Here for you

What Is Pain?

Min Jeong's POV

"What do we do?" I buried my face into my palms.

"I'll get him back." Junhyung assured.

"How!? We don't even know where the he is!" I yelled at him.

He looked at me, not saying anything. His way of saying 'Don't yell at me. I don't know what you don't know too. We will work this out together but yelling at me wouldn't work.'

"I'm sorry." I sighed, sinking into the couch.

"He might approach someone else for help. But there isn't much time left. He probably wouldn't find anyone in this short period of time." He said, massaging his temples.

"I don't know." I muttered, crying.

I was honestly not thinking of anything. I could not think of anything.

"Go back and get some rest." He said.

"How do you expect me to rest?" I asked.

"Not like you could do anything in this state." He said.

I looked at him. He was right. Not like I could do anything in this state.

I sighed and nodded.

"Come, I'll send you home." He said, pulling me up.

We were in the car, silent as he drove.

"Get some sleep." He said.

I closed my eyes, but of course sleep would not come.

I thought hard. There was something I was forgetting, but what was it?

I almost fell asleep when I remembered something. That fellow at the carnival!

"I REMEMBER!!!" I yelled, grabbing Junhyung.

"!" He cursed.

The car swirled and then we crashed sideways onto a lamp post.

"Are you okay!?" He asked worriedly.

I nodded, still trying to recover from the shock.

"~" He cursed again, holding his left arm.

"Are you hurt?" I asked when I finally got back to my senses.

He had swirled the car so it would crash on his side instead.

"I'm fine." He groaned, although he was obviously not fine.

"What was it that you were saying?" He asked.

"I remember! I know where Seungho probably went!" I said, forgetting all about his arm.

I told him what happened in the carnival that day, and his facial expression told me something was wrong.

"What is it?" I asked.

"That man is known to defend the meanest people using the dirtiest methods. I don't know what is his motive behind going to Seungho hyung like that, but he's definitely up to something." He said.

"We need to stop him!!" I yelled.

"Calm down! We can't just barge into his office and pull Seungho out." He said.

"Then what do we do!?" I got frustrated.

"We need to find out more." He said.

With the help of people he knew in the industry, he managed to find out that the lawyer who approached Seungho was indeed still working very closely with the couple.

"We need to stop them. We need to stop them now." I said.

"Calm down, Min Jeong. Please. Calm down." He said.

"How can I calm down when I'm watching him walk into fire!? We don't have three years, Junhyung! The trial is in two days!!" I yelled.

"Do I look like I don't know!? Give me some time to work things out! I am a lawyer, not God!" He shouted at me.

Junhyung rarely loses his temper. He must be really upset and I must be going really overboard.

But Junhyung, being him, would feel guilty almost immediately. He wrapped his arms around me, allowing me to cry in his embrace.

"Why are you doing this to yourself, hmm? If you would had come clean with him, all these wouldn't happen. It's not like you are doing him any harm. You do everything for him. Why are you hiding? What are you afraid of?" He asked.

"Losing him. I'm afraid of losing him." I confessed.

"Don't worry. You wouldn't." He said.

"I already did." I said.

"No. You didn't. You will get him back." He assured, drying my tears.

He sent me home, promising me that he will search for evidence and we will go confront him tomorrow. I was reluctant, but I did not insist.

That night, I went to Seungho's place, just in time to see him coming back with Aeri.

Just as I was about to hide myself, Aeri saw me and yelled out my name. I tried to run away, but it was too late.

"What are you doing here?" Seungho asked coldly.

"Seungho ah, let's talk. Please." I begged.

"I have nothing to say to you. Neither do I want to hear you say anything." He said.

"Please." I pleaded.

"Go in first." Seungho said, letting Aeri down.

"Jeongie, let's go!" Aeri pulled my hand.

"No, sweetheart." Seungho said.

"But why?" Aeri pouted.

"Be a good girl, listen to your Daddy. I'll come later, okay?" I said.

"Okay." Aeri said despite sulking.

