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I'm Stupid For Loving You ♥

-Zhang Li Yin-

“I like you.” I said it straight out. I didn’t bother saying other things.

I looked at Junsu who looked at me dumbfounded.

“LiYin…” Junsu whispered out.

“I knew it. You don’t like me.” I put my head in my hands, embarrassed.

“Wait. Are you joking?” Junsu asked me, still unsure.

“Does it look like I’m joking?” I asked him with a serious face.

“You could be.” He laughed.

“Well, no I’m not. I actually do like you. A lot.” I repeated.

“I… LiYin… I don’t know what my feelings are. I’ve always thought of you as a sister. Nothing more.” He hesitated on the last two words.

‘Only as a sister. Nothing more.’ I could hear my heart being slowly melted into a puddle of dirty water.

I just got rejected by the guy I like. The guy who I thought had the same feelings towards me. I just want to dig a hole right now and crawl into it, disappearing from this world. This was the first time that I’ve confessed to a guy and this is how it turns out.

“Huh?” I asked, dazed. I couldn’t believe this was happening.

“I’m sorry. I don’t like you in that way.” Junsu apologized.

‘I knew I shouldn’t have done this. He wouldn’t like a girl like me anyways. Might as well just stay as friends.’ I thought.

“Let’s pretend I didn’t tell you anything and continue being friends. Is that okay?” I asked him. Even though we couldn’t be a couple, we could still be friends.

“Of course.” Junsu jumped up with a smile on his face.

“Then I’ll see you later. I’m going to go to bed now.” I told him with a smile as I went back inside. I didn’t bother closing the door. I was too hurt to do think of that.

I walked over to my bed and flopped down. Then I to my stomach and pushed my face into my pillow.

Then I screamed into my pillow so no one can hear me. I’m hurt. I’m hurt because he doesn’t have the same feelings towards me. I’m stupid. I’m stupid for telling him my feelings and for liking someone who won’t like me back.

“Zhang LiYin, you’re so stupid!” I yelled as I whacked myself in the head lightly.

“Of course he doesn’t like you! Who do you think you are?” I asked myself as I sat up on the bed.

That night, I wanted to cry, but I held in the tears as I fell asleep. I didn’t remember pulling up the covers. All I remember was that I scrunched myself into a ball and laid on the bed. It was such a small thing to get upset about. It’s not like it’s the end of the world. There are tons of other guys out there waiting for me.

The next morning I woke up with no energy in my body at all. I don’t know if it was because I overslept or what, but I was hardly able to get out of bed.

“What’s taking you so long in the washroom LiYin?” I heard Eunji urging me.

“I’m almost done.” I could hardly speak loud.

“Finally you’re done. Wait, you look so pale. Are you okay?” Eunji asked me when I stepped out of the washroom.

“Yeah, just a bit tired.” I told her.

“Maybe you should get some more sleep, since you don’t have work today anyways.” Eunji suggested.

“I’ll pass. I don’t feel like sleeping. I think that’s what making me so tired. I think I overslept.” I told her.

“Suit yourself then. I have a date with Yunho today, so you’ll have to manage on your own for today.” She smiled as she shut the door to the washroom. I could hear to starting to sing. She sure is in a good mood.

I swept my feet as I walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water. Even picking up the cup I didn’t have enough strength. I must be very tired.

I sat down on the chair and ate what Eunji had made for me. But I somehow didn’t have much of an appetite.

“Hey, why didn’t you finish your breakfast? It doesn’t taste good?” Eunji comes out from her shower half an hour later.

“No, I just don’t feel like eating right now. I’ll eat it later.” I assure her.

“Well, you better. I’m going to go now. I’ll see you tonight.” Eunji waved bye as she walked out to meet with Yunho.

“At least Eunji’s happy. I’m sure she likes him now.” I said to myself as I slop onto the couch.

To be honest, I felt a bit jealous to know that my best friend was out with her boyfriend while I got rejected. I still haven’t told Eunji about last night. I don’t want her to feel sorry for me.

Suddenly my cell phone that was beside me vibrated.

“Are you alright? I hope I didn’t make you sad last night. I’m really sorry. How about an apology dinner tonight? I’ll be at your place at six.” Junsu texted me.

“Apology dinner? Are you feeling sympathy for me?” I asked the phone.

“Sure, why not.” I texted back. I didn’t want to be a stubborn young woman.

I took a look at the clock. ’12:35 PM’ It read.

As I watched TV, I couldn’t keep my eyes open. I felt like they were as heavy as rocks. Eunji was probably right. Maybe I should get some sleep. I still had a long day. Maybe I’ll feel more energized after a nap.

I got up and went back into my room. Then I snuggled deep into my blankets. I shut my eyes and tried my best to go back to sleep.


“Thanks a lot Yunho. I had a great time.” I thanked Yunho who was standing by his car. Yunho had just dropped me off in front of my building after our date.

“You’re welcome. I’m glad that you enjoyed it.” He said with red cheeks.

To be honest. I did have a really great time with Yunho. He gave me a lot of happiness. That’s something that the other guys I’ve dated haven’t given me. I guess I was actually starting to like Yunho.

I guess I should reward him. Even though we’ve been going out for a while, I still haven’t kissed him. I’ve only hugged him.

