Second Trimester - Promise

What Is Pain?

"Appa~" Aeri called out as she climbed to lie on my lap.

I was at home, and since I felt much better today, I decided I could do some work for Junhyung.

"Yes, sweetheart?" I asked, eyes still focused on the laptop.

She hugged my waist, burying here face into my stomach.

"What's with that?" I laughed, feeling slightly ticklish.

"Appa, Aeri love Appa~" She said.

Her words caught me off guard. I stopped what I was doing to look at her. She was smiling at her, her big eyes shining.

I carried her up so I could hold her close to me.

"Aeri ah, Appa is sorry for neglecting you these few months." I said.

"I still love you!" She giggled.

"If you don't love me, who else would you love!?" I asked, throwing her onto the couch before tickling her.

"Everyone! Stop, Appa!!" She screamed, but I did not stop of course.

"Has my girl found a liking for another man?" I asked, still poking her all over.

"Appa only!!" She tried to grab my hands but was of course not fast enough.

"Omo! Who taught you to lie!?" I said.

"APPA PWEASE STOP!!" She was a giggling and screaming mess

Pandy barked and growled at me. Perhaps thinking I was going to hurt his little princess.

"Calm down, pal. I'm not going to hurt her." I said.

He barked in response, and then jumped onto the couch, sitting protectively next to Aeri.

Pandy ah, I am so thankful for you.

"So, tell me." I stopped, pulling her up to sit on my lap.

"Pandy!" Aeri said, hugging the dog.

Pandy, once a tiny puppy, has now grown to become a big dog. But despite that, whenever Min Jeong or Aeri pets him, he becomes the puppy he was again, all cute and fluffy.

He sits by the door everyday. It breaks my heart to know who he is waiting for.

"Really?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

Before she could reply, the doorbell rang. Pandy jumped off the couch and went to sniff under the door. He turned back, whimpering softly and looking very disappointed. It was not the scent he was waiting for.

"Pandy, come here!" Aeri gestured, seemingly knowing the dog's sadness.

I opened the door, revealing Doojoon and Junhyung.

"Tsk, the both of you disappointed Pandy." I said.

"What?" Doojoon looked surprised.

"He thought it was Min Jeong." I said, letting them in.

"Where's the princess?" Junhyung asked, looking around.

"Here!!" Aeri screamed, jumping onto Junhyung from behind, shocking the guts out of the poor man.

Doojoon was a laughing mess.

Pandy walked over and sniffed all over him.

"Do I smell like food or something?" Doojoon asked.

"You smell like Min Jeong. That's why." I said, bending down to pet Pandy.

Pandy, knowing that Doojoon was not Min Jeong, growled at him before going to whimper in a corner.

"Did he just scold me?" Doojoon asked.

"I think he did." I said.

"He wouldn't scold me anymore after hearing the news I am bringing with me." He said.

"Is Min Jeong..." I did not dare to say what I wanted to say. I did not want my hopes to be dashed.

"No, hyung. I'm sorry. But she did make an improvement. She's out of ICU now." He said.

"Serious!?! That's good! That's just awesome! I..." I guess waking up is a huge step to take, and getting out of ICU is the first step towards that.

"And there's more." Doojoon said.

"More?" I asked.

"I've gotten approval for you and Aeri to be there with her as long as you all like. So that means no more having to abide by those rules." He said.

"Thank you so much!" I hugged him.

Junhyung cleared his throat loudly.

"Oh sorry." I jumped off.

"You can hug him, but you gotta hug me too." He said.

"Of course! I'll hug anyone! Anything!" I exclaimed.

"Even a cactus?" Aeri asked, taking us aback.

"When did you become so cheeky!?" Junhyung tackled her to the couch, tickling her.

"Even a cactus." I said.

"Love, you didn't tell him the last one." Junhyung said.

From tickling Aeri to become Aeri's jungle gym, Junhyung let my girl climb all over him.

"Oh yea. And Pandy too." Doojoon said.

"Pandy?" I asked.

Pandy looked alert upon hearing his name.

"Pandy can be in the hospital together with all of you." Doojoon said.

"Oh my god." I was speechless.

Pandy kept barking and running around Doojoon. It was as if he understood him.

"He fought so hard for Pandy to be with Min Jeong." Junhyung said.

"I don't know how to thank the both of you." I said.

"Well, you could cook us dinner." Doojoon said.

"Dinner?" I asked.

"Yes, you know, the meal you eat at night." He said.

I laughed and shook my head.

"I have no idea what eating is anymore." I said.

Doojoon and Junhyung looked concerned out of a sudden.

