Chapter 23


Donghae’s POV:

"Hyung. You've been paying a lot of attention to Ivy lately. Have you thought of _____? Did you call her? Did you asked her how she's been? Did you know that she's sick right now? Did you know she has a deep bruise? Oh that's right. You don't know cause you've been with Ivy! She saw the interview hyung. She saw it and she was hurt! She's alone. She's needs someone. She needs you.. " Siwon said as he left me.


______’S SICK? WHY THE HELL DID ANYONE NOT TELL ME ABOUT THIS. _____’S MY GIRLFRIEND! I HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW HER CONDITION! I decided to call up Eunhyuk. “Yah, Eunhyuk-ah! What’s wrong with _____?! Is she okay?!” I said worriedly. “I’m hanging up.” he  rudely replied. ‘THAT’S IT. I’M GOING BACK TO KOREA.’ I thought. I came up to manager hyung. “Hyung, I have to go back to Korea. Something came up. I’m sorry.” I apologized. “No no. Donghae-ah, you’re scheduled to go back to Korea today. The director said, he’s thinking of shooting in Korea too. So you tell Siwon, and get packing arasso?” he answered. “Really?! Thanks Hyung!” I said and smiled brightly. I’m coming _____, wait for me. “Oh, before I forget. Ivy is also coming with you. Because you know, he’s your leading lady, so she really needs to come.” he added. My eyes went big. ‘Oh no.’

As we entered the plane, Siwon’s been ignoring me. I know he cares for _____, and I clearly know it’s all my fault too. “Siwon-ah. Are you mad at me?” I asked him. He deeply sighed. “No hyung. I’m just disappointed at you. You better fix this mess.” he replied. I nodded confidently at him. “And I’m sorry for the way I talked to you earlier. I just got carried away.” he apologized. “It’s okay Siwon. I know you didn’t mean that. Now I have to concentrate more on _____. “ I said. He smiled  proudly at me. “Now that’s my hyung.” he beamed.

And at last, we landed in Korea. After we got our luggage, we quickly headed out of the airport to avoid the fans. Siwon went to Super Junior’s dorm, Ivy went to a hotel, and I’m heading for our apartment. 'I just hope that she's okay.' I hoped. I was already outside the apartment and took out my duplicate key. I quietly went inside and saw _____, peacefully sleeping on the couch. I closed the door and walked towards her. They're right, she's not well. But she still has that angelic face of hers. 'Jagiya, what happened? Did you miss me too much? Please take care of yourself. I'm really really sorry.' I wanted to say to her. I carried her bridal style to our room and gently laid her down. I fixed the pillows for her, and gently touched her forehead. 'When you wake up, I'll be here. Please don't be mad at me. You know I love you, and I don't wanna lose you. Not anymore.' As I held her hand tightly.

I went outside of our room and decided to make some porridge for her to eat when she wakes up. I headed for the kitchen and saw her cellphone on the floor. I picked it up and smiled as I saw the wallpaper. It was me. Carefully, I put her phone on the couch and started cooking. After I was done, I placed the porridge on the microwave and went to the couch. As I was watching, I heard the front door slowly opening. "Ivy?" I whispered.


She smiled and sat on the couch with me. I was so confused. She was supposed to be in her hotel room right now. What if _____ see her? I'll be dead for sure. "Why are you here Ivy?" I asked. She chuckled as a response. She noticed that I was not in a happy mood so she replied back. "I was bored. I wanted to play with you." she said. "How did you know Iwas living here?" I asked again. "Well, I asked your manager. By the way, why aren't you living with your other members? Did you fight or something? she asked curiously. I was about to answer her, when our room's door began to open.

Your POV:

Yes I was sick. But that didn't stop me from going to school. After classes, I immediately fell asleep on the couch. When I woke up, I was already in my bed. 'Why am I here? I remember I slept on the couch.' I asked to myself. After feeling my forehead, I carefully stood up and blinked a few times to make sure I was seeing well. I opened the door and stepped outside of the room. "Donghae?!" I said. He quickly stood up and came closer to me. He wasn't alone, he was with Ivy. "Why are here? Aren't you supposed to be in Taiwan?!" I yelled at him, not caring about my condition. "I came here for you _____-ah." he replied back and tried to hug me. "She's your girlfriend Donghae?! I thought you wanted me to be your girlfriend?!" Ivy screamed at Donghae. "What?" I said and looked him with tears blurring my vision.


Author's POV:

Donghae and Ivy had been spending their time together very often. They ate breakfast together, practiced their lines together, accompanied each other when one was bored. "Donghae, where do wanna eat today? Ivy asked him. "You know this place better." the guy said. "Well okay. Let's have this Beef Noodles, Changhua Fried Meat Dumplings and Stinky Tofu! Is that okay?" she innocently asked. "Sounds great! Let's go!" Donghae replied excitedly.

"This food is amazing!" Donghae complimented. Ivy laughed proudly and continued eating. Donghae looked at her smile. "You know what, you'll be perfect as my girlfriend." Donghae complimented Ivy that made her blushed really hard. 'I like him, A LOT. And I think, he has the same feelings for me.' Ivy thought in her mind. "Shut up, I know you're just joking with me." she jokingly said. "No I'm serious." replied Donghae with a laugh. 'Why are you sweet? I'm falling for you even more.' Ivy once again thought.



"So you want her to be your girlfriend Donghae?!" I yelled. Donghae didn't respond. "DAMN IT LEE DONGHAE, ANSWER ME!" I scremead with all my might. "_____-ah, I only love you. I don't love her okay? Please believe me. When did I ever lied to you?" he tried to explain. I saw Ivy looking at me. "Ivy, please take Donghae with you. Be happy okay?" I said, trying to hold back the tears. Donghae held on to me tight. "No _____, I love you." he said. I can feel his tears on my shoulder, but I tried to shrug him off. No use, he held on to me even tighter. "Donghae, why are you like this?! I'm already giving you the chance to be with her! That's what you want right?! GO! Don't worry about me!" I yelled at him. "_____-ah I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said on that broadcast." he replied. "What about what you said to me before?! That I'm perfect to be your girlfriend." Ivy adds. "I see her in you. I just miss _____!" he explained again. I saw her tears falling.

"Please Ivy, can you just go? I have to fix these things with her. I'm sorry." he apologized. Ivy just nodded and left us. Donghae turned to me. "_____, please." he said. "Please what? Do you know how much I missed you when you were away? How hurt I am when I heard what you said on that conference? How I always talk to your picture every night? Then you just replace me, just like that.." I said sadly. "I didn't replaced you _____. I'm sorry I didn't call you often as I promised. I was just busy and..." I cut him off. "Busy?! Oh I get it. Busy dating that girl!" I screamed and burst in to tears. There was a long pause... then Donghae faced me, and looked deeply in to my eyes, with his hands against mine.

"_____, do you still love me?"

"Not anymore..." I whispered.



I'm so sorry for not updating for the past three days, I was so busy. But thank you for all the comments and the new readers. I hope you're enjoying so far. Fighting! Take care, guys! :)

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babanga #1
new reader here
new reader :) update please!
<3 your story .. update it please .. XD
Hey!! New reader here. Your story is so effin' cute!! Update more!!
yeon404 #5
heartbreaking??waa so excited :DD kekekeke~~~~
I missed your updates ;~; So much~<br />
Ugh, drama to come? D;
Heartbreaking scene? That must be happen 'cause jaehwa, she is annoying -_______-"
heartbreaking scences? :( everything is going smoothly~ i bet Jaehwa is one of the reasons.. but, yeah! im so glad that u updated :D