Chapter 3

Falling in Love While Changing You...

Eunhyuk's POV

-History class-

 Dammit, does the teacher have to repeat the same story over and over again! He taught us this same topic last week.

"You guys have homework today!"

"Great, just great." I mumbled.

"You guys have to memorize the 3 poems on page 105 and recite them to the whole class tomorrow."


Yay! Class ended!! Oh wait, ewww....I have English class next. I mean, we're in Korea, why do we need to speak English for goodness sakes.

-English class-

I went to my seat, looked around and saw the usual things; my fat teacher, the 4 walls like a prison, and those s who rubs on me every single day that I'm in school.

"Eunhyuk-ah" I heard someone said my name seductively. Eww, I feel disgusted but I still had to force a smile. Or else, she'll be bugging me for the rest of the day.

"-smirk- Hey Tina."

"Oppa! I missed you. Why didn't you call me last night? I couldn't sleep because I didn't hear your voice saying goodnight to me." -pout-


"Sweetie, I'm sorry. I was a little tired last night. I promise I'll make it up to you okay?" -fake smile-

That girl started to lean closer to me. "Oppa, how are you going to make it up to me? Hmm..." and she puckered up her duck lips. -shivers-

I hesitated. "Err....I....-" Before I can say anything else, I heard another familiar voice.

"Oppa! What are you doing with that girl!!" Oh crap, here comes another one.

"Christina, babe, listen to me. She is just a friend of mine. You know I love you."

"Then why did she pucker up her lips huh?" Uh oh, I guess she didn't buy that.

"I don't know, you should ask her that question."

Christina started to yell at Tina. "Who do you think you are? Eunhyuk is MINE. You hear me? MINE!!"

Tina then looked over at me. "Oppa....was the things you said earlier true?" Oh great, she had tears forming in her eyes. I hate seeing girls cry, so fake.

"Yes it's true. In fact, I never liked you at all in the first place. I just thought you were going to be, you know, someone fun to play with?"

Christina had this ugly smirk on her face that made her look like a pig. "See? I told you Eunhyuk's mine!"

"SILENCE!!!" Now that scared the crap outta me. Never mess with my English teacher. Shhh...don't tell anyone but I think she's on it today.

"Eunhyuk...." -sigh- I know I won't be able to get out of this junk again.

"Yes teacher?"

"Look at the distraction you have brought into the class! And girls, if you wanna fight for a boy, go do that outside my classroom! I don't need to know who Eunhyuk belongs to or who he loves more, okay?"

I thought this wouldn't end until I heard our classroom door open. Ohhh, a savior eh? The so-called nicest girl in our school.

"Sorry, I'm late." I heard her say.

"And why are you late?" the fatty asked her.

"I had some business that I had to take care of..."

"-sigh- Just go to your seat and sit down."

After she sat down, I decided to thank her. "Hey there pretty girl, thanks for being my heroine just now." -wink- She didn't reply, she just stared at me with a raised eyebrow. I have now found my new target. This is going to be so much fun and I can't wait to make my first move already. -evil grin-


I'm sorry if this chapter is long and boring D: but I really tried my best to show you guys Eunhyuk's character here. Comments please!! :D

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Chapter 32: I've read this back in 2011 and i still love it up until now... great job :D
LeeHyeJung12 #2
Chapter 51: aww finished already?
anyway. this is a good story :)
MyMonkeyHyukjae #3
Chapter 51: Wait? It's done already? *pout*
MyMonkeyHyukjae #4
Chapter 8: Damn e bias I?oh great lee hyukjae marry me! :(
Icewhisker #5
This is soo good! And my bias is Eunhyuk :D but what happened tp Hailey?
Leenanapi #6
Chapter 51: Love this !!!!!!!!
I swear this is one of the best fics I've ever read.. Keep it up! But if u just could make the guys sound a bit more of.. Grown up x) but anyway its awesome! <3
Whitefall #8
Chapter 51: I want moar noaw 8D
Whitefall #9
Chapter 44: Awww, I love his no other rap. :D
Whitefall #10
Chapter 41: WHAT NOOOOOOO. Gyuri is really pretty, but something about her bothers me. I need to figure out what it is. And why would they want to waste money? :P they should have done that before... They wasted money and people's precious time xD