The moment she went in, Seungho turned to me coldly again.

"I see that you can lie very smoothly now." He said in a mocking tone.

I looked down, not saying anything.

"Why the silence? Don't you have something to tell me?" He said.

"Did you go look for him?" I asked.

"What?" He looked at me.

"That lawyer that approached you in the carnival. Did you go look for him?" I asked.

"Just what business is it of yours?" He answered.

"Seungho ah, he's not going to help you. He's lying. It's a trap." I said.

"Lying? Trap? Ha! Did you just describe yourself?" He asked.

"Seungho, please. Trust me on this." I said.

"I trusted you on everything, Min Jeong. I trusted my entire life to you. I exposed myself to you. I was as good as in front of you. But what did you do?" He asked.

His voice was soft and calm. He was broken.

"Seungho, please...." I cried.

He shook his head and went back into the house, closing the door.

"Jeongie?" I heard Aeri say.

"Not today, baby." Seungho said.

I stood outside his house, bawling my eyed out.

Just what can I do to make him listen?


I went to Junhyung's place that night. It was late and he was bound to be resting. I should be resting to but I could not.

I abused his doorbell, impatient that he was not coming out. The door finally opened, revealing an annoyed Doojoon.

"Min Jeong, what is it?" He asked.

"I need to speak to Junhyung." I said, forcing my way in.

"Jun mphff!!" Doojoon covered my mouth before I could finish.

"Please, keep quiet." He whispered.

I frowned at him.

"It's 3AM. He's asleep. Please let him sleep." He pleaded.

"But I need to talk to him about something important." I insisted.

"Please, Min Jeong. He is in a lot of pain and it took me an hour to hush him to sleep." He said.

"Pain?" I asked.

"You guys had an accident today, no? I suspect that there's a crack on his arm. I don't know how he endured the pain while running around for the entire day, but it took me a long time to ease his pain so he could finally sleep. Please don't wake him up." He said, sounding tired.

It took me awhile to register his words.

"I'm sorry." I said, headed for the door.

"Hey, where are you going? I'm not chasing you away. I'm just saying don't wake him up." He said.

He made me sit down on the sofa, and then handed me a cup of water.

"I'll go get you some clothes and fill the tub with warm water." He said, going off before I could consent.

He came back, half his short wet.

"What happened?" I asked.

"The tap bullied me." He said, pouting.

I laughed and punched his stomach.

"Laughing already?" He ruffled my hair.

He pulled me up and pushed me to the toilet.

"So do you wanna shower on your own or do I have to do it for you?" He asked.

"Get out." I said, kicking him out, literally.

"Call me if you need anything." He said before closing the door.

I soaked myself into the tub of warm water and closed my eyes. It felt so good. It has been awhile since I felt so comfortable.

I got out of the shower after a good 30 minutes. I stepped out to the smell of food.

"The hair dryer is there." Doojoon said, his back facing me.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Ta da!" He turned around, holding two plates in his hand; rice balls and kimchi stew.

"I thought you might be hungry." He said.

I nodded. I never realize I was hungry until now.

"Sit down." He said, taking the hair dryer.

He dried and combed my hair.

"Thank you." I said.

"Don't act all stranger with me." He said.

“I have manners.” I said.

“Really? When?” He teased.

After I ate, he asked me to go sleep in the room with Junhyung. I refused, but he insisted.

“Sleep tight.” He said, covering the blanket over me.

“Junhyung will wake up in shock.” I said.

“It’s fine.” He laughed as he headed out.

I closed my eyes and fell into a much-needed deep sleep.

The next morning when I woke up, Junhyung was already awake and having breakfast with Doojoon outside.

“Good morning.” Junhyung greeted when he saw me.

“How’s your arm?” I asked.

“It’s fine.” He smiled.

“It’s not.” Doojoon frowned.

“Fine, it’s not.” Junhyung said, rolling his eyes.

I laughed at their cute relationship. Most of the time, Junhyung was the boss. But when it comes to health, Doojoon has the final say and Junhyung would never argue with Doojoon on that.

