Chapter 39

Trainees for Love?

Kwangmin's POV


As Minji lead us deeper and deeper onto the path into the abandoned building, my stomach began to do flips as I become more nervous. I didn't want to hurt Minji anymore, not now when I like her. I glance over at hyung, he was looking at the ground, buried in his thoughts. I could tell he was also nervous about it too. When he did look back at me, my expression must've been indecisive. I was to be the one to knock down Minji as we started our assault. Youngmin nodded at me, signaling his approval. I take a deep breath. Here goes...


Youngmin's POV


Kwangmin picked up his pace, sneaking up behind Minji, and kicked the back of her knee, causing her to collapse to the ground. It's started.


Minwoo's POV


I lean back against the mirror as I smile, watching Suyun dance to Big Bang's We Belong Together. Her movements were fluid and sharp. Wonder if Minji was this good? Speaking of her, I wonder how they're doing? Minji and the twins I mean. I'm supposed to keep Suyun from even thinking about checking on Minji. To follow through with it, I reluctantly yet at the same time willingly hugged Suyun from behind as she stopped dancing. "Tired yet Suyunnie?" I cooed to her. She giggled, "Ne of course! Arasso let me go put on a different song." I didn't let her go however. "Ani ani, here, dance like this." I glide my hands down her arms to her wrists and guide them. I also had her stand on my feet so I could move with her. To tell the truth, I had a lot of fun with Suyun.


Youngmin's POV


I held Minji's arms to prevent her from resisting as Kwangmin repeatedly punched/kicked her stomach and legs. Kwangmin's finishing blow caused Minji to cough up blood. It hurt me so much to see her so hurt like this. I released her, letting her fall to the ground. I stepped over her trembling body and stood by Kwangmin's side, watching Minji's body shake in blood. I bit my tongue to keep myself from saying anything. I glance at my twin and he was already looking at me. He nodded at me, and I was hesitant to land the final blow. For the noonas, I step toward Minji, kick her stomach, causing her to roll into the spotlight of an old lamp post, leaving a trail of blood.


Kwangmin's POV


Aish, we're too hard weren't we? I catch up to Minji and turn her over. Her face had bloodied tears rolling down her cheek, and my eyes widen at the sight. Minji never cries. Youngmin came over when it seemed like I was taking to long, but he also became shocked at Minji's tears. I fought hard to prevent my own tears of regret from falling. I look away for a moment to regain myself, and took a last punch to Minji's stomach, knocking her out this time. Youngmin's hand was on my shoulder as we leave Minji there, with no one to help her.


Suyun's POV


Minwoo had an amazing sense of balance as we danced together. The next track automatically played, and the song reminded me of Noona. SHINee's Hello was playing, and Minwoo moved my like a puppet to the beat of SHINee. Something was really off, and I stepped away from him with a worried expression. Noona was alone with the twins. That didn't signal a good sign. "Minwoo," I said. "Suyun? Kwenchana?" he said, with a small but worried smile.

"I... I have to go apologize to Noona." I turned to run after them, but Minwoo held my wrist. "Wait wait," I turn back to look at him. "You can't." "Wae? Why not?" I said, taking away my hand. "Because..." he started, but he looked away. "Because... well you see..." I thought about what Minji said a few days ago. "You like her right?" He looked up at me, "Bwoh? Aniyo! Why would I?" "That's what I want to know, Minwoo. Why won't you let me go see her?" "Aniyo!" he suddenly screamed at me. He pulled me into his embrace and whispered, "Jebal... Don't leave Suyun..."

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Chapter 56: WHAT.
///I'mFinallyGoingToFinishReadingThisGuys. ♥
@ shawolduck- Aha, JEOMAL KHAMSAMNIDA :) We really appreciated it that you loved our story :) If you liked it, then you can also read our sequel to it too! :)) We hope you read it! *Bows* Again, thanks!!! -NOONAA-
shawolduck #4
OHHHMYGOSH, just finished reading it even though i should be studying! i cant help it, the story was amaazing! gyaaah, i liked how the story was set up and well written. I FELL IN LOVE WITH IT!!
lov4ever #5
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
@Purplehearts- Thanks so much for supporting and reading our fanfic.<br />
We hope you enjoy it. If you finish this one we have a sequel too :D
KYAA!! Love this!!
shesazn: HAHA that's the exact same thing I told Minji!! Yah Noona see I told you!! xD<br />
Uwahh if it really was a drama I'd die! MINWOO AHHH~~~ Omo and the *SPOILER FOR NEW READERS* twin fight too!! Aish~~~
@sheazn- Awe, why thanks for the amusing comment :)<br />
if the story was made into a drama, whoa that would be so wonderful :)<br />
Thanks for supporting and reading our fanfic :)