“Thank you Yunho.” I whispered into his ear. Then I kissed him on the cheek. That’s when I dashed off back inside the building as I waved at Yunho who was standing there, holding the side of his cheek and smiling like an idiot.

I smiled the entire time I was getting back up into the apartment. Just as I was about to open the door, Jaejoong came out of his own apartment in PJ’s carrying a garbage bag.

“Good evening Eunji.” He greeted me.

“Good evening Jaejoong.” I smiled.

“By any chance, do you know where LiYin is? I’ve been trying to call her all day long to talk about our hotel’s project, but it seems like no one is picking up.” Jaejoong asked.

“Not picking up? She should be home. She didn’t tell me if she had any plans or not. Have you asked Junsu? Perhaps he might know.” I said.

“I’ve asked him. He says he doesn’t know where she is. They talked yesterday night, but ever since that, he hasn’t heard from her.” Jaejoong explained.

“Maybe she went to the doctors. She did look a bit pale this morning. I’ll go check up on her right now. Maybe she’s still in bed sleeping.” I said as I opened up the door and left it open so Jaejoong could come in.

But the first thing I saw when I came in was LiYin on the living room floor. Her eyes were closed.

“LiYin!” I screamed as I threw my purse to the side and dashed quickly towards LiYin.

“LiYin!” I then heard Jaejoong coming next to me.

“LiYin, can you hear me?” I touched her forehead.

“She’s having a fever. She must have fainted.” I said.

Jaejoong then moved her from the floor to the couch.

“LiYin. Can you hear me?” Jaejoong asked quietly.


“Eunji, can you go get me a big bowl of water, cloth, and a thermometer?” I asked Eunji.

She nodded and quickly went to grab the stuff I asked for.

As she did that, I grabbed the blanket that was laid on the couch and placed it on LiYin. I looked at LiYin who was lying on the couch, her eyes closed. Though she looked peaceful, I knew she was in pain.

‘She looked absolutely perfect yesterday when I saw her.’ I thought to myself.

“Here.” Eunji came back with the things I asked for.

I placed the thermometer inside LiYin’s mouth first before placing the cloth on her forehead.

“51.6 Degrees. She’s burning.” I gasped as I looked at what the thermometer read.

Then I put the cold cloth on her forehead, hoping her fever would die down.

‘LiYin, please wake up.’ I prayed.

“How did this happen?” I asked Eunji who was just as worried as I was.

“I don’t know. After she came home, she went straight to her room. When I saw her this morning, she was all pale and had no energy.” She explained.

“But when I went out for dinner with her last night, she was perfectly fine.” I said.

Suddenly, I remembered that Junsu had said he talked with her last night. Maybe Junsu would know what happened.

“Can I borrow your phone for a minute?” I asked Eunji. She nodded and handed her cell phone to me.

I dialed Junsu’s number.

“Junsu, come over to Eunji’s place right now.” I ordered before hanging up.

Seconds later, Junsu bursted through the door in his Pj’s.

“What happened to LiYin?” He asked when he saw her lying on the couch, not moving.

“She fainted. She’s having a fever.” Eunji sniffed quietly.

“How did this happen?” Junsu asked.

“We’re both not sure. But you said you talked with her yesterday. Maybe you would know what happened.” Jaejoong faced me.

“I did talk with her. We were outside on the balcony talking yesterday. Then she went back inside. I remembered she left the balcony door open. It was pretty breezy last night too. That’s probably what happened.” He explained.

“But LiYin is never that thoughtless. What were you two talking about that made her so thoughtless?” Eunji wanted to know.

Junsu seemed a bit hesitant to say what they were talking about. My guess was that it’s about LiYin liking Junsu.

“Well?” Eunji asked.

“She… confessed to me last night. But I rejected her because I don’t like her in that way.” He said softly.

“You what?!” Eunji raised her voice.

“I can’t accept her feelings when I don’t feel the same way. But we both agreed that we would stay as friends.” Junsu replied even quieter than before.

“No wonder she’s fallen sick. She probably didn’t even bother to go under the blankets. She never does when she gets upset. And then you said she didn’t close the balcony door. She must have slept through the coldness.” Eunji stated.

“I… didn’t know…” Junsu scratched the back of his head.

Suddenly we heard LiYin cough.

“LiYin?” I asked her quietly.

“Huh?” Came a reply.

“LiYin! You’re awake!” I almost shouted with glee. At least she has woken up.

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Dailycommenter #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Wrlove #2
It's great
Visiting old fics!
Viviannitta #4
visiting old fanfics and this is one of them
Angelz0715 #5
Chapter 47: Omg this is so perfect
Punkrockjazz #6
Chapter 47: I REALLY LIKED IT!
Chapter 47: P.E.R.F.E.C.T!!! aaish, i was so pissed at Junsu at first, when he started liking Eunji i was fuming!! i felt like killing them!! i felt like crying along with Li Yin... But after they went to China i was just hoping she would end up with jaejae... Junsu was such a insensitive prick... tsk tsk.... whatever! Amazing story, i felt like a million feelings inside me at the same time...didn't even now a person could feel this much.... Congrats on your story, DAEBAK!!
KPOP_survivor #8
Chapter 47: luuuuuuuuuuvvvvvvvvvv it it was so good i cried at the depression part=^^= daebak
Hi! You have a nice story..Congratulations!

Anyway, I would just like to promote my newest fanfic if you won't mind...

here's the link:
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #10
very cute