Valentines Ball

Fighting Over Seoul and Your Heart

Like the star: You are my everything to me.



It was the night of the Valentines Ball. At exactly 6 pm, the door knocked. And when I opened it, Leeteuk oppa was leaning on the side of the wall, with his all white outfit and his black wings. I, on the other hand, was wearing a black tube cocktail dress with my white wings. He wanted us to go as an angel couple. I wanted us to wear black, but he wanted to wear white. So we agreed we’ll go with whatever outfit color we want with the other’s favorite color on the wings.


“Ready?” He offered his arm and I nodded. I wrapped my arm unto his and we left my place.


Once at the venue, people’s eyes were on ours. I don’t like all of this attention. Leeteuk guided me to sit with his friends. “Annyeong Minyoung~” Some of them greeted with their dates, and some were alone. Some of the couples look cute tonight. Some couples were dressed up as gods & goddesses. Some were famous people in History like Cleopatra and Marc Antony. Some were like people from fairytales, like some princess and her prince charming.


“Don’t mind them. It’s about us tonight.” Leeteuk oppa said as he stood up and faced me. “Can I have this dance?” He offered his hand and I took it. He pulled me to the dance floor where everyone was there. I placed my arms around his neck, but I was a little distant. He had to pull me closer to him, making our bodies so close that no air can pass. His face was so close he can actually kiss me already, but I refuse to since we’re in a public place.


I looked at him and he looked at me. His eyes were those you can see his sincerity as if you can see his heart already. “Minyoung-ah,” he called. “Oppa?” I wondered. “Remember that I love you,” he said as he my cheek with his thumb. “I’ll always love you.” He said and was about to lean closer to me when the music stopped and someone spoke through the mic.


“Good evening to everyone. I’m sorry to interrupt your little dance mood, but it’s time to announce some of the winners of tonight’s event.”  The MC said. Leeteuk oppa let go of me and we looked at the stage. “Now, for tonight’s king, just as expected, we have Park Jungsu.” Everyone clapped and I escorted him to the stage. He looked at me after receiving his sash and crown.


“Now for tonight’s queen, as expected too, we have Taeyeon!” They all clapped and watched as she went to the stage and received her award. I felt weird when I saw her wrap her arm around Leeteuk oppa’s. I just turned around and was about to leave, but something stopped me. “And lastly, for tonight’s couple of the night, we have Park Jungsu and his date, Lee Minyoung.” The MC announced and they all pushed me to go to the stage. He came to me and hugged me before I received my award.


“Congratulations,” Taeyeon said and I saw her give an evil smirk. I raised my eyebrow and wondered what she’s thinking. She then placed me on Leeteuk’s right side and she was on his left. We first took a picture as ‘couple of the night’ then the king and queen. While they were taking their pictures, Leeteuk ran to me and hugged me away. I closed and heard a loud splash. When I opened my eyes, I saw his back with something color red. “O-oppa.” What just happened?


“Are you okay?” he asked me and I nodded. Everyone was gossiping and whispering on what had just happened. “Oppa, you’re dirty,” I said with a slight worried voice. “I’m okay,” he said and smiled at me. “I’ll just clean myself then let’s leave the place. I think we’re not welcome here anyways.” He said.


He left me and I sat back at our table. “Are you okay?” Siwon asked. “What happened?”I asked without looking at him. “Someone set you up to get you all dirty to ruin your night.” He answered me. “Luckily, Leeteuk saw it dropping and managed to save you.” He patted my back. I sighed and closed my eyes. The things he does for me. I don’t know how much I can do for him. He’s too much for me.



“I’m back,” he said with just his vest and his coat on his arm. “Do you want to leave?” he said and I nodded. We bid an early farewell to the others and he drove us far away. We stopped at an open area where we can clearly see the view of the Han River. He opened the door for me and I can’t believe how beautiful the scene was in front of us.


“Beautiful, isn’t it?” he asked me and I nodded. We leaned at the hood of his car while he held my hand. It was cold and so he wrapped the extra jacket he has in his car around me. “Oppa,” I wanted to refuse his jacket, but he insisted. “You know you’re more important to me.” He smiled at me. He then faced me and lifted me to sit on top of his car. “Oppa, are you sure it’s okay for you?” I asked and he just kissed my forehead.


“Do you know how you mean so much to me?” he asked me without looking at me. I know that to me you mean a lot to me.  I know that you are the angel that will guide my way, help me and protect me. If I didn’t meet you, would I be this happy? Would I be able to smile right now? Can I then feel this thing we they call love?


{Leeteuk’s POV}

“I always thought I was contented with my life. Then when you came in my life, I realized that I had something to live for now. I can’t imagine my life without you.” I told her and I looked at her. Her eyes sparkle like the stars above us. I put her hair on the back of her ear and looked at her eyes and smiled at her. I gently leaned closer to her, and held her cheek. Our eyes gently closing before making the spaces between our faces lessened. I fully closed my eyes and it felt like fireworks when my lips felt hers again.


It’s the sweetest thing I could have tasted. It was the softest thing my lips have felt. I like the way she gently kisses back. She then wraps her arms around my neck and pulled me closer to her. She then pulled away form the kiss. Sure I was disappointed, but I couldn’t care less since I know there will be another time. She just rested her forehead on mine and we just looked at each other like that for a while.


“Oppa, I don’t know how to say those words you wanted me to say. But I’m certain of one thing, the feeling is mutual.” She said. She just gave me assurance that she felt the same and I was fine with that. It’s okay if she doesn’t say those 3 words to me, because I know that’s what she feels for me.


“You don’t have to tell me. As long as I know you feel the same, I’m okay with that. I love you.” I said and leaned again for another sweet kiss that I love about her.


I don’t ever wanna lose you. I just want to be with you with me.



*I'm back. Yeah, I'm just happy to tell you that I'm getting ready for my next story. I hope ELFs would like it. What's your fave OTP? :p Anyways, please comment here~ :D

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2031 streak #1
Chapter 73: Hello there author-nim :) I just finished reading this story and it was really nice...
tehyun90 #2
Chapter 26: where are u come from(country)? your comment in chapter 26 make me curious~~
Finished reading this for the millionth time. Hehe. I don't know if you remember me or not but my old username was IamElfandShawol. Hehe.
Ara-chi #5
AliceN #6
I loove your story so much!! Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have a wonderful B-DAY :D
starting reading! hope it'll be awesome!
wah atlast im d0ne. Super like, i really love this st0ry i cnt explain my feelings.. Wahh daebak chingu.!
Here i am.. Hehe Beast and Super junior.. L0ve it. Hehe ok ok, lets begin.. Hehe