Chapter 26

Falling in Love While Changing You...

Nobody's POV

It had been 2 weeks since Hailey and Si Yoon transferred to Seoul Academy. There haven't been much of a change for everyone, but for Eunhyuk and _______, it was like hell. For ______, it's not Si Yoon's problem, it was Hailey. As for Eunhyuk, both Hailey and Si Yoon's appearance is giving him a major headache.

Eunhyuk's POV

I've been hating school lately. Well, I never really liked school to be exact, but it never got to the point where I hated it. The only time I liked school was after I officially met ______. She's the only reason that I look forward to school.

"Hyung." Donghae said with annoyance. "She's in our house again. When are gonna get rid of her? -_-"

"Ughh, what the hell does she want?!" I stormed downstairs muttering, "Damn you Hailey. You're always the one that turns my world upside down."

"Hyukkie oppa!! <3" Hailey squealed with her high pitched voice. "I missed youuuu."

"What do you want? And don't call me Hyukkie oppa, only ______ can call me that." I said through gritted teeth. How the heck did I even think that I still had feelings for her when she first came back? >_<

She started whining. "But oppa!!! Which part of me isn't better than _______?"

"Don't even compare yourself to her! You're not even worth being compared to her!"

Before Hailey could say another word, Umma came in from the front door.

"Eunhyuk-ah, you have guest again? Oh!" Umma seems shocked when she saw Hailey. She went from a shocked expression to a disgusted expression, but I guess umma doesn't wanna be rude.

"Hailey-ssi, it had been a while since we've seen each other."

"Neh Mrs. Lee. I missed you guys." I can hear Donghae in the back whisper, "Miss us my ." I silently chuckled.

Umma didn't respond, she just smiled. "Eunhyuk-ah, I need to talk to you. And Hailey-ssi, please have a seat and make yourself at home while I talk to Eunhyuk first."

Donghae's POV

What is that doing here at our house AGAIN? Who does she think she is? -____- Hyung is already with ______ and they are a great couple. _______ cherishes hyung, unlike her....rawr! Hyung turning into a player is all her fault!! ______ is slowly succeeding at transforming hyung back to his old self, she better not ruin it.

"Donghae-ah." She said with a sickening sweet tone.

"What?" I glared hard at her.

"You do know that I'll do anything to get Eunhyuk back right?"

"Don't you dare do anything that'll harm ______!" I said angrily.

"Oh, why do you care so much for her? You like her? -smirk-"

"I don't just like her, I love her. She is just like my own younger sister."

"Oh really?" She stepped closer to me. "A guy and a girl can't and never will simply be just friends. After I get Eunhyuk back, then you'll have a chance to have her."

"I don't want her. And you will never be able to get hyung back. He doesn't have any feelings for you anymore."

"Well, we'll just have to see."


Eunhyuk's POV

"Umma, what do you wanna talk to me about?"

"What is that girl doing in our house?" Umma looked pissed.

"Morugessoyo umma...She always comes by to annoy the hell out of me."

"Does she know that you have a girlfriend already?"

"Yes. But she won't leave me alone! Umma, you know what she had done to me...."

Umma hugged me. "I know I know. That's why I don't want her here. Don't worry, umma will help you get rid of her. :]"

"Umma, saranghae <3"

"By the way, call _____ and tell her I want her to come over for dinner. :]"


Donghae's POV

ARGHHH! I really want to punch the wall right now dammit!! Hailey, that girl is just messed up like a plate with all the different colors of paint mixed together turning into the color of crap. ><

I sat on one end of the sofa, and she sat on the other. We were silent after our little "conversation". If she says another word before I calm myself down, I, Lee Donghae promised myself never to hit a girl, but I swear I will send her flying to the wall! Then umma and hyung walked into the living room.

"Hailey-ssi, why don't you stay over for dinner. :]"

I widened my eyes and looked at umma if she was insane. Hyung came to me and gave me a light squeeze on the shoulder. Oh, so umma is gonna take some action eh? WOOHOO!! I couldn't help but started smiling. Haha, Hailey, no one, let me repeat, NO ONE ever wants to be hated by my umma.

"Eunhyuk-ah, did you call _____ yet?"


I whispered. "Hyung, ______ is gonna join us too."

He nodded and whispered back. "Mhmm, and umma wants to get rid of that thing right there."

I bursted out laughing. That THING XDD Hyung used to hand to cover my mouth and glared at me. Oopps. :X 

-1 hour later-

Your POV

Eunhyuk came to pick me up for dinner. He said his mom wanted me to join them for dinner tonight. Weird, I think there's something fishy going on here.

"Hyukkie oppa."

"Hm? :]"

"Why does your mom want me to join you guys for dinner all of a sudden? o.O"


"Hello. Answer me..." So there is something going on.

"You'll see when we reach my house."

"Stop the car."

"Huh?" He looked at me confusingly.

"If you don't tell me what's going on, I'm gonna open the car door and leave."


"Don't 'honey' me, so are you gonna tell me or not?" Ugh ><


"Okay, bye Eunhyuk-ssi, tell your mom I'm sorry that I couldn't make it." I was about open the car door but Eunhyuk grabbed my hand.

"My mom wants to help us get rid of Hailey."

I turned around, shocked. "Bwoh? Wae? O.O"

He sighed. "Umma knew what happened between Hailey and I. Umma hates her..."

"And why do I need to go to your house for dinner?"

"Hailey's at my house right now."

]:< "Why the heck is she at your house??! Are you slowly going back to your player mode?" I didn't really mean to say that, but it just came out....

He looked hurt. "She comes over for no reason. I always tell her to stop doing that but she won't listen. And how can you say that? You know how much I've changed for you! I stopped going to clubs, I don't drink as much as before, I ignore every girl in school other than you and your friends, I deleted all those useless phone numbers. What else do you want me to do in order for you to trust me??"

I was speechless, so I looked away. He reached over to hold my hand.

"______-ah...look at me."

I sighed. "Eunhyuk-ah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that. I just-"

"Shh." He hushed me. "It's not your fault. It's fine if you don't wanna come over, I can turn back and take you home right now."

"No, I'll go."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I'm sure. And Eunhyuk-ah..."


"I do trust you..."


Sorry if this chapter isn't satisfying. I thought I felt better yesterday, but I was wrong. My throat had gotten worse T_T But anyways, enjoy and comments please :D


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Chapter 32: I've read this back in 2011 and i still love it up until now... great job :D
LeeHyeJung12 #2
Chapter 51: aww finished already?
anyway. this is a good story :)
MyMonkeyHyukjae #3
Chapter 51: Wait? It's done already? *pout*
MyMonkeyHyukjae #4
Chapter 8: Damn e bias I?oh great lee hyukjae marry me! :(
Icewhisker #5
This is soo good! And my bias is Eunhyuk :D but what happened tp Hailey?
Leenanapi #6
Chapter 51: Love this !!!!!!!!
I swear this is one of the best fics I've ever read.. Keep it up! But if u just could make the guys sound a bit more of.. Grown up x) but anyway its awesome! <3
Whitefall #8
Chapter 51: I want moar noaw 8D
Whitefall #9
Chapter 44: Awww, I love his no other rap. :D
Whitefall #10
Chapter 41: WHAT NOOOOOOO. Gyuri is really pretty, but something about her bothers me. I need to figure out what it is. And why would they want to waste money? :P they should have done that before... They wasted money and people's precious time xD