Chapter 9

Trainees for Love?

Suyun also showed up after Minji had sat down. Suyun and Minji were getting their make-up done while the members of Boyfriend were getting ready as well. They all were excited since they haven't taken photos with other girls except for the Sistar Noonas. Youngmin was looking a little anxious. Kwangmin his younger brother noticed the change in his twins face and walked over to talk to him.

"Hyung, is something wrong?" Kwangmin swung his arms around Youngmin's shoulder. "Ani kwenchana Kwangmin." Youngmin smiled and walked away. Of course there was something wrong. Youngmin was worried about Minji. He really wanted to confess to her..and apologize but by how she had walked off from them and his brother's confession. He didn't know what to do.


Minji's POV


"What? Who is this?" I screamed looking at myself in the mirror. I can't believe this is me. I touched my face, and Suyun and the coordinate Unnie giggled at me. I was being serious though. "Yah, I can't even recognize myself is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I put my hands to my hips. Suyun walked over and smiled. "Noona you look gorgeous. Don't worry."  "You look gorgeous too." I smiled back. Suyun blushed a little and i just walked away going towards the shore again. "Noona wait up!" She screamed after me. "Hey! Be back in about 5 minutes. We will be taking photos."  The unnie screamed after us. "Ne!" We both screamed back. "Oh and by the way. Minji you will be photo shooting with the Jo twins first." She smiled at me. Seriously? Aishh, just my luck. Screw this, i lifted up the long lacy dress that i wore. Suyun walked up in front of me and eyes me. "Yah did you hear that? You and the twins!" She jumped excitedly.

__________________________________________________________________________________________________   <--- MInji's Dress      <---Suyun's Dress


I gave her a glare. "Not Funny Suyun. I really don't like them at all. Aish Otteke?" I frowned at Suyun. "Noona are you really that upset? I'm pretty sure nothing will happen." Suyun smiled a reassuring smile at me.


5 minutes Passed.


Kwangmin's POV


The Coordinate Noona called Youngmin and I over to shoot our photos. I was surprised to see the back of the girl who was standing in a beautiful white dress. I wondered if it was Suyun or Minji. Just then she turned around and It was Minji. I stared in awe. She was too beautiful. My mouth was wide open and i totally enjoyed this moment. "Yah Kwangmin, Kwangmin!" Youngmin tapped me on the shoulder. I slowly pointed towards Minji making Youngmin look her direction. He too had his mouth wide open in awe. I smiled gently to myself, I must take good pictures to leave a good impression. I fixed my bow on my tuxedo while i nudged Youngmin. He finally snapped out of a trance and smiled like an idiot. He fixed his hair before we approached Minji. Surprisingly she smiled at us making my heart pump faster and faster. I wanted to hold hand so much at the moment. Youngmin was also trembling.


Youngmin's POV


 Surprisingly she smiled at me and my twin.I was trembling from Minji's beauty. I've never seen anyone as pretty as she. Kwangmin looked over at me and smiled. He must of noticed i was shaking i tried stopping. My heart raced faster.


Yes it was super SHORT. Haha. Sorry .

I will update again.

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Chapter 56: WHAT.
///I'mFinallyGoingToFinishReadingThisGuys. ♥
@ shawolduck- Aha, JEOMAL KHAMSAMNIDA :) We really appreciated it that you loved our story :) If you liked it, then you can also read our sequel to it too! :)) We hope you read it! *Bows* Again, thanks!!! -NOONAA-
shawolduck #4
OHHHMYGOSH, just finished reading it even though i should be studying! i cant help it, the story was amaazing! gyaaah, i liked how the story was set up and well written. I FELL IN LOVE WITH IT!!
lov4ever #5
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
@Purplehearts- Thanks so much for supporting and reading our fanfic.<br />
We hope you enjoy it. If you finish this one we have a sequel too :D
KYAA!! Love this!!
shesazn: HAHA that's the exact same thing I told Minji!! Yah Noona see I told you!! xD<br />
Uwahh if it really was a drama I'd die! MINWOO AHHH~~~ Omo and the *SPOILER FOR NEW READERS* twin fight too!! Aish~~~
@sheazn- Awe, why thanks for the amusing comment :)<br />
if the story was made into a drama, whoa that would be so wonderful :)<br />
Thanks for supporting and reading our fanfic :)