Chapter 35

A Game of Four

Yuri exited her room dressed as she sees Sooyoung and Tiffany having a good time while watching some late night movies with their collection. Yuri then grabs the car keys sitting near a vase as she held it on her hand, just then Sooyoung caught her heading towards the door.

“Hey, going somewhere?”

“Oh… I thought you wouldn’t notice me since you’re so sweet with Tiffany there”,

“Yuri…not funny”, Tiffany said as she keeps her eye on the television.

“So?” Sooyoung waited for her answer.

“I’ll meet up with somebody”,

Tiffany diverts her eyes from the television to her.

“Don’t worry Tiffany, I’m not meeting up with Sic…Jessica”,

“Oh no, Don’t tell me”, Sooyoung didn’t finish her sentence as Yuri nods to her. “Yuri!”

“It’s okay buddy. She agrees on meeting me. I’ll see you guys later”,

With that said, Yuri heads out of the unit as she unlocks the car and starts it engine while Sooyoung and Tiffany just watch her. Sooyoung just sighs in defeat as she can’t handle how hard headed her best friend is but Tiffany just taps her shoulder as she smile.

“Let her go Soo, she’s all grown up now you know. Let just wait for the results”,

“But Tiffany, you don’t know what happened between those two”,

“That’s true but as her friend, I have to do this since this is the only way she can find her answer. And maybe, just maybe the answers to our questions as well”, Tiffany answered back as she smiles to Sooyoung before heading back to the sofa to watch.

“I hope you’re right Tiffany”, she said to herself as she looks at Yuri who just drives off.

As Yuri drives off to their meeting place, she fished out something from her bag. It was a locket; a locket which holds her memories with Gyuri. She held it in front of her as she looks at it, a smile quickly shows up to her face. She opens it from the side showing a picture of her together with Gyuri on their first date. It was Gyuri’s gift to her. Her sweet smile suddenly turns bitter as she remembers how they broke up. Shaking the thought off her mind, she stashes it on her pocket as she continues to drive.

On the other hand, Gyuri already arrive at the place of their meeting ten minutes earlier. She scans the area to look for a person but fail. She is the only one in the place. Looking for something to seat on, she walks towards a bench near the fountain. She then looks at her wrist watch to see the time.

I guess I arrive too early…but she never come later than me


Gyuri snapped out of her thought as she found two feet in front of her. She then tilt her head to see Yuri standing in front of her welcoming her with a smile. Gyuri returns the smile as she stands next to her.

“So you wanted to talk”, Gyuri started off.

“Yeah…kind of”,

“Let’s go to somewhere convenient to have a chat shall we?”


Yuri and Gyuri drove off to the nearest restaurant to have their talk. Gyuri is a bit nervous causing her to look outside the car to remove some of the tension between them. On the other hand, Yuri just focused her eyes on the road. As soon as they arrive at the restaurant, Yuri looks for a vacant parking before parking her car. The two then enters the restaurants and get themselves a table. Looking through the menu, they decide on what to have. As soon as they place their orders, the waiter leaves the two as they prepare their food.

“What did you want to talk about”,

“You never change”,

“I see you did”, Gyuri answered back. “I’m sorry for everything Yuri”, she then added.

“Don’t worry about that, I already forgive a long time ago”,

“Why are you…like that?” Gyuri asked.

“Like what?”

“Being like that. You’re always hurting yourself Yuri”,

“Oh? Am I really?”

“Yuri I am not joking”, Gyuri is getting annoyed.

“I know. I know very well what I’m doing to myself Gyuri”, Yuri said as she plays with her silverware.

“Then why? Why are you still putting up with this?”

“Because…I still love you”,

“Are you really?” Gyuri answered back as she cross her arms.

“Ah…I do”,

“How about that girl Jessica?”

Yuri couldn’t react after that as Gyuri just looks at her.


