Through Sickness and In Health...

Can't You Realize That I Love You?

I moaned as I dragged my feet out of school. Finals were over. School was over. Yet I felt like crap. My stomach cramped and I was nauseous. At least the tests were over, but that only went so far to make me feel better. Instead, the pain and discomfort only seemed to get worse as I made my way home and burst in, my face pale. I removed my shoes and frowned as I heard strange sounds coming from deep within the house.

Following the sounds I slowly pushed Kai's half closed door only to find the room empty. I was just about to walk out when I heard it again. I moved my head to the side and stepped in cautiously.

"Are you alright?" I called out.

I took the lack of response as permission to walk in and headed to his bathroom. The door was open and I walked in to find Kai bent over the toilet holding his stomach in pain as another wave of nausea came over him and he heaved, nothing coming out. He looked up at me, his eyes watery and I covered my mouth as my own wave of nausea came over me. I turned and ran from the room. I got just in time to the main bathroom as my stomach seemed to turn itself inside out and its contents spilled out into the toilet.

Another wave after another came and each left my throat burning. My head pounded in a headache and I found myself on my knees as I weakly reached for the handle and flushed. I stood up shakily and went to sink to rinse my mouth out. Only moments after another cramp took over and clenched my stomach tight. I leaned back on the sink as I clutched my stomach and slid to the ground trying to take deep breaths.

"Why...?" I asked when he walked up to the doorway, not trusting myself to keep talking without throwing up.

"Pizza" He explained a pained expression on his face and I pushed myself up.

"What did you do?" I asked taking a menacing step forward.

"I think I made it wrong..." Kai said guilty and he went still.

I closed my eyes and recalled the horrible pain as I took my tests. Tests that will define my future and he... because of him... My eyes narrowed as I walked up to him ready to yell at him only to have the cramp have me double over in pain. I breathed in and out as I straightened myself out only to have the nausea come back. My eyes widened and I turned back to the toilet. I felt him come up behind and got ready to push him away when surprise and nausea hit me again as I doubled over the toilet, this time my hair was held up. Still, I was angry and I tried to slap his hands away only to have my hair gently tugged as a warning.

"I'm sorry alright? At least I can do this" He snapped suddenly.

I probably would have kept fighting but present matters had me more distracted.

Finally, it seemed like it was over and only the pain and general discomfort remained. Which trust me, was a step up from all that plus nausea. I cleaned up and turned to find Kai staring at me, a look on his face that told me he felt the same. I sighed and walked past him slowly heading to my room. I stopped suddenly only to have him run into me.

"What are we going to do?" Kai asked, looking surprisingly helpless and I frowned.

"Medicine" I muttered, half wanting to just kick him out of my room and leave him to fend on his own as we made our way to my medicine cabinet.

My fingers ran over the individual bottles until I got to the right one. I winced as I filled the measurement cup with the right amount and downed the bitter drink. I rinsed the cup and passed it to Kai without a word. He copied what I did and drank it.

"Ugh! What is that?!" He yelled as he coughed and tried to clear the bitter taste from his throat.

"You're the one that got us into this because of you poisonous pizza!" I snapped, putting the bottle away and grabbing the sink for support.

My stomach churned and I closed my eyes trying to will the pain away. I opened my eyes to find Kai sitting on the floor, his face resting on the cool edge of the bathtub. His eyes were shut tight and though he held his stomach in pain he at least breathed out calmly.

"It helps because it's so cold. Try it" He moaned as he rubbed his face on the ceramic edge.

I bit my lip and decided I had nothing to lose at least until the medicine kicked in. I had been up all night last night studying anyways, I was too exhausted to fight him on this, if he said it would help... I gently lowered myself to the floor and moved myself as far away from him as I could. I positioned myself like he was and rested my face on the cool surface. The cramps still came, but the cool from the bathtub was undeniably amazing.

We both sat quietly, occasionally groaning in pain, but for the most part it was silent.

"How did you do on your tests?" Kai asked quietly.

"Aside from the pain and urge to throw up all over them?" I grumbled, cringing from pain and opening my eyes to find him laying a few feet away.

"...I did fine, mine didn't kick in full force until later in the day" He continued, ignoring my words.

"Same" I answered.

I opened my eyes as I heard a shuffling noise besides me. I slowly opened my eyes to find that Kai had moved closer with a sheepish smile on his face.

"I'm tired... I was throwing up for 20 minutes before you got home" He mumbled softly.

I swallowed and tried to move back only to find the wall behind me. He closed his eyes and I swore I could just barely feel his breath grazing my cheek. I should have stood up, but I stayed in place and watched him silently. How was it that we were just fighting the night before and now we were both sitting here as if nothing had happened? I blinked as my hair blocked my eye line I brushed it back only to find Kai's hand in the hair and frozen near my hair. I stared at him for a few seconds until he suddenly put his hand down and we both looked away.

I sat up, ignoring the dizziness and tried to push myself up only to have Kai grab my arm suddenly.

"Why are you leaving?" He asked somberly and I opened my mouth, but had no clue what to say. I'm feeling awkward? "Just stay, we might need to rush back here anyways, we might as well stay together until we feel better..." He trailed off.

I wanted to make up an excuse, but Kai must've been running a fever or something because his touch was warm on my skin. I looked into his eyes, doing that innocent look again and I nodded without even noticing it myself. I moved, noticing he hadn't removed his hand from my arm and rested my face on the bathtub once again. He closed his eyes and loosened his grip on me. I could have moved away... but I didn't. I closed my eyes and tried to calm my racing heart.

"Your phone" I muttered as I heard buzzing from his pocket, "I think you have to go" I stated not bothering to open my eyes any longer and trying to speak without moving my mouth.

"We're near death here. I'm not going anywhere" He snapped as he pulled his hand back with a start and I opened an eye to find him frowning at me. What the hell was his problem? Was it my fault he had poisoned us?!

"Whatever" I mumbled turning my attention back to the cold ceramic and feeling the thought of his girlfriend slow my heart beat, "By the way, you're never taking care of dinner again. EVER"


Annyeong! So... I reached 50 subscribers!!! So I know it's far from a record on AFF, but that was like the maximum record I thought I was ever going to get so I'm really excited! I was actually going to update earlier, but schools starts in like 3 days so I was busy getting stuff ready T___T But back to my excitement!! I thought I should do something nice as a celebration, but since we're on AFF my niceness will be