I Missed You

Can't You Realize That I Love You?

I thought about Daehyun’s cheerful expression these past few days and wondered if he had something up his sleeve once again. I poured my spaghetti on my bowl and took it to the table where I was about to eat dinner. I knew when there was something going on, I always knew, and there was definitely something going on with Daehyun. My only worry was that it involved me and setting me up on more random dates. At least Sungjong had acted like normal when I had seen him next. The weird part was, we both expected Daehyun to be disappointed and to convince us to go on another date, he actually looked a bit relieved and had even gone so far to apologize later to me and tell me that maybe it was too soon to force me to move on. I stabbed my spaghetti and frowned. I had a bad feeling about all of this.

I was just about to take a bite when the doorbell rang suddenly. I went over to the door to find a man in uniform waiting with a large package in hand and a bright smile on his face.

“Miss Pakr Hyerim? I have a delivery for you” He said perkily and I raised an eyebrow in surprise.

“Er,,, I haven’t ordered anything?” I said as I looked at the box curiously.

“It’s a special delivery, you just have to sign for it” He said happily and I hesitated before finally reaching out and signing the form that was attached to his clipboard.

He nodded to himself and checked to make sure I have signed in the proper place before handing over the large package. I thanked him before taking the package inside and placing it on the dining room table. I touched the red ribbon on it wearily before carefully unraveling it. I pulled the top off and in a cushion of red velvet lay two red roses. I looked in confusion as I looked for a card or something.

The roses themselves were beautiful. They were large and a deep shade of red that made me reach out and touch the petals which were soft and moist as if they had just been picked from the earth. They were tied together by a thin gold ribbon and I stared at them. A small thought peeked from the depths of my mind, but I quickly shot it down. It couldn’t be him, but apparently I must have an admirer at school I told myself.

I ran to the kitchen and pulled out a long thin vase and filled it with water before bringing it back out. I gently grabbed the roses and placed them in the water along with the small gold ribbon. It seemed wrong to untie them so I didn’t.

I ate dinner that night staring at the roses and trying to figure out who would send them. Could it be Sungjong? It sort of made sense except he seemed fine with not dating anymore. He had told me he was fine with being friends, but maybe he wasn’t? Still, they were really very beautiful I thought with a small smile as I ate dinner.


“Get dressed you have to come some place with me” Daehyun said as he pushed past me and burst into my apartment the next day.

“What are you talking about? I was taking a nap. I just saw you like two hours ago at school why are you such a nag?!” I screamed in frustration as I grabbed him by the collar, his content smile only angering me further.

“I swear, after this I’ll stop with the nagging, but change into something that’s not pajamas. Let’s go!” He said as he quickly stepped behind him and basically shoved me into my room, shutting the door closed behind me.

I gave in like usual and got dressed. I followed him out with a glare fixed on his back as we got into his car and he drove off.

“So where are we going?” I asked curiously as I looked around.

“There is a problem with the house you sold” He said calmly and I tensed up as I realized why the roads we were on were so familiar.

“What kind of problem? No, nevermind it doesn’t matter what kind of problem it is, take me home” I insisted as I dug my fngers into the car seat nervously.

“Hyerim, the person who bought the hosue called me. They moved out because there’s apparently a huge problem with the house and they demand you take a look” He explained clamly and I frowned.

“I don’t care what kind of problem they have! They brought the house whatever’s wrong with it isn’t my problem anymore! They can tear it down for all I care!” I huffed.

“That’s what I said, but they’re threatening to sue for fraud because apparently you misled on the condition of the house. Just go take a look and at least we’ll have something to go on” Daehyun said as the house came into view.

“I’m not getting out” I said firmly.

“Hyerim… I want you to be happy. Just go into the house, fix the problem, and then after that if it’s still an issue then I’m shipping you somewhere far away to forget everything” He said with a kind smile.

“…What are you talking about Daehyun? Please… I really don’t want to go in there” I begged.

“Just go ahead in without me. I’m gonna go park the car” He said in an encouraging tone and I stared over at the house silently.

“…I’ll wait for you” I said.