“Before you two monkeys go anywhere today, Junhyung is following me to the hospital.” Doojoon said.

“Yes, Dr Yoon.” Junhyung said obediently.

Turned out that Junhyung really had a crack on his arm. While putting on the cast for him, Doojoon kept going on about how horrible Junhyung is as a caretaker of his own body. I was on the verge of smacking Doojoon on his head for being so noisy, but Junhyung was all calm and smiley.

“How do you endure that noisy old man?” I asked when we were out.

“If that person was Seungho to you, would you be angry at him?” He asked.

His question struck me hard. I did not give him an answer.

“See~ It’s the same. When you love someone, and when you know that someone is only being like that to you because he loves you, it’s special.” He said.

He is right. But I never saw how special Seungho was until he is gone.

We waited outside the office of that idiotic lawyer. Tomorrow was the trial. If we do not stop them today, the outcome tomorrow would be unthinkable.

“Should we just go up and bang on his door?” I suggested after getting tired of waiting.

Junhyung shook his head. I sighed impatiently.

“I’m going to get us a drink.” I said.

I went to the nearby convenience store to grab us both drinks and some snacks. As I headed back to the car, I realize Junhyung was not in the car.

“Where did he go?” I muttered as I looked around.

My attention was drawn to the yelling nearby. I ran over when I saw Junhyung, Seungho and that lawyer having an argument.

Seungho rolled his eyes when he saw me. He turned to walk away, but I grabbed his arm.

“Seungho, please. Listen to us. He is not out to help you. Trust us, Seungho ah!” I pleaded.

“Please let go.” The lawyer said.

“Shut up! Please shut up!” I yelled at him.

“Let go of me.” Seungho said in a low voice.

“Please. I know I’ve let you down. I know I’m an idiot. But I love you, I love Aeri. I don’t want any of you hurt. Please.” I begged.

“You don’t want any of us hurt? Stop saying things like that. You’re making a fool out of yourself.” Seungho said.

“Please, I beg you.” I said.

“Seungho hyung, trust us please.” Junhyung pleaded.

“Let go of me.” Seungho said.

“No.” I said, hugging his waist.

“Let go of me.” Seungho repeated.

“No, no, no!” I hugged him tighter.

“I SAID LET GO!” He yelled, pulling my arms away from him and pushing me to the ground.

“How could you!!” Junhyung yelled, almost punching Seungho, but that idiotic lawyer caught his fist.

Seungho looked at me, perhaps shocked by his own actions.

“I told you to let go.” He muttered.

“If you touch my client, I’ll sue you.” The lawyer said to Junhyung.

Junhyung pulled his fist out of his hand and helped me up.

“Are you alright?” He asked me.

I nodded.

“Seungho, please.” I continued to plead him.

He turned to walk away, leaving us there.

“This is why you should break anyone’s trust.” The lawyer said to me mockingly.

“What is it that you gain from hurting him? Do you even know what you’re doing? You’ll rip him apart!” I shouted.

“I didn’t. You did.” He said with a smirk before walking away.

Seungho’s POV

I was awake all night, thinking of Junhyung and Min Jeong’s words.

“Appa~” Aeri called out, snuggling closer to me.

“Hey, sweetheart. Why are you awake?” I kissed her on her forehead.

She climbed onto my chest, pressed her cheek against me and continued to sleep.

“Is Appa making the right choice?” I muttered as I pat her back gently.

The next day, I went to court together with Aeri.

“Appa, where is this place?” Aeri asked.

“Appa has something to do. You be a good girl and wait here, okay?” I said as I let her into the playroom.

“But I want to play with Appa.” She said, not letting go of me.

“I will come in awhile. Be a good girl, okay?” I said, kissing her forehead.

She was reluctant, but she let me go.

“Thanks.” I said to the caretaker.

My footsteps were heavy as I headed over.

“Hyung!” I turned when I heard a familiar voice.

