Sudden Complications

Destiny is really something






Next day Shinhye invited Yonghwa to have a date. It will be just her excuse so she can asked about Yonghwa's plan about their schedules. They went first to a supermarket, Shinhye buy Yonghwa's favorite snack called combos. Yonghwa felt something is wrong since morning. Yonghwa dont know that Shinhye talked to their President. After that they go strolling in Myeongdong, they're both wearing the bracelets. A lot of people noticed them, taking pictures to them.


"They can envy all they want Shin." Yonghwa hold Shinhye's hand.


"You know, Jung Yonghwa. I'm not as composed as you know. I'm kind of embarass." Shinhye chuckled.


She wished they will be like that forever. No worries. No problems. But reality is never like that. In the upcoming days, it will be harder again for them. 


They reach a great samgyupsal restaurant. They decided to eat there.


Shinhye wrapped one and gave it to Yonghwa. 


"Yummy, even more delicious because you wrapped it." Yonghwa exclaimed.


"Aigoo, theres no difference."


"Yong Oppa, do you have something to tell me or something?"


"What do you mean Shin?"


"About your upcoming events and concerts outside Korea."


Yonghwa stood for a moment. Does Shin knew already? 



"Oh, our world tour? I dont know the details yet." Yonghwa continued to eat.


"Oppa, i want you to go for this dream. Having a world tour is really an achievement. You cant let this off okay? Promise me." Shinhye indicating a pinky promise.


"I cant promise you, Shin. I cant." Yonghwa looked at Shinhye's face. "Our schedules been so chaotic and I dont want to leave you here."


"Oppa. Please dont do this hard on both of us. We can work it out."


"Shinhye, I cant. It will drive me crazy not seeing in a day. And your pushing me on this?"


"Oppa, please understand. You want this, you've always dreamed about coming to different countries and perform your coolest songs. Its been your goal, it has been even back then you havent met me."


"It has changed now Shin."


"No, Oppa. It doesnt. You want it. You practice every night, I know that. If its me stopping you from doing what you love, I will be very hurt."


"Could we just eat Shin? I dont want to ruin this day worrying about things that will never happen. I just want to be in my side forever. Its more than enough for me."


"Oppa, I will always be in your side. I will never leave you. So please reconsider your decisions. Please?"



Yonghwa nodded and continue to eat. He doesnt want to answer Shinhye's question. His decision is final. 



Yonghwa drive Shinhye in her home. At the door. Shinhye asked if Yonghwa want to have some tea. Yonghwa cutely declined it because he has something to do in their dorm. Shinhye said its okay and give Yonghwa a tender goodbye kiss on his lips then whispered on his ear saying "Follow your heart, I know deep inside of you eager to perform outside Korea. I will stand by you." 



Shinhye moved back and start to open the door when Yonghwa gaved her a tight back hug. He wrapped his arms on Shinhye's waist. 


"My heart belongs to you, Shin."


Shinhye smiled. She love it. If she can be the selfish one, its okay Yonghwa not to do a world tour and just stay on her side. But she know Yonghwa is just too blinded with their love and unable to see what he really wants.


"Mine too." she said softly. 



Slowly Yonghwa unwrapped his arms. Then gave a goodbye kiss on Shinhye's cheek. 


"Bye Shin. I'm going."


"Take care Oppa."




Shinhye's kind words doesnt have an effect on persuading Yonghwa. She doesnt know what to do now. 







Morning at the office, Shinhye saw Minho playing games on his smartphone.


"Minho ya, why are you not working?"


"Noona, no work for today. We will have a meeting with Abeoji."


"With CEO Lee? Why? Whats the matter?"


"I dont really know the details Noona, lets just wait."


After thirty minutes, they had been called by the Executive Secretary.



"I called you two because I have a very important annoucement to say. Miss Park Shinhye, since your potential is really high I'm sending you to work for a very prestigious research company in New York."



Shinhye didnt like what her heard. 


"I decline CEO Lee. I'll just work here in LR&C."


"What? Noona? You are declining it? Its so huge, why?" Minho interrupt.


"I think you are surprised for now, just tell if your ready to answer with good reason. Meeting adjourned." CEO Lee stated.


"What? Abeoji? Then why did you call me on this meeting? I did nothing."


"If Miss Park will go for it. I might send you too, so you guys could help each other."


"Me? I can put you on shame Abeoji. Dont do it."


"It all depends on Miss Park Shinhye."



Shinhye stand up and bowed. She left the meeting room and went to her office. A lot of things worrying her. How can I tell this to Yonghwa?  










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Wendy-1977 #1
Chapter 40: Beautiful story its real....yongshin🤗😍
coffeeboyanand #2
Chapter 40: The story is too good.. Keep writing Author....
whitenyc23 #3
Chapter 40: Heartwarming....keep writing more fanfic...yongshin forever
Sheimen23 #4
Love your story, in fact read it twice already... I actually forgot the title of the story but I was browsing on the title Girl from Busan that's why I cou find it... Thanks for spreading Dooley love... Your story is daebak...
rubyani #5
Chapter 40: So sweet story gomawo authornim ♡♡♡
rubyani #6
Chapter 39: When they are together everything ia soooo sweet
rubyani #7
Chapter 38: Why yonghwa leave?? What happen??
rubyani #8
Chapter 37: Authornim.... its so so so so so sweet ^_^ I love it very much ♥♥♥
rubyani #9
Chapter 36: The boys is so sweet ...n the song so sweet
This chapter make me teary eyes ...
rubyani #10
Chapter 30: Oh so sad... but they have to do this for the better tomorrow