“Hyerim it’s freezing just go inside I’ll be there soon” He said gently and I sighed.

“Fine, but hurry up” I said annoyed as I got out of the car and stared at the house I used to live in.

I hesitated by the front door before a cold gust pushed me forward. What was I so afraid of anyways? It was just a house… with countless of useless memories I reminded myself. I counted to ten and finally pushed myself to go inside. The door clicked open easily as I hurried in. I blinked, surprised by how dark it was. It made sense since no one lived here anymore, but this house must’ve had great insulation because it was actually warm.

I rubbed my hands together and brought my hands up to my face, blowing a warm breath on them as I tried to blink the darkness away. How long would it take Daehyun to get here? Regardless, I couldn’t stay in the dark so I reached out blindly to where I knew the light switch was placed. My fingers ran across the cold wall until they reached the switch and flipped it on. I squinted from the sudden bright white light as everything fell into brightness and focus. I stared at the image that seemed to be unraveling in front of me.

The house wasn’t empty.

I frowned as I took cautious steps deeper inside to find that it looked just like it had before. My chest tightened painfully as I turned into the living room and the light there too. Everything was in the same place where it had been before I had packed up. I walked over to the fireplace and inspected the small snow globe on it with the chipped off paint from its fall as I was packing it up nearly a year ago. It was even the same things. Daehyun… must have taken everything out from the storage unit I kept it in?

My mind felt a little dizzy as I pulled out my phone and dialed Daehyun’s number. It seemed to ring endlessly until I finally reached his voicemail. I hung up quickly and bit my lip as I wondered what to do. I had no clue what was going on, but I didn’t like it. Maybe this was Daehyun’s idea of an intervention. Either way, I needed to get out of here I decided as I turned and walked quickly to the front door.

“Hyerim wait!” Said an all too familiar voice from behind me.

I turned around not believing what my head was telling me. My heart had stopped. I didn’t think I was breathing any longer either. He stood a few feet away from me, an uncertain look in his eyes. Oh he looked just like I had dreamt not so long ago. I wondered vaguely if I was dreaming again. I closed my eyes and counted to three, when I opened them he was still standing in the same spot. If this was really a dream I should have been able to make him disappear right?

“I meant to find you earlier. I’m sorry I took so long. I thought we’d be better off going our separate ways” Kai said, his voice growing softer and more tender as he continued, “But time passed and I got more and more miserable until I finally realized there was no way I could live without you” He explained.

I tried to swallow the lump in my throat and I tried to blink away the mist in my eyes. I didn’t know what to say because I had been so good at keeping everything locked away that seeing him now was overwhelming. Seeing him smiling at me like that was too much. My lip trembled and I bit it both to stop it and to remind me that this wasn’t some sort of cruel dream.

I’d had a lot of those lately.

He took a step forward and I instinctively took a step back. It wasn’t a conscious move. It was more like something in my body knew we would hurt each other again and it was telling me to get out before it was too late. The look in his eyes understood and it was loving even though I put out my hands signaling him to stop. I opened my mouth to say something, but I didn’t know what to say. Slowly, as if approaching a weary animal he stepped forward. I thought about the front door. That’s right it was only a few feet away.

 “Why… are you here?” I asked so quietly I doubted he heard me.

“I tried to stay away from you. It didn’t work, it was horrible. I tried to bury myself in work, to forget all about you… I couldn’t” He said.

I only had to turn around and run to the front door.

Then I could escape, but as soon as I felt his fingers, then his hand touch my outstretched hands all hope of running away disintegrated before me. I looked at him with teary eyes as he opened his arms gently and I stepped forward into them.

His arms enveloped me in one of the warmest, most loving hugs I had ever received in my life. I buried my face into his chest and took a shuddering breath as his familiar scent invaded my senses. My arms wrapped around him and I gripped his shirt tightly, afraid he would let go, Why was he here? Why was he doing this? We were supposed to be done forever. This wasn’t supposed to be happening. I was stepping back in time and this wasn’t supposed to be happening.

“I can’t… I can’t do this again” I choked out even though I was holding him so tightly my whole body was trembling.