“Yuri, stop fooling yourself. You’re just hurting yourself even more”,

“Gyuri…what are you talking ab”,

“I’m talking about you. Yuri, you don’t have to continue to fool and hurt yourself like this. I know I’m not in any position to tell you anything because I hurt you but I don’t want to see you hurting anymore. I still love you Yuri”, Gyuri stops on that.

“You…still do?” Yuri was surprised.

“I am but I’m too late”, Gyuri just smiled at her. “You already have someone in mind”, she added.


“I don’t know about you Yuri, but I see how you look at that Jessica before. Remember? That time when Sooyoung almost slap me? I see how you look at her with those eyes Yuri. You used to look at me the same way”,

Yuri didn’t say another word after that. Right after that, their food arrive as the waiter places it in front of them.

“Enjoy your dinner”,


Gyuri started eating her food as Yuri remains unmoved. Staring at her food, she thinks of what Gyuri told her earlier.

Do I really?

“Yuri, stop gawking at the food it’s not good. Start eating, will you?” Gyuri said as she slices her meat into tiny bits before chewing it.

Yuri pursed her lips together as she thinks about it over and over again. Just then, she remembers something that she wants to ask her.



“Can I ask what were you doing at that house?” Gyuri stops from eating after hearing it.

“Wait…you saw me?”

“I happened to see you. Sooyoung and I were supposed to go look for Tiffany but it turns out that Tiffany went on the same house as you did”, she explains as she started touching her food.

“I see. You are one stalker are you?” Gyuri just laughs at the matter. “I was giving something to a friend of mine. She happens to live on that house”, she added.

“So you are a friend of Jessica’s sister”, Yuri said.

“Who? Krystal? Her sister is Jessica?”

“You…don’t know?”

“I don’t. Krystal’s not mentioning her sister to me”,

“I see”, Yuri trailed off as she lean her back on the chair.

“That’s enough with me. Let’s talk about this Jessica”,


“When did you realize it?”

Yuri was surprised once more by Gyuri’s question. She asked her, when? She thought to herself when she realized it. Just then, she remembers what Tiffany asked from her. Yuri bit her lip after that. Gyuri saw this troubled expression on her face.



“Don’t let anything or anyone stop you…Yuri, you’re more than this. I am talking to Kwon Yuri here”, Gyuri smiles as she winks on her.


“Well. It’s my lost I broke up with you, but it’s your gain because you finally see what you really want for yourself…go get her”, Gyuri finally trailed off as she finish her food.


phone ringing

“Oh excuse for a moment”, Yuri then fish out her phone.


“Buddy! Where are you?!”

“I’m in a restaurant”,

“Oh no, buddy you better come home. It’s Jessica!”

“Wh-what!? Hey what happened?!”










heya! i'm back with another back-to-back-to-back chapters today. yeah, i kinda want to finish this one so i can start with the season 2 of In Your Eyes :) 

i think it will still have 5 more chapters? or 6. it depends on the flow of the story. I haven't reveal any pairings yet. so yeah. Hope you guys enjoy this 3chapters marathon updates :) 

toodles ~ i'm kind busy this days... graduation is on december so a lot of things to do and to be accomplish :) 

saranghae ~~ :">

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leesonekyu #1
Chapter 43: at last im done :D haha such a complicated story thanks to gyuri
Chapter 43: Oh gosh! It's sad that it has come to an end already. But I am happy with the pairings. :") It kind of lack SooFany moment though. :( Anyway, thank you so much for this! Looking forward to your next story.
Chapter 43: Well i did want jeti :(
Chapter 43: woohoo!!! YulSic!!!^^
Chapter 43: So it ended in YulSic and SooFany ..

I thought it would be JeTi :(

But anyways I'm haappy for the both pairings ^_^

Thanks for the hardwork Author ^_^
Chapter 43: awww happy ending yeayyy!!
thanks for the great story author :D
PJParalejas #7
Chapter 43: awesome !!!
Quick ending but still good !!!
Yulsic FTW !!!