"Did you do what I told you to? Little by little?" Doojoon asked.

"I did. But these days I just don't feel hungry anymore." I said.

"That's because your body have been food deprived for a long time, hyung. That doesn't mean you can live that way." Doojoon said.

I smiled and tried to change the topic.

“Junhyung ah, I got some done today.” I said, showing him what I did.

He went through it for a bit, and then flashed two thumbs up at me.

“Aye, it’s nothing.” I said.

“What do you mean by it’s nothing? Doojoonie wouldn’t be able to do this. He always screws up whatever I ask him to help me with. But look at you! Succeeding already after I showed you only once!” He said.

“Seungho hyung, I’ll cook you something light and you try to eat, okay?” Doojoon said, standing in the kitchen. When did he get there?

"Say okay. He will get angry if you say no." Junhyung whispered.

"Okay." I said.

"Just wait abit!" He smiled widely.

"Aeri dear, you want to be my little helper?" Doojoon asked her.

"YESSSSSS!!!" Aeri shouted.

"Let's go!" Doojoon high-fived her.

I sat on the couch with Junhyung and Pandy while letting the two busy themselves in the kitchen.

"Oh, right. Here." Junhyung said, handing me an envelope.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Your salary." He said.

"My salary? It's only been two weeks and today is the first time I actually did any work. You are paying me already?" I asked.

I took a look at the amount written on the cheque.

"This is too much!" I returned the cheque to him.

"We agreed on this amount. You signed the contract." He said, tossing it back to me.

"I thought this was a monthly amount! This is too much for two weeks, and definitely too much for someone who never did anything productive. No, I am not accepting this." I said.

"Take it, hyung. Don't make things difficult for me. I don't wanna have to sue you for breach of contract." He said.


"How is this not?" He smirked.

"Hyung, you really don't want to argue with someone whose profession is the law." Doojoon said.

"The both of you are unbelievable." I muttered, looking away.

"Come on, hyung. Don't be angry." Junhyung said, pressing the cheque into my palms.

“I…” I was speechless.

“It’s for Aeri, hyung. Just remember, everything is for Aeri.” He said.

I looked at him, and then at Aeri who was seated at the kitchen counter, watching Doojoon cook. She turned to me and flashed a smile. I could not help but smile back.

“I hate all of you~” I said, rolling my eyes at Junhyung.

“Min Jeong did tell me that you love uniquely. You constantly tell those whom you love that you hate them.” He said, lowering himself to lie on my lap.

“Did she also tell you that sometimes when I say I hate you, I really do?” I asked.

“She did. But this time, I know you love me.” He grinned.

I slapped his stomach, earning a loud whine from him.

“How dare the both of you flirt in my presence?!” Doojoon yelled, pointing at the both of us.

“IT’S BOILING!!!!” Aeri yelled, pointing at the pot, startling Doojoon.

“Do you think we’ll be able to eat tonight?” Junhyung asked.

“I have no idea.” I said as we watch the both of them mess around the kitchen.


I carried Aeri in one arm while holding onto Pandy’s leash with my other hand.

“Slow down.” I said to Pandy who tried to drag me along.

I could understand his excitement. He could already smell his owner from afar.

“Can I kiss Jeongie unnie today?” Aeri asked me.

Each time I bring her to visit Min Jeong, she would ask me this question. Despite me telling her no for all the time she asked, she did not give up.

“I don’t know about that, sweet. We gotta ask Doojoonie.” I said.

She let out an audible sighed and rested her cheek against my shoulder.

I kissed her cheek and smiled at her.

“Ask him cutely. He might just say yes.” I tried to humour her.

She smiled and nodded.

I was startled when Pandy let out a loud bark and tugged onto the leash vigorously.

“Stop! Pandy! I say, stop!” I tugged onto the leash tightly.

He turned and growled fiercely at me.

“I said stop.” I said firmly.

He let out a soft whimper and hung his head low.

We were just mere steps away from where Min Jeong was, no wonder he would react this way.

“I could hear you guys already.” Doojoon said, stepping out of the room.

I held onto Pandy’s leash with extra strength, just in case he would dash forward. But to my amusement, he did not, although he was wagging his tail extremely hard.

“Go.” I said, letting go of his leash. He turned to look at me, as though to seek confirmation.

“Yes, darling. She is inside. Go on in.” I said, gesturing him to go. Doojoon was gesturing him over too.

He ran so fast he almost missed the room, causing us to laugh. The three of us stood outside the room to give Pandy some time with his owner. He barked as he ran around the bed and scratched the corners. I turned around, unable to watch his disappointment.

