Chapter 11


Eunhyuk’s POV:

I really can’t help but to laugh, but I have to keep it in. My acting skills are really the best, right? Bwahahaha. I can see Donghae’s expression while _____ was next to me. I can tell he’s jealous. I can tell that he really wants to punch me, if it weren’t for _____’s parents watching us. Sorry Fishy, but it’s the only way you’ll see your true feelings towards her. I hope you’ll confess soon. It’s about time to love newly with her. And the best part is, _____’s parents are helping me get them together! Ha-ha. Their acting skills are amazing. It's a good plan to make them help me. I guess you’re wondering how I got them to agree, right? And how we planned this? Well it’s actually like this..


Me and Hyun are thinking of a plan to get them together but we just couldn’t think of any. “Why don’t we ask Kyuhyun Oppa?” she suggested. Right! Kyuhyun is one evil magnae, he  really can think of a plan for us. “My Dongsaeng is so smart. Come on! Let’s go.” I pulled her and went to Kyu’s room. There we saw him playing. Yup, you guessed it. He’s playing Starcraft. He’s so addicted to games, and I mean really addicted. One time when we all have a day off, we wanted to go out of town for sight-seeing but he didn’t want to come. Leeteuk Hyung tried to convince him but he just locked himself in his room and played all day and night. He’s one heck of a game player. “Oppa.” Hyun called him but he was focused on his playing. “OPPA!” she then shouted, but he still wouldn’t notice us and kept on playing. Hyun thought for a second, went over to Kyuhyun and pulled the plug that made Kyu confused. Even though he’s evil, he knows that he shouldn’t shout to a girl. “Oppa.” she called again calmly. “Waeyo?” he asked. “We came here to ask for help. We need to think of a plan on how to get _____ and Donghae together.” she stated. Kyuhyun smirked. He literally flashed his evil smirk. “You came to the right place.” he said, proudly.

Now, we drove all the way to Busan. It was a long drive. A really really really really long drive so our plan better be worth it. Good thing Hyun knew where _____ 's parents live or else, we'll have a hard time and it would take us forever. I hope they'll agree to this plan. It'll be ruined if they disagree. Before you know it, we arrived at our destination. "Are we here?" I asked. She smiled. "We're definitely here." she confirmed.


It was simple yet pretty. It has a beautiful garden and a clean pathway. We walked slowly and appreciated its beauty. Hyun knocked on the door and we waited for an answer. We both took a deep breath. I was nervous but Hyun was calm. Suddenly, someone opened the door. "Annyeonghasseyo." we said, as we bowed. The lady who answered gave us a warm smile. "May I ask, who are you?" she asked. "Lee Hyukjae imnida, but call me Eunhyuk and this is my sister, Hyun. We are friends of _____." I introduced. She smiled once more and said, "Oh. Nice to meet you both. Come in." she replied. We stepped inside and it was indeed beautiful. She showed us the way to the living room and we sat on the couch. "I'll just go get some refreshments for both of you." she said, as she smiled. "She's very nice." Hyun commented. "Really nice." I corrected. _____'s mom then came back with a tray filled with desserts. It looks so tempting.


"Kamsahamnida." we both said. "No problem. So what brings you here? Is _____ in trouble?" she asked, worried. "Anio. _____ is doing well. We're here to ask for your help mam, along with _____'s appa." Hyun said. "Call me Imo." she said. "What help can I give?" she added. Hyun explained Kyu's plan, from start to finish with every single detail in it. "I'll be glad to help." Imo said. We smiled at each other. "Thank you, Imo. I know _____-sshi will be happy with Donghae so we thought of this plan." I said. "We'll come over later to _____'s apartment and we'll start with our plan." ____'s umma said. We nodded. "Imo, we better go now. We have a long drive ahead. Kamsahamnida for the food." Hyun replied. "Arasso. Take care. Eunhyuk, I'll see you later." she said, then she led us to the door. We left afterwards. 'This plan better work.' I thought to myself.


That's how we came up with that plan. Pretty cool right? So back to reality, I was busy trying to make Fishy jealous til he explode. I guess he's gonna blow cause he wanted to leave right away. "Uhm. Excuse me, I'll leave now. _____, kamsahamnida. Nice meeting you Mr. and Mrs. Shim." he said, trying to smile. "Oh. Arasso. Take care Donghae-ah. Nice meeting you as well." _____'s appa said. He then left, leaving me, _____ and her parents. I laughed out loud cause I can't take it anymore. "Nice work, Eunhyuk-ah!" _____'s umma said. I smiled. "What is going on?!" _____exclaimed. Whoa. We better explain.

Your POV:

"What is going on?!" I said. My parents laughed. "Oh sweetie. I know you like Donghae." umma said. What? How does she know? Can she read minds now? "I..I.. I don't." I stuttered. She giggled. "Eunhyuk came up with this plan so we can see how Donghae will react. And we can see that he's very jealous." appa explained. Eunhyuk smiled widely. "You guys are out of your minds." I replied. "Darling, you'll thank us one day." umma said, patting my head. "So what you said earlier wasn't true?" I checked. "Of course not. We just said that so Donghae will be jealous." appa said. "We'll go now _____. Take good care of yourself, and we'll pray that Donghae will confess soon." appa teased. I hugged and kissed them goodbye. "I better go now too." Eunhyuk said. I nodded. "Goodnight Oppa. Drive safely." I replied. He nodded and smiled, "I'll make sure he confesses. I know you like him too." he said, then left.

A part of me wants this. I really like Donghae, but I think he only sees me as a friend. Aish. Whatever happens, I hope we're still friends. "I hope you like me too Donghae."  I said to myself. I started to prepare my things for tomorrow. It's Monday again. Ugh.

Just then the doorbell rang. I ran to the door and smiled to see a familiar figure.




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babanga #1
new reader here
new reader :) update please!
<3 your story .. update it please .. XD
Hey!! New reader here. Your story is so effin' cute!! Update more!!
yeon404 #5
heartbreaking??waa so excited :DD kekekeke~~~~
I missed your updates ;~; So much~<br />
Ugh, drama to come? D;
Heartbreaking scene? That must be happen 'cause jaehwa, she is annoying -_______-"
heartbreaking scences? :( everything is going smoothly~ i bet Jaehwa is one of the reasons.. but, yeah! im so glad that u updated :D