now.

"See.. I'm so bad. And inconsiderate of your feelings. I... I didn't mean to do it though.. But I just kinda happened. I'm so so sooooo sorry!"

I looked at him and he was smiling.

"Yah! What is wrong with you? Why aren't you mad at me?" I asked him

"Yes, I got hurt. But I realized one thing. And everything went away." He said coolly.

"And what is that?"

"I have you. He doesn't."

I was speechless. But I couldn't understand what he meant.

"What you did there, you didn't mean it." I nodded. "So it doesn't matter to me. I have you and he doesn't. If he kisses you ever again, I'll break his face. You're mine now. So everything's okay with me." He looked really peaceful. No anger or anything.


"Don't feel bad. People make mistakes. We just need to understand each other." He smiled at me and kissed me on the cheek. "So, who kissed better?" 

"What?" I was surprised.

He laughed. "Who kissed better?"

"Well, I kissed you because I love you and that one isn't anywhere near that so... I liked our kiss better." I bit my lips looking away. I felt embarrassed to admit it in front of him.

"See. That is exactly my point! You're mine and he could just die in desperation to have you back!"

"What do you mean by that?"

He took my hand held it close to him. "Thank you for your honesty. I really really appreciate it. Don't feel bad anymore, okay?"

I started tearing up. I didn't know why.

"Hey, why is the most beautiful girl in the world crying?" He pulled my face closer to him and wiped my tears.

"I don't know how to say how much happiness I am feeling right now. To have you is like... a gift. A wonderful wonderful gift."

"Don't make my heart melt!" He teased. 

"No, seriously. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me!"

"No. You are!"

"Yah! I said that first!"

"Well I don't care! All I care about is you!" He said, making a cute face.

"Shut up!" I pretended to punch him.

"Uhm.. not that I want to break this moment but I am worried. Did Min Jee bothered you again?" 

"Oh that..." I took my phone and showed him the message. "I'm scared. I think she's got connections and all. I dunno. Maybe she's up to something."

"Don't worry. As long as I'm here, nothing will ever happen! I won't let her touch you. I promise."

"You know, I wouldn't dare bet on the lottery." I snapped.


"Because I'm a lot luckier to have you."

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BananaNutt #1
Chapter 54: wow, this was a cute behind story <33
BananaNutt #2
“Are you getting married?” <br />
“Oh no, we’re too young for that.” <br />
<br />
lmfao, that happened to my before :P EMBARRASSING! hahaha.
BananaNutt #3
CHAPTER 39, im crying /': THATS SO SAD! Oh, it would be neat to have a story of Minho and the girl he married (': its a sweet story.
BananaNutt #4
CHAPTER 36, HOLY SHEEIT! Minho's best friend, i could just imagine how she feels >.<
BananaNutt #5
So i have to stop on Thirty but im freaking anxious (: love it so far <3
BananaNutt #6
omf, chapter TEN. Happened between my best friend and I! he always loved me though, and by the time i realized how i felt, it was too late /: never live a life w/o saying how you feel when you feel it, you'll regret it -___- asbfiuivjce, continuing to read it now (:<br />
<br />
JoJomontano #7
aww nice :)
insignificant #8
it's kind of sad there is no update.. coz i like ur stories..
ohmysupergirl #9
): why don't you update anymore