
Fighting Over Seoul and Your Heart

You are the only exception


{Leeteuk's POV}
I was at he park with Minyoung. She was staring at the children. Then she sat up and approached a crying kid. She talked with the little girl and the girl nodded, smiled and took her hand. She then returned to the bench and let the child sit between us. 


"Annyeong~" She said cutely. The little girl wiped her face and looked at Minyoung. She took out a chocolate and gave it to the kid. I smiled as I watch her care for children. I guess she doesn't want others to experience what she experienced.


The girl took my hand and Minyoung's hands and put them together. I looked at our hands and she intertwined her fingers with mine and looked at the child again. I waved at the child and pulled Minyoung to sit closer, hugging both of us. "You remind me when omma and appa were togother." She said. "My omma is beautiful like unni and handsome like oppa." She said and continued to eat her chocolate. She tried to clean her face but she just made it worse. Minyoung kindly wiped the child's face and in return, the child kissed her cheek.


I can imagine that in a few years, this is how my future will be. Having a child of our own and enjoying some family time even if it's just in the park, and having my wife being so happy and seeing her smile. I want to bring her smiles everyday for the rest of our lives. I want to make her happy and not regret the decisions she'll make.


"Rina!" A young woman was searching for a girl. "Omma!" The girl stood up and ran towards her omma. "Do you know that it's because of children that I want to become a nurse?" I said and she looked at me. "Well, kids are good." She said. "How many kids do you want in the future anyway?" I asked her and she thought for a while. "I heard giving birth is hard. So 2-4 is good." She answered. "Then 4 is the maximum." I said and her eyes went bigger. "What are you trying to say?" She questioned me with a somewhat surprised tone. "Nothing," I said and lie down on her lap and thought about the names I'm going to give to our future babies.


"Oppa!" She hit my head. "Ow! Why hit me on the head?" I asked her as I rubbed the part she hit. "Do you want to lie on the ground?" She scold me. I really don't know why she is doing this to me."Aish~!" I said and sat up and hugged her instead. She just rolled her eyes. "Hey. It's gonna be almost a month since we've been together. I wanna celebrate our first month." I told her and she nodded. "I want to take you out all day." I answered and she held my arm.

{End of POV}


"Oppa, can we celebrate outside at the morning and at my place by night?" I asked. He must be surprised he didn't reply immediately.  "What are you planning?!" He asked then hugged himself. "Oppa, I just-- Are you thinking that I will do something to you at night!?!" I pointed at him. He then laughed and smiled. "I was just kidding!" He continued to laugh. "You should have seen your face!" He said and I started hitting his shoulder. "Ow!" He yelped and stood up to run away. I started chasing him while he laughs and I could only glare at him.


But can I really hate this person? The first one to make my heart beat crazily without even trying. The first one to make me laugh and smile. The only person I never thought I'd love. I never thought of love. EVER. I thought love was for people who deserving of love, and I always thought I didn't deserve it. I saw myself as a person with no capable of loving and being loved. But this guy over here proved me wrong. He changed my mind, but most of all he changed my heart.



"YAH!" I screamed as I hop unto his back. "Oppa!" I yelled asI held unto his neck tigher. "Don't worry, you have me!" He said and ran while I was still on his back. "SARANGHAE LEE MINYOUNG-AH!" He yelled and I tried to cover his mouth since people are starting to look at us. He then my hand, causing me to remove my hands on his mouth, making me fall. But instead of falling at the ground, I landed at his arms. "Let's go now. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." He said and kissed my nose.




Later on, Leeteuk oppa dropped me by the Beast's oppa. He never asked me what my job is.  He never questions why I work with Beast. As long as I'm safe and good, he's okay with that.


I entered the office and wondered why none of the oppas were there. I waited for a while before they returned. When they did, they weren't looking so well.


"That was so freakin hard. That guy totally kicked my ." Junhyung commented as he entered the office as he tries to bandage his head. Kikwang was holding an ice pack on his head. Dongwoon was holding his arm that was full of bruises. Hyunseung was applying medicine on his wounds. Yoseob was looking at a mirror and touching his bruises. And lastly, Doojoon oppa stormed in with an angry look. He looked like he had the worst among them.


"Oppa, what happened?" I asked Doojoon oppa. He wouldn't answer. "You went on a mission and fought without me, didn't you?!" I asked them. "Isn't it obvious?" Junhyung answered. I looked at him and he was busy with his bandage. "Oppa, why are you deserting me? Why didn't you call me? Why didn't you included me!?" I was almost yelling. "Because... You were busy with your boyfriend." Doojoon oppa answered.


I couldn't believe his answer. "What?" I asked him. "You're Park Jungsu's girlfriend now. You should spent more time with him." He said without looking at me. "Hyung," Dongwoon pulled his arm, but he ignored it. "Oppa, you don't know how much Beast means a lot to me." I told him. "I consider you as the only family I have," I added. "Really? How important really is this job to you?" He asked again and the rest were telling him to stop. "Very important. If you think that I can't put my 101% effort in doing my job, then you're wrong. This job means my life and I'll put Beast first no matter what!" I yelled at him. He didn't react and just left the room.


{Doojoon's POV}

I slammed the door hard and left them all there. Was it the right thing to do? I sighed as I think about what Minyoung said. Is she really serious when she said those things? I didn't want her to see what was happening now.


Super Junior almost got us. But there was no sight of the leaders except for a mask which had '#7' on it. Maybe it's from one of their leaders.


Things are getting out of hand. If we let our guard down and let things fail, we might end up going to Busan, where the next biggest hideout is and where shippings are made. If we go there, we don't know when will we able to be back. I'm scared that you might not be able to choose between us or Leeteuk. I just hope that we fix this clearly, because I can't stand you getting hurt.

{End of POV}



Hope you don't mind about the English song. Anyways, Minyoung's scene with Doojoon will hint you what will happen in the future chapters. Beast's future and Minyoung's future. :)

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2035 streak #1
Chapter 73: Hello there author-nim :) I just finished reading this story and it was really nice...
tehyun90 #2
Chapter 26: where are u come from(country)? your comment in chapter 26 make me curious~~
Finished reading this for the millionth time. Hehe. I don't know if you remember me or not but my old username was IamElfandShawol. Hehe.
Ara-chi #5
AliceN #6
I loove your story so much!! Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have a wonderful B-DAY :D
starting reading! hope it'll be awesome!
wah atlast im d0ne. Super like, i really love this st0ry i cnt explain my feelings.. Wahh daebak chingu.!
Here i am.. Hehe Beast and Super junior.. L0ve it. Hehe ok ok, lets begin.. Hehe