“Are you okay?” Doojoon asked me. I nodded as I let Aeri down.

Aeri ran towards Pandy, hugging the whimpering puppy.

“How is she?” I asked.

“We have taken out most of the support, except for the oxygen. I will let her rely on it for another week or so before letting her breathe on her on. The baby is growing healthily too. Overall, Min Jeong is almost recovered. All we are missing is her waking up.” He said.

“I know I should not be asking this, but… when?” I asked.

“I really want to give you a definite answer, hyung.” He said.

“I know. I know. I was just.. you know.” I smiled, squeezing his shoulders.

“Thank you so much for everything.” I said.

He shook his head. Aeri ran towards him, crashing her small body against him as she hugged his legs tightly.

“Doojoonie sam-chon~” Aeri called out.

“Yes, my sweetheart?” Doojoon asked, kneeling down to her level. She circled her arms around his neck, leaning against him.

“Aeri really miss Jeongie unnie.” She said.

“I know, love.” Doojoon said.

“Can you give Aeri a wish?” She asked.

“Wish? What does Aeri want?” Doojoon asked, looking at me, and then at her.

“Aeri wants to kiss Min Jeong unnie. Appa said that she is weak now and there might be germs. But Aeri bathed today! Aeri is very clean. Can Aeri kiss Jeongie unnie? Just once? Please!” Aeri pleaded.

Doojoon laughed and kissed Aeri on her cheek before carrying her up.

“Now that Min Jeong unnie is much stronger than before, Aeri can kiss her anytime she likes.” He said, letting her down onto the bed.

“Really?” Aeri asked as if she was given a present she wanted for a long time.

“When have I lied to you?” Doojoon asked her.

“I love you!” Aeri jumped into Doojoon’s arms.

“Your Appa will get jealous.” He .

“Appa~ Hee~” Aeri grinned.

“I am jealous already.” I said, teasing her further.

She stuck out her tongue at me, and then turned to Min Jeong and whispered something into her ear before giving her a kiss on her cheek.

“What did you tell her?” I asked as I let her jump into my arms.

“Secret!” She covered .

“Alright.” I smiled, kissing her again.

“I have to get back to work. I will come back later, okay?” Doojoon said.

I nodded. After he left, I let Aeri and Pandy entertain themselves in the room while I sit down next to Min Jeong, caressing her baby bump while losing myself looking at her.

“Jeong ah~ You always told me that while other women shun the idea of getting pregnant and giving birth, you always find it fascinating to be able to bring another life to this world. You are pregnant now, Jeong ah. You are going to be a mother. You are carrying this life in your belly. Why are you sleeping and not enjoying every moment of it? Hmm?” I said to her.

“Doojoon made this place so comfortable. But I don’t like it. I don’t like to be here. I like to be home, but home is not home without you.” I continued saying.

“If you’re afraid of enduring the pains of pregnancy, don’t worry about that. I’ll take it all from you. I will endure the pain while you enjoy the moments.” I said.

“Alright. Maybe you’re still tired. Sleep for a little while more. Just a little while, okay?” I said.

I hooked my pinky with hers.

“You promised.” I said.

Min Jeong never breaks her promise.

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helloimderela #1
Chapter 54: I respect your decision dear:") and a story without endings are normallya good one which leaves the reader with an open mind of how they wanted it to be :") but really, thankful for all the great stories you have wrote! It never failed to entertain me and brings me different kinds of emotions. Your departure or you not continuing writing stories may be bitter to many of us who has been following you through every or many stories and have seen your revolution and many interesting storylines would definitely wish you for the best!
i really respect your decision i think your writing is the best not like what you said i personly never read fics like yours they are so great it makes you love it so much and i believe that if you read them all one more time you will find passiont again and you will write again so give it a try it's worth it
Chapter 54: Oh no... please don't delete your account or fics! I love rereading them! Thank you for all your amazing stories! <3
Chapter 54: Though u might've lost the will ot whatnot to write, u shouldn't delete the u said, they're fun memories.
and many have found solace in it.
it was a fun ride and maybe we'll read eachotner again....
good luck with everything u'r planning next.
what happend to this fic are you not going to complatet it ?
aimiaf #6
Hai...i want make a request...can you make a story about 2jun...i really like the character of 2jun in this story...hope you want to make the story about 2jun..main character 2jun..story about love, sadness, hurt, cute, sick and so on.. :) hope you will considered this :)
ellashakila #7
Chapter 53: Great story... Good job
Chapter 53: please update i have been waiting since forever :P
Seunghoyatic #9
update juseyo? i'm totally in love with this story, cant wait to find out what happens next~