First Date As A Couple

Fighting Over Seoul and Your Heart

 If I have a lover



People gave me more looks than before. Most girls were crying and hurt. Probably from what had happened earlier. I sighed as I walk to my locker. Before I could even open it, someone hugged me from my back. I instantly pulled myself away, even though I know who that person is.


“Oppa, I’m not comfortable with that, and you know it.” I explained and he just smiled. He took my hand and pulled me out. “Let’s go,” he said without giving me a chance to speak.  “Where are we going?” I asked as he pulls me outside of campus with our fingers intertwined. “On our first date as an official couple.” He said then stopped and faced me. “So, what are the things you want to do as a couple?” he asked with a big smile on his face.


I thought for awhile at the things I want to do. I really don’t know but all I know is that I’m thankful to have Leeteuk to be the first guy I love. “I don’t know. Maybe it will come along the way.” I said and he just nodded.


{Leeteuk’s POV}

I took her to an amusement park. “It’s their Valentines Special.  Hope you like it,” I smiled at her and she just held my hand tighter. I first lead her to the bumper cars. I love how her smile is showing and her hair is blown by the wind.


After our first ride, her eyes were at the roller coaster. “Wanna ride?” She nodded and pulled me to the line of the ride. When we sat down, I held her hand. “When you’re scared, you have me. Your angel is here to protect you.” I just saw her roll her eyes. During the ride, she just closes her eyes and held on to me tightly while I scream my lungs out.


“Are you okay?” she asked me once we stepped down the ride. I was catching my breath when I nodded. "And I thought I was supposed to be the scared one." She said. “So, where to?” I just asked.


We rode a few more rides until we ended up in the Ferris wheel. She looks uncomfortable at this ride. “Are you afraid?” I asked her. She lightly nodded. I hugged her close to me and whispered, “Don’t be scared. I’m here for you.”

{End of POV}


While he was holding me, I didn’t feel scared anymore. I’m happy to see the scene from the top with this angel in front of me.


“Are you okay?” he asked once we were on the ground already and I nodded. “Let’s go now, okay?” I nodded and we left the amusement park. It was already dark and cold. I rubbed my cold hands to warm them up. Just then, Leeteuk oppa removed his jacket and placed it around me. “Oppa,” I tried to return it but he refused. He just took our hands and placed it on the pocket of the jacket. “So we could both warm up. You’re more important.” He said and we continued to walk.


We reached a small restaurant. “Annyeong~ Park Jungsu,” he said and we were led to a small room. “You rented a room?!” I asked him and he nodded. “When did you do it?” I asked as he pulled the chair for me. “Just this morning, even before you said yes to me.” He looked at me into my eyes. I looked away, avoiding those eyes of his because it feels different when he stares into my eyes.


Later on, the food was served. And for dessert, we had chocolate cake. “Speaking of chocolate,” I said and took my special gift for him. “I’m sorry if it’s like that. It’s my Valentines gift for you.”


{Leeteuk’s POV}

She handed me the chocolate which had‘For Leeteuk oppa. –Minyoung’  “Did you make them?” I asked her and she nodded. When I opened the chocolate, the words ‘Happy Valentines Day. Leeteuk & Minyoun <3’ was written in big letters on the chocolate. I looked at her and she looked away while blushing. I took a bite and it was good. “Want some?” she nodded and I fed her some. She looked so cute even with chocolate on the corners of . “You got some on your mouth,” I said and was already leaning on her. We were inches away from each other when my phone rang. She then sat down immediately and I had to pick up the phone.


“Yeboseyo?” I asked. “Hyung, where are you?” Donghae said on the other line. “What do you want fishy?!” I asked in an annoyed tone.  “Where are my fish underpants?!” he asked. “You called me to ask where your underpants are?! I’m on a date with Minyoung right now. Why don’t you ask the monkey! He steals your underpants!” I said and hung up. I looked at Minyoung who was probably holding her laughter. “I’m sorry. That was Donghae.” I said and she nodded.


After eating, we strolled some more with our hands held tightly and we were so close to each other. We passed by a store and I pulled her in. “Oppa, what are we doing here?” she asked as we entered a store with cute accessories. “Just look around and tell me when you like something.” I said and she looked around.


I also looked around the store and would glance at her every once in a while. “Excuse me, hi. I couldn’t help but notice you. I’m Haera,” one girl introduced and stretched her hand. “Oppa, can you—“ I heard Minyoung’s voice but she just turned away from us. I pulled her to my side and looked at the girl who just introduced herself. “Nice to meet you. This is my girlfriend by the way.” I looked at her and her face had a hint of pink, which was cute. The Haera girl just looks at us in shock.

{End of POV}


I looked away, avoiding the girl’s stare. Sure I was his, but it still feels the same, people hate me for being friends with him, now getting more hate because he means more to me than just a friend now.


“Minyoung, do you see anything you like?” He asked me. I shook my head, and then a cute small ring caught my attention. “You can embed your names on it,” the saleslady said. “Good. Our names are Jungsu and Minyoung,” Leeteuk oppa suddenly came from behind and wrapped his arm on my waist.


We waited for a few minutes when the rings were finished. He took one of the rings and slid it on my ring finger. “So they would know who you belong to.” he said. “For now, this is the ring I can only give you. But I promise in the future that you will wear a bright shiny ring that you will show to the world.” He smiled and wore his ring. Did he just talk about the future? Was it like he’s telling me he’s going to propose to me and we’ll get married? Is that even possible?!



After buying the rings, we walked home. I was getting tired now. It’s late already and I need some rest. “Are you tired?” he asked and I just nodded. He then bent down and looked at me. “I’ll carry you.” I shook my head, refusing his offer. “Come on,” he said and pulled me, landing at his warm back again. It felt like a long time since I was at his back. “You can sleep,” he said and I slowly closed my eyes, falling asleep.




I'm getting more depressed. I also read that Heechul oppa said on Youngstreet that he is gonna send an SMS to all the girls he knows by midnight then he's gonna askthem if they want to be his girl. If they say yes, they would date her. This just crushed my heart. It just made my night worse.

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2030 streak #1
Chapter 73: Hello there author-nim :) I just finished reading this story and it was really nice...
tehyun90 #2
Chapter 26: where are u come from(country)? your comment in chapter 26 make me curious~~
Finished reading this for the millionth time. Hehe. I don't know if you remember me or not but my old username was IamElfandShawol. Hehe.
Ara-chi #5
AliceN #6
I loove your story so much!! Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have a wonderful B-DAY :D
starting reading! hope it'll be awesome!
wah atlast im d0ne. Super like, i really love this st0ry i cnt explain my feelings.. Wahh daebak chingu.!
Here i am.. Hehe Beast and Super junior.. L0ve it. Hehe ok ok, lets begin.. Hehe