“I’m sorry, you looked so happy without me… it was killing me. I couldn’t stay away” He whispered into my hair, “I saw you moving on and I couldn’t wait any longer. I didn’t want to wait until you forgot me” He said and I heard a pain in his voice that mirrored my feelings inside.

I felt the dam fully break as tears slipped out. The enormity of how much I had missed him finally hit me in a sort of shattering force. I had tried to ignore how alone I had felt without him and I had done a good job. Sometimes I had even felt happy, but it wasn’t even close to how I felt now. Even so… I was terrified at the same time. What if we simply weren’t meant to be?

“You shouldn’t have come back” I said, my voice muffled into his chest.

“I want to live in our house together forever. The worst mistake I made was leaving you. I want to date you, kiss you, touch you, talk to you, marry you, I want to do everything so please give me another chance” He whispered as he took a hand and placed it gently on the back of my head.

“I missed you” I said in a trembling voice ignoring the small bit of doubt around me.

He smiled and pulled back slightly. He bent his head down to me and just as his lips neared mine he paused. My heart raced and pounded against my chest and I vaguely wondered if he could hear it. I was still afraid and I realized he must be too.

“I love you and I promise I’ll make you the happiest woman in the world” Kai said gently as he pressed his lips to mine and I felt complete again as his lips touched mine.

When the intensity of his love for me spread through every vein in my body… I knew we would be alright this time around because he came back for me.

And I never wanted to forget this man who had stumbled so unexpectedly into my life.



So this is my finale! Sorry it's not like super epic of with a twist ending, it was my first fic and I just really felt like having a sweet happy ending :)

Ah... I just want to say thanks to all of you guys that took the time to read the first story I ever had the courage to put on here and I seriously appreciated the comments you guys left! They were one of the best parts of writing this ^_^ Also, I met lots of new awesome people so that was definitely a plus too ^^ Wahhh this is sad I sort of wish I could have continued this forever  cuz you guys will forever be my first readers ever :3

Hope you guys enjoyed the fic! And lastly... well, *sigh* a bit of self-promotion (I'm so sorry if this annoys ppl just skip this and pretend it was never put on here I know it's awkward ;-;) 

You guys should come check out the two new fics I started here lol I know two at the same time will be a challenge, but I like Kai and I like Kris and I can't ever put them in the same fic becuase I will implode so then I ended up wiht two TT lol

But if this the last time I meet you guys thanks for all the support! ^____^ (and sorry for the long good bye hahaha)



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Hey! Just wanted to say thanks for all the comments left and that as for a sequel, I'll think about it and if I come up with anything I'll let you guys know~


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JiminLee #1
Your fic is one of my all time favourite! ♡♡♡
i loved this so much my heart hurtssssssssss
kai is a cutie
omg sorry
btw tHANK U
WinterRain #3
Chapter 47: omo think hyerim is pregnant ?? im kind of hope though kkkk
its really made me open my ayes over the the night ...its really amazing thanks to you !!
Chapter 47: Aww, your story is so dramatic yet nice. I love how it flows very well. Good job, author-nim ^^
Chapter 47: It's amazing author-nim! My feelings were on high the whole time. Good job on your first fanfic :)
Chapter 47: Implode, very true.

OHMYGOD IT HAS ENDED. Kai came back, and his words, they made me die. I AM CRYING. I need a hug. Please hug me. Is it weird that I want more of this story?! I NEED MORE!! Yes, I'm greedy. I want more of my fill of Kai. But, THANK YOU HANNAH. I LOVE YOU.

Dear Kai, If you would marry me as well, I will be greatly appreciative. Thank you. Love, Noona.

Hannah, don't stop writing! Unnie looks forward to reading all your other stories!!!! Hwaiting!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

I'm such a spazzoid.
Chapter 47: I can die now. this fic was an emotional rollercoaster. i wish there was an epilogue though.. but then again as long they got back together, i couldn't care less.
good job author-ssi
cassia513 #8
I loved it :,) thank you soooo much for writing this story
KimJongMin #9
Chapter 47: Your story is soo amazing!! Great job!! :D