Chapter 31

A Game of Four

The next day waking up from the ray of the morning sun, Tiffany started stirring from the bed as she struggles to lift her heavy body out of the bed. She managed to sit on the edge of the bed as she rubs her temple before yawning. The first thing she grabs was her phone seating on the table next to the bed.

No message from her.

She sighs as she returns the phone to the table and walks out from the room to the living room. Roaming her eyes all over the area, she closes her eyes then sigh again. Walking towards the kitchen, her phone started ringing. She quickly returns to the room as she answered the unknown number.



“Yes? Who is this?”

“This is Krystal, unnie”,

“Krys? Why’d you call?”

“Unnie is in our house right now”,

“J-Jessi’s there?”

“Yup, I kinda took her in. I saw her on the sidewalks the other day and I’m just here to inform you”,

“Thanks! Can I come over?”

“Sure. She’s still sleeping on her room I guess”,

“Great. I’ll be there by 1:00. Please don’t let your sister go anywhere”,

“Ah? Okay?”

“See you Krys, thanks again”,

“Welcome unnie. Be careful”,


“Sooyoung, where are we going? I thought I’ll be seeing Gyuri today?” Yuri asked.

“Gyuri can wait buddy, today I need to see Tiffany”,


“Didn’t you hear what Jessica told me the other night?”

“Oh…that?” Yuri just sigh as she remain seated on her seat.

“I have to talk to Tiffany”, Sooyoung said as she make a slow turn.

“But Soo, do you know where she is now?”

Just then, Sooyoung steps on the car brakes. She then looks at Yuri.



“You’re hopeless”, Yuri said as she fished out her phone from her pocket. “Here, call her and ask her where she is”, she then added as she place the phone at Sooyoung’s hand.

She then divert her eyes to a familiar figure seating on a cab that just pass by them.

“Whoa! Step on it buddy!”


“Just step on the god damn pedal!”

Sooyoung quickly steps on the gas pedal as she made a turn and follow where Yuri is pointing her finger to. They are now following a taxi.

“Hold on buddy, where are we going anyway? And why are we following that taxi?” Sooyoung asked.

“Gyuri’s there! Just follow the god damn taxi!”

“What about Tiffany?!”

“Argh! Just follow that car Soo!”

“Tsk. Okay okay! You don’t have to be so mad you know”, Sooyoung said as she speeds up a little to catch up with the taxi.

The taxi halt to a certain house as Sooyoung and Yuri watch while Gyuri exited the taxi. She then walks to the backyard and stops on the front door.

“What is she doing there? Visiting someone?” Sooyoung asked as Yuri shrugs it off.

The front door opens revealing aa girl. Gyuri then hand over something as she bid farewell not long after that. She mounted the same taxi as it sped away. Meanwhile, Yuri and Sooyoung just remained on their seats.

“What now?” Sooyoung then turn to ask Yuri.

“I don’t know”,

“I’ll just call Tiffany okay?” Yuri just nods away as she stare outside the car but then, “You don’t have to call Tiffany, Soo”, she added.

“Huh? What? Why?” Yuri then pointed Tiffany walking near to the same house Gyuri just visited.

“What is she doing there?” Yuri asked.

“Should we ask?” Yuri just shrugs as they follow Tiffany with their eyes.

Tiffany is now in front of the Jung residence as she pushed the doorbell. Krystal opens the door for her as she comes in. Krystal shows Tiffany the living room as she asked the latter to wait for she would make them some tea.

So Jess is here.

Tiffany then diverts her eyes on the second floor of the house she then sigh. Just then, Krystal was back with a tray of tea with some desserts to come with it.

“So Fanyunnie, why aren’t you with unnie when I saw her? That’s so unlike you two. You’re always…hmm, I don’t know, together?”, Krystal asked as she took a bite from her dessert.

“Ah…we just had a little fight that’s all”,

“Oh? How unusual. Fighting? Hmm”,

As they chatter downstairs, Jessica was now starting to stir from her sleep as she lazily sat up on her bed. She began to rub her two sleepy eyes as she walk towards the washroom to wash her face. Upon doing so, she grabs some fresh clothes and started changing. Checking herself on the mirror, she decided to head down to grab some food for herself. As soon as she closed the door behind her, she immediately paused after hearing that familiar voice. Gritting her teeth, she sighed in defeat. Letting go the knob of the door, she walk with heavy footsteps as she reach the stairs. Slowly walking down the stairs, her sister was the one to noticed her.

“Hey sis, good morning”, Krystal greeted with a smile.

Tiffany just stares back into Jessica as their eyes are glued to each other.

“Morning Krys, where’s mom and dad?” Jessica coldly asked.

“Mom’s not home but dad is. He’s in his office doing some paper works…why sis?”

“Nothing”, Jessica flatly replied as she stops in front of them. “What are you doing here?” she then added as she looks at Tiffany with blank expression.

Krystal looks at Tiffany then to her sister and vice versa. Sensing that the tension in the air is getting heavier, she decided to leave the two for a while but stop by her sister.

“Krys…see her out will you”, Jessica said as she crossed her arms not looking at Krystal but to Tiffany.

“Eh? W-what did you say sis?” Krystal asked dumbfounded.

“J-Jess?” Tiffany reacted as she stands from where she was seated.

“Didn’t you hear me…Krystal?”, Jessica then shot a glare at Krystal causing the latter to gulp.

“Jessi, what are you doing?” Tiffany finally asked.

“Well? What do you think? Sending you out, of course. I don’t want you getting your feet into my house. Not without my permission. So will you please?” Jessica said as she started walking away from them but then stops. “You wouldn’t be seeing me anyway after this”, she then added.

“W-what? Jessica wait!” Tiffany shouted.

Jessica then stops to her track. Biting her lips, she really don’t want to see Tiffany at this moment especially with her current state as she is now. She sighed as she decides to face her.

“You’ve got something to say, Tiffany?” Jessica looked at her with blank expression. 

“Why are you doing this?” Tiffany asked again.

“Didn’t I make myself clear earlier? I don’t want to see you in my house”, Jessica replied flatly with a bit of annoyance in her tone.

Somewhat, Tiffany was taken aback by Jessica’s cold words as she looks at her best friend acting really strange. She thought to herself that this is her fault saying those things to her and not thinking but she doesn’t need to go this far. She then bit her lip.

“Please…” Tiffany started.

Krystal just looks at them to painful expression. This is the first time she witness her twounnies fight. She didn’t know what to do.

“Krystal…would you please send her out. She’s irritating me”, Jessica said.

“B-but sis…I”,

“Don’t defy me Krystal…I’m not in the mood, or would you like the same treatment as her?” Jessica said as she shot another glare at her sister.

“Jessica! This is so not like you! Stop now!” Tiffany yelled catching the attention of Jessica and Krystal. “This is enough Jess. What’s got into you?! Let’s just go home”, she added almost in tears.

“Tiffany”, Jessica started. “Didn’t you say before that…going back is the best option for me?” she added as she plastered a cold smile.

“W-what?” Tiffany said as she is confused with what her best friend is saying.

“Remember? Or you don’t? But that will be impossible, right?” Jessica once again started as she slowly walks towards them. “I mean, you want me to return back home, isn’t that right?” she added.

Tiffany gasped as her eyes widen upon realizing everything Jessica has been telling her and her tears finally escaped her eyes.

“It’s great that you remember”, Jessica flatly stated as she turns her back on her once more. “Besides, I already told you…you will not be seeing me anymore after this”, she added as her voice trailed off.

“J-Jess…”, Tiffany managed to say her name between her tears as she fall on her knees. Krystal was now comforting her.

“Krys…see her out”, Jessica said as she finally walks away from them.

“I…I will sis”, Krystal said as she held into Tiffany’s shoulder. “Tiffany unnie, let’s go”, she added.

Tiffany wasn’t answering her as she was only staring into space. Krystal decided to help her get up as she guided her to the door. She feels sorry for Tiffany but she couldn’t do anything.

“Tiffany unnie…I’m so sorry”,

“No…it’s okay. It’s my fault anyway”, Tiffany replied still in her deep thoughts.

“I really don’t know what happen but…”,

“It’s okay Krys…thanks”, Tiffany said as she managed to give Krystal a smile as she bid farewell.

Krystal could only look at Tiffany as she close the door behind her. Just then Sooyoung and Yuri witnessed everything. Sooyoung then exited the car as Yuri follows her.

“Tiffany!” Sooyoung called out.

Tiffany upon hearing someone calling her name, she decided to look who it was.


“Ah! Hey…why are you crying? Did that girl earlier did anything to you?” Sooyoung asked as she checks up on her.

“Soo! Wait up”, Yuri shouted from behind as she catches her breath.

Tiffany then saw Yuri but shed no reaction at all. She looks back at Sooyoung then to Yuri then back to Sooyoung. Her tears started flowing as she fell on her knees once again.

“Tiffany!” Sooyoung kneeled down as she tries to comfort the girl in front of her.

“WAAA!” Tiffany buried her face into Sooyoung’s body as she cries her heart out.

Sooyoung could only look at her with sad expression as she looks back to Yuri who was standing behind them with the same expression as her. She hugs the latter back as she rubs her back calming her down.

“It’s okay Tiffany…just cry as much as you like…I’m just here”,

With that said, they stayed in that position for who knows how long as Tiffany finally calms down. Hearing no sobbing from her anymore, Sooyoung checks up on her and found out she passed out on exhaustion.



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leesonekyu #1
Chapter 43: at last im done :D haha such a complicated story thanks to gyuri
Chapter 43: Oh gosh! It's sad that it has come to an end already. But I am happy with the pairings. :") It kind of lack SooFany moment though. :( Anyway, thank you so much for this! Looking forward to your next story.
Chapter 43: Well i did want jeti :(
Chapter 43: woohoo!!! YulSic!!!^^
Chapter 43: So it ended in YulSic and SooFany ..

I thought it would be JeTi :(

But anyways I'm haappy for the both pairings ^_^

Thanks for the hardwork Author ^_^
Chapter 43: awww happy ending yeayyy!!
thanks for the great story author :D
PJParalejas #7
Chapter 43: awesome !!!
Quick ending but still good !!!
Yulsic FTW !!!