Chapter 34


Donghae's POV:

"Appa! Don't be sad! I've got an idea!" she whispered, and giggled. "What's your idea?" I asked her quickly. "You should..." I didn't heard was she said because I heard _____'s loud scream. "Oppa! Put Yun Hee to sleep arasso? Then come here and help me!" she yelled. I chuckled and replied, "Arasso arasso! Wait for me!" I lifted Yun Hee and laid her down. I sang lullaby for her and saw her eyes slowly closing. After singing, I saw her eyes fully closed. I kissed her forehead and went to _____.

"Yeobo. What do you want me to do?" I asked her. She didn't answer and just looked at me. "Is there something wrong Yeobo? You can tell me anything, you know that." I assured her. She bowed her head down and giggled. "Yah. I was just joking. There's nothing wrong! I'm just happy, that's all." she finally replied. I smiled and hugged her from behind.

"I'm very happy too Yeobo. Imagine, we're not yet married, but we already have a cute daughter." I said and looked at her reaction. She froze. "Uh.. Oppa. When will go home?" she suddenly changes the subject. 'Why does everytime we talk about marriage, she won't answer.' I thought. But let her be. "When do you want to go home Yeobo? I'll go home, if you wanna go home." I said. She thought for a while and replied, "Can we go home tomorrow?" she asked me. I nodded and nuzzled her neck. "Whenever you want Yeobo." I said. "Is Yun Hee already asleep?" she asked again. "Yes, I sang her lullaby. An advantage for being a famous singer." I beamed. She lightly poked my head. I chuckled and kissed her cheek. "But Oppa, you're the most handsome singer I know." she explained and looked at me. "Oppa, let's sleep now neh?" she offered. I nodded and we held hands while walking towards our room.

The next day...

"Appa! Umma!" I opened my eyes and saw Yun Hee trying to wake us up. She's so cute. I grabbed her and kissed her cheek. "Good morning Appa. Your hair is a mess." she noticed. She tried to fix it, but she can't reach my head so I bowed down. "Thank you Yun Hee. Appa loves you." I thanked. "Yun Hee, get ready arasso? We're going home today." _____ softly said to Yun Hee. Baby Yun Hee just nodded and grabbed both of our hands and pulled us to the kitchen. "Umma, hungry." Yun Hee complained to _____, pointing at her tummy. "How can a 4 year old be so cute?Arasso, I'll make your breakfast." _____ gave in. "I'll give you bath Yun Hee, while wating for breakfast arasso?" I said. "Appa, don't want..." she whined. I shook my head and tickled her until she finally agreed.

After eating, _____ went to our room to change while I was packing the rest of our things. I saw little Yun Hee quietly taking a nap on the sofa, while was slightly open. 'Cute.' I thought.


"Oppa, are you ready?" _____ said while helping me. I nodded and pointed at Yun Hee. She quickly turned her head and smiled at the sight of our sleeping Yun Hee. "Why is she so cute even when she's just sleeping?" she quietly asked. "Maybe because she's our daughter." I replied. She lighly pinched my cheeks and we went back to packing our things.

Your  POV:

"Yun Hee-ah." I sofly said for her to wake up since we're about to leave. "Umma.." she called out then raised her hands, signalling me to carry her. I lifter her up and she went back to sleep in my arms. "Oppa, have you told Tae Hyun & Jae Hwa that we're leaving today?" I asked. "Yup. I called them last night. They said they checked out yesterday." he said. "Arasso. Let's go now neh?" I suggested. He grabbed all our things and nodded.

It was a long drive back to Seoul, since we letft in the morning, we arrived in the afternoon. But we went to Super Junior's dorm first to see s and introduce them to Yun Hee. "LEE DONGHAE, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" Leeteuk shouted as he saw Yun Hee. I felt Yun Hee shaking in fear because of Leeteuk's voice. "HYUNG! IS SHE YOUR DAUGHTER?! SHE'S SO CUTE!" Ryeowook commented and clapped his hands. "YAH! I TOLD YOU TO BE CAREFUL! WHAT HAPPENED?!" Eunhyuk shouted. Right there and then, Yun Hee cried and was trying to reach for Donghae. Donghae saw his little daughter reaching out for him, so he carried her. "Relax guys." he said. "HOW CAN WE RELAX DONGHAE?!? YOU HAVE A CHILD! YOU TWO ARE NOT EVEN MARRIED AND YOU ALREADY HAVE A FREAKING CHILD!" his hyungs screamed that made Yun Hee cried harder and louder.  was getting pissed so I joined the conversation.

"OPPAS! Yes, Yun Hee is our daughter. But we only adopted her since no one's taking care of her and both her parents left her. How can we abandon such cute child like her? How can we let her wander around the streets with no one guiding her? Even though she's not our child, I treat her like my very own." I sincerely said which caused a few tears with some members. "Wow _____-ah. You must really love your daughter." Siwon replied. I nodded and blinked a few tears because of these emotions. Donghae let Yun Hee down to walk. "So, does that explain everything?" Donghae asked all of them. They all went to Yun Hee and hugged her tightly, welcoming her to the family. "We're sorry Yun Hee, for making you cry." they all apologized.

