Chapter 24


Your POV:

"Not anymore..." I whispered.

I saw his eyes went big and I also see his continuos tears. "Jagiya, what... what do you mean?" he tried to say. "Are you deaf Donghae? I don't love you anymore." I answered. He wiped away his tears and hugged me tight. 'Donghae please. You're making this harder for the both of us. Stop it.' I thought. "_____, no. You're lying." he said. "No, I'm not lying Mr. Lee Donghae." I confidently replied and tried to push him, but he held me tighter. I want him to see that I can be without him, but deep inside, I really feel like dying. "Why... why don't you love me anymore?" he asked as his tears followed. 'Think _____. THINK!' "Don't question my heart Donghae." I said. "Please tell me the reason. Please, that's all I'm asking." he insisted. "BECAUSE I LOVE EUNHYUK OPPA NOW!" I literally screamed.

'Oh no. Why the hell did I just said that?! Pabo _____!' I shouted in my mind. "Wh-What? Eunhyuk? My bestfriend?" he said and stared at me. "Yes, I love him. A LOT. He was here when I needed you. He took care of me, when you didn't. He kept me company when you were busy with Ivy. Now, do you believe that I'm not lying? Can we just move on Donghae? I mean, you already have Ivy. You can be happy with her!" I screamed. Donghae's tears were unstoppable. "I'M NOT GOING TO BE HAPPY WITH HER OKAY?! I ONLY LOVE YOU _____! WHY CAN'T YOU BELIEVE THAT?!" he said. I was out of words. I buried my head on to my knees and cried non-stop. "_____, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shout at you. Mianhe." he kept apologizing. "Maybe..." I started. I wiped away my tears quickly and faced him. "Maybe.. were not just meant to be together." I concluded. "We are _____, we are. I know you love me." he said and hugged me again. 'I love you too Donghae. But... I can't take this anymore.'

"Goodbye Lee Donghae, I hope you'll be happier in the future." I finally replied. "_____-ah... please. Just.." he said. "No Donghae. We can be happy without each other. I know it's hard to believe, but I'm not inlove with you anymore like I used to." I answered him. 'Lies _____, LIES.' My mind kept saying. "_____... please. I can't live without you. Why are you like this? I'm sorry for leaving you, I'm sorry for not being there when you needed me. I'm sorry...for everything." he finally said and walked away.


'Donghae please don't go. Please.'  I hoped. But no. He went to our room, got all his things and went out of the apartment. FOR GOOD. 'Don't cry, you wanted this to happen. Now it's already happening. DON'T CRY!'

I got up on my feet and slowly walked to my room. I lied down the bed and fixed the pillows above my head, as I felt something. It was letter. 'This must be from Donghae.'


Author's POV:

Donghae was trying to sleep on the plane, but he was just so excited to see _____ again that he couldn't do so. He kept himself entertained by reading a magazine, but it was not enough. So he thought of writing a letter for _____ when he gets home.

"I know _____ won't forgive me that easily. But I'm sure she'll forgive me. But I just want to write this letter, to let her know how much she means to me." Donghae murmured to himself. And so, he began writing sincerely. After they landed, Donghae went straight to their apartment. He saw _____ on the couch, and brought her to their bed. As he was about to leave, he remembered the letter that he wrote and carefully placed it under her pillow.


I opened the letter and started to read,


I know you're mad at me. I also know that you're not in your best condition right now. I just want to say, I'm sorry for what I said on that conference. The truth is, the media wanted me to do that. I couldn't say no right? And, the director confiscated my phone so that I'll be more concentrated on my acting. That's why I can't call you. But baby believe me, I don't love her, I will never love her. I only love you. Only you. Do you know I always look at your photo at night, to help me sleep? Do you know I torture myself when I couldn't call you? I know I promised  you that I'll call often. I even tried to borrow anyone's cellphone just to contact you, but they won't lend me theirs. You don't know how much I want  to kill myself just to hear your voice again. If I had one wish, I wish you were with me in Taiwan. But sadly, I had to leave you all alone. I'm doing this for our future Jagiya. Honestly, you're the woman I want to marry and to be the mother of my kids. That's why I'm doing all of these. Don't ever doubt my love for you. Cause I swear, you're the only with in this guy's heart. I wanna show to you everyday that you're my everything. But because of my schedules, I can't. And I'm sorry for that. But I want to thank you for being understanding. I know you're not going to forgive me easily, so just take your time? I'll always be here waiting. I love you Jagiya... forever. Love, Lee Donghae.

I dropped the letter, as my tears came out. 'Shim _____, what have you done? He was telling you the truth. It's too late now. He already left you.' I have to accept it, no matter what. Goodbye, Lee Donghae. Saranghaeyo.

The next day, I was not in the mood to go to school. I made myself some breakfast and watched T.V. Once I again, I saw a live performance of Super Junior. I saw Donghae, and he was... happy? I thought he'll be sad after our break-up. But he was smiling like there's not tomorrow and dancing powerfully. When the song was done, the media even had their backstage room. Right there, the camera saw Donghae and Ivy happily chatting in the corner. I couldn't help but blink a few tears.

Hyun's POV:

_____ didn't go to school today. I bet she's still sick. I decided to visit her after our classes, since Yuri was with her family. I knocked on the door and _____ opened it for me. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked. She weakly nodded. I felt her forehead. "You're still hot." I said. I noticed her blood-shot eyes. "What the heck happened to your eyes?!" I asked her. She just sat down the couch, as if she heard nothing. "Does Donghae know about your condition? Does he call you in Taiwan?" I asked again. Her eyes went big and quickly shook her head. "He came back yesterday." she said. "He came back? Did he saw you already?" I asked again. She nodded. "Well, I will call him now to let him know your current condition, arasso? Don't worry." I said and took out my phone and dialled his number. "NO HYUN! STOP!" _____ yelled and took my phone. "W-Why? He needs to know!" I explained. "He doesn't need to know Hyun." she replied quietly. "_____-ah, why not? Did something happened between you two?" I said and looked at her expression.

"Hyun-ah, we already broke up." she replied.

Eunhyuk's POV:

Since he came back from Taiwan, Donghae didn't even noticed me. What did I do wrong? I even took care of his girlfriend for her. After our performance, he was talking with Ivy. And looks like they're having a good time. When Ivy left him, I quickly went to Donghae. "Donghae-ah are you mad at me?" I asked. He didn't answer. "Donghae, what's wrong? I'm your bestfriend. You can tell me your problems." I said. He sighed deeply. "You know what my problem is?" he asked. I nodded. "Well it's you Eunhyuk." he replied. 'ME? WHY ME?' I asked in my mind. "Eh? What did I do?" I asked him.

He lift up his head and looked in to my eyes. "Because _____'s inlove with you." he said.

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babanga #1
new reader here
new reader :) update please!
<3 your story .. update it please .. XD
Hey!! New reader here. Your story is so effin' cute!! Update more!!
yeon404 #5
heartbreaking??waa so excited :DD kekekeke~~~~
I missed your updates ;~; So much~<br />
Ugh, drama to come? D;
Heartbreaking scene? That must be happen 'cause jaehwa, she is annoying -_______-"
heartbreaking scences? :( everything is going smoothly~ i bet Jaehwa is one of the reasons.. but, yeah! im so glad that u updated :D