“Kiki?” I asked, surprised to see him.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

“I know you probably don’t wish for me to be here, but I really wanted to be here for you.” He said.

I smiled and messed his hair.

“Correction. I kinda really hope someone was here with me today, so thank you.” I said.

“Really?” He looked excited.

“Everything will be okay.” He smiled.

“I hope.” I said.

As we walked over, we crossed path with Aeri’s biological parents.

“This is not necessary, you know.” She said to me; Aeri’s mother.

“You have no rights to even call Aeri’s name.” I said.

“Come on, darling.” Aeri’s father said.

“Don’t waste time talking to a freak like him. Blood will always be thicker than water.” He continued as he pushed passed me.

I stood there like a block of wood.

“Don’t let their words get to you.” Kikwang said.

I nodded and we headed inside.

I took my stand when my name was called.

I turned to look at their lawyer or my lawyer, what he is called, I have no idea. But his eyes were foreign. He looked at me coldly. Like I was being awoken by the splashing of cold water on my face, it was only then did I realize how strange everything was. His random approach to me claiming that he wants to help me, Junhyung and Min Jeong multiple attempts to stop me.

But it was all too late now. I am standing here, and there is no turning back.

“I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.” I sworn.

He asked me a bunch of questions regarding the relationship Aeri and I have. I answered them despite my mind being in a state of mess.

“Yang Seungho, you came to me a few days ago, bad-mouthing my client and requesting me to turn my back on them and help you instead. Why did you do that?” He asked.

It was then I snapped out of my messy thoughts.

“What?” I asked, feeling as if someone slapped me across my face.

“I…. I did not!” I got agitated.

“Yang Seungho, you came to me a few days ago, bad-mouthing my client and requesting me to turn my back on them and help you instead. Why did you do that?!” He raised his voice.

“I DID NOT!!!” I yelled back, crying this time.

I looked around. The eyes of everyone felt like they were judging me for being an . Kikwang looked confused too. My eyes met with Aeri’s biological parents. They were smirking at me. I never felt so stupid in my entire life. What are you doing, Yang Seungho? What have you done?

“I did not! I did not! You came to me! Why are you lying!?” I cried.

He looked like he was about to say something but was interrupted by the opening of the doors.

“I am sorry for being late. I got into an accident this morning." Junhyung said, gesturning to the cast on his arm.

"I am Yong Junhyung, Yang Seungho’s lawyer. Please give me the permission to represent my client.” He bowed.

After the judge gave him the permission, he headed over. 

Our eyes met. He winked at me and mouthed: Don’t worry. We are here.

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helloimderela #1
Chapter 54: I respect your decision dear:") and a story without endings are normallya good one which leaves the reader with an open mind of how they wanted it to be :") but really, thankful for all the great stories you have wrote! It never failed to entertain me and brings me different kinds of emotions. Your departure or you not continuing writing stories may be bitter to many of us who has been following you through every or many stories and have seen your revolution and many interesting storylines would definitely wish you for the best!
i really respect your decision i think your writing is the best not like what you said i personly never read fics like yours they are so great it makes you love it so much and i believe that if you read them all one more time you will find passiont again and you will write again so give it a try it's worth it
Chapter 54: Oh no... please don't delete your account or fics! I love rereading them! Thank you for all your amazing stories! <3
Chapter 54: Though u might've lost the will ot whatnot to write, u shouldn't delete the u said, they're fun memories.
and many have found solace in it.
it was a fun ride and maybe we'll read eachotner again....
good luck with everything u'r planning next.
what happend to this fic are you not going to complatet it ?
aimiaf #6
Hai...i want make a request...can you make a story about 2jun...i really like the character of 2jun in this story...hope you want to make the story about 2jun..main character 2jun..story about love, sadness, hurt, cute, sick and so on.. :) hope you will considered this :)
ellashakila #7
Chapter 53: Great story... Good job
Chapter 53: please update i have been waiting since forever :P
Seunghoyatic #9
update juseyo? i'm totally in love with this story, cant wait to find out what happens next~