
I'm Not Her. (LISTEN!)


As the days went by, you grew quieter and quieter, nervous and anxious thoughts gnawing at your heart.

There were two days before your mother would supposedly come to take you away.

Zelo knocked on your door, "Come in."

He peeked his head through, "Noona get ready to go out, hyungs want to take us out for dinner."

*Since it's the last time.*

You nodded and went to your closet.

"Oh yeah. They said to wear something nice."

You nodded silently.

Zelo awkwardly smiled and closed the door.

You bit your lips to keep from crying out loud.

Putting on a simple dress, you braided your hair into one long, fishtail braid and walked out.

Zelo offered his arm, you smiled and took it.

This time, HimChan had his car and was waiting for you and Zelo.

You blinked in surprise, "You drive oppa?"

HimChan cheekily grinned, "I look cooler than YongGuk right?"

You laughed and got into the car.

Driving to Korea's Central Park, you saw that the area was decorated with lanterns and lights.

The boys were each dressed in a nice outfit, hair done as well, and a table filled with all kinds of foods were set up.

DaeHyun walked over and held his hand out, you looked up and took it.

"What is all this?"

JongUp grinned, "We thought it would be funner if we changed things up a bit."

Everyone sat down and talked about the break and everything that gone on.

After a yummy dinner, YoungJae called, "Okay, picture time. It's rare that we're all dressed up like this!"

Agreeing, everyone handed their cell phones to YoungJae who set a timer on each.

"Individual pictures too!"

So it was that everyone had a picture with you.

HimChan cleared his throat, " we wanted to recreate the high school going-away trip mood, so we're gonna have a bonfire but..we can't do that..dressed like this.."

Zelo, JongUp and YoungJae had already disappeared.

You and DaeHyun were the only one still formally dressed since he had been with you the entire time.

You turned to DaeHyun but he disappeared.

Zelo yelled, "Catch!"

You caught the bag and found a plaid, flannel shirt, skinny jeans and sneakers.

Laughing, you went to change.

When you came back, there was a raging fire going, the boys were already roasting marshmallows, hot dogs, making smores.

Your eyes grew wet but you blinked the tears away.

Sitting down next to DaeHyun, he handed you a marshmallow.

JongUp stated, "Well...this was an interesting year."

HimChan agreed, "Very, we got to meet _________ and make great memories together."

Without having to say anything, you knew, this was your farewell dinner.

YongGuk said, "I just want to apologize for YeRi's behavior..and for all the suffering you and DaeHyun had to go through."

You shook your head, "It's okay. No need to be sorry."

YongGuk rolled his eyes, "Why do you have to be so good?"

Everyone laughed.

YoungJae added, "You really impacted us in such an amazing way _________-ah..I mean for goodness sakes, you got the Jung DaeHyun to smile again. Before you came along, this kid was an emotionless shell."

JongUp snorted, "So true."

DaeHyun's eyes narrowed.

You leaned your head on DaeHyun's shoulder and he immediately softened.


Zelo opened his mouth, but his voice cracked.

Everyone chuckled.

He turned red and started, "Noona..when mom first told me you were going to move in with us...I was REALLY happy because you're like an older sister to me. You helped me so much this year and I was really happy when the hyungs were so accepting of you too. I.."

His lips trembled and he ducked his head down.

HimChan yelped, "Oh no our maknae is crying!"

Zelo wiped his tears and choked out, "I'm going to miss you noona."

You looked down.

DaeHyun wrapped an arm around your shoulders, "We all agreed that you are a big part of our lives, so we prepared something for you.."

Each boy took out a small box and a letter.

YoungJae warned, "You can NOT open the letter until you're ON the plane. Arasso?"

JongUp nodded, "We'll all be there when you board."

You coughed to cover up the tears and held your head up with glossy eyes, "I don't know what to say.. Um..I love each and every one of you so're all like brothers to me-"

"Except DaeHyun."

You laughed, "Except DaeHyun oppa. I just want to say thank you for being so accepting, caring and for making this by far one of the best years of my life."

DaeHyun was silent.

He wordlessly wrapped his arms around you and hugged you.

"Awww..GROUP HUG!"

Everyone surrounded the two of you.

You wiped your tears away and said, "No sad goodbye."

The boys nodded and agreed, "No sad goodbye."

 You kissed each boy on the cheek and hugged them as they fought tears this time.

When you got to DaeHyun, he raised an eyebrow, "Are you really going to kiss my cheek?"

You paused and nodded, "Close your eyes."

He gave you a skeptical look but did as told.

You placed your hands on his shoulders and tiptoed to kiss him on the lips.

When DaeHyun felt your lips on his, he wrapped his arms around your waist.

He felt your tears fall and broke apart, "Crying again?"

You wrapped your arms around his neck and whimpered, "I'm going to miss you so much."

DaeHyun sighed and whispered, "I'm going to miss you too."

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BTSsaranghaex3 #1
Author-nim Can i get ur permission to make ur fanfic into a interactive game on this chinese website? Thanks. Plz reply a.s.a.p!~
parkjihoonsgirl #2
Read it for the second time and loving it even more now ♥
BabyYen #3
Chapter 74: Nice story! :))
jun97min #4
Chapter 3: so excited to read this!!! I always read comments first lol
14 streak #5
Chapter 74: Her ex mom is a b***h
I'm so happy there's a sequel ^^
Is this angst, Author-nim? 73 chapters and sequel?? You're daebakk!! XD
SharonTheImaginator #7
Chapter 74: Woah okay! I'm gonna start by saying how adorable this story was. I loved that everything fell into place nicely in the ending! I just loved that the character development of Daehyun, how it very much contrasted from what he was before and how sweet he's gotten ever since he started dating the main character! Oh and one main thing, I just LOVE that you didn't give a specific name to the girl so every single fangirl is able to be her! (Applause for the author ;))
Although, I thought the chapters were a bit undetailed, it lacked some background story. There should've been more inside opinions from each characters. Don't get me wrong I appreciate that you're making it from a third person's point of view, but I think the main character herself didn't really have a distinct personality that reminds readers of her even if they're not reading the fanfic at the moment, do you get what I mean?
I thought there should've been more emotion and descriptions espcially when the story got into it's wonderful :) (when she left for america). It would've been better if you wrote more about what they each got through without each other. So overall it lacked some back story and details especially the rest of the bap members (i couldnt help but feel theyre a bit useless without some personalities being described)
I hope that my comment can help you become an even better author! I love this story! I can tell why so many people enjoyed reading it!! It was funny, utterly ADORABLE and it's not too long, not too short! Hopefully this can be a constructive advice for you!! :D keep it up!!