I saw Yun Hee playing with his new oppas. I'm glad that they finally accepted her. "Yeobo, why are you smiling?" Donghae said as he hugged me. "Nothing. I'm just happy for Yun Hee. She finally found her family." I replied. I felt him nod and kissed my cheeks. "Yah Oppa. You don't have any schedule today?" I asked him. "Actually I do, but it's only for a few hours. I'll be back by dinner time." he said. I pouted, I don't want him to leave. But he has to right? Since he's an idol and stuff. "Don't pout Yeobo. I hate seeing you sad. I'll be back, I promise." he assured.

Donghae dropped us off to our apartment and went straight to his schedule. "Umma, where's Appa going?" Yun Hee innocently asked. "Appa's going to work for us Yun Hee-ah." I explained. As she heard this, she went to her bag, grabbed some coloring things and drew something for Donghae. She showed me her work-of-art, and I was pretty amazed. It kinda look like Donghae himself. But since she's still a child, she needs more practice. "Wow Yun Hee! Appa will like it, surely!" I assured her.

"_____-ah! _____-ah!" I looked at the front door and saw my best friend, Lee Hyun. "Hyun-ah I haven't seen you for like.. ages! How are you?!" I quickly asked and hugged her. "I'm okay, but Eunhyuk Oppa told me you adopted a child named... Yun Hee?" she asked. I nodded and grabbed her hand and took her to Yun Hee's room. We saw Yun Hee, making her pictures for Donghae. "Yun Hee, this is Lee Hyun. She's Umma's bestfriend." I formally introduced. "Annyeong." Hyun greeted. Yun Hee smiled and higged her. "Aigoo. _____-ah she's so cute!" Hyun complimented. I just giggled. Of course she's cute. "So where's Donghae?" she said. "Oh, he has a schedule. He'll be back later." I explained. "Aww. I hate to leave you _____. But I have to go, Eunhyuk Oppa wants me to do something for him. Is that okay?" she replied. "It's okay Hyun, you can go. Just don't forget to visit here anytime neh?" I said. She stood up and nodded. We hugged for the last time and she left.

'Oppa, when are you coming back?' I asked in my mind. I already prepared dinner, and Yun Hee's watching some cartoons while waiting. I heard someone entering and saw Donghae smiling at me. "Appa's here Yun Hee! What are you doing?" he asked his daughter. "Appa! I made something for you!! Wait here." she said and ran to her room. "Yeobo I missed you." he said and went to kiss my lips. "I missed you too Oppa. Soo Jin was here earlier. She already saw our Yun Hee." I informed. "Appa! I made this!" Yun Hee ran to Donghae. "Wow you made this all by yourself?" he asked. "Neh!" she beamed. "She's been doing that since we came home." I added. "It's so pretty Yun Hee. Gomawo." Donghae thanked and kissed Yun Hee's cheeks.

We finished dinner and went to get ready for bed. I saw Donghae carrying Yun Hee to her room. "Oppa, let me do it. I know you're tired from your schedule earlier." I said and tried to take Yun Hee. "Anio I'm okay Yeobo. Why don't you get ready for bed and I'll be there later arasso?" he replied. I know I can't fight with him tonight cause I know he's tired so I let him be. "Make sure Yun Hee drinks her milk." I reminded.

Donghae's POV:

I carried Yun Hee to her room and laid her down. "Yun Hee, drink you milk." I said which she gladly obeyed. After drinking her milk, I finally asked her the one thing I was curious about all day. "Yun Hee-ah, about your plan yesterday. I didn't hear it. Mianhe, but can you tell Appa now?" she giggled lightly and clapped her hands.

"Appa, you should give her a cupcake!" she excitedly whispered. "Cupcake?" I asked again. "Neh Appa! A cupcake!" she repeated. "But Yun Hee, how can Appa propose to Umma with only a cupcake?" I said. "Well Appa, you have to hide the ring in the cupcake! I see it all the time in movies! It's a great move!" she replied. 'That's not a bad idea.' I thought. "Why is my daughter so smart?" I said to her and hugged her tight.

"But Appa can I ask you a tiny favor?" she replied.

"Of course you can. What is it?" I asked.

"Can I pick the cupcake?" she pleaded, and flashed her puppy dog eyes.



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babanga #1
new reader here
new reader :) update please!
<3 your story .. update it please .. XD
Hey!! New reader here. Your story is so effin' cute!! Update more!!
yeon404 #5
heartbreaking??waa so excited :DD kekekeke~~~~
I missed your updates ;~; So much~<br />
Ugh, drama to come? D;
Heartbreaking scene? That must be happen 'cause jaehwa, she is annoying -_______-"
heartbreaking scences? :( everything is going smoothly~ i bet Jaehwa is one of the reasons.. but, yeah! im so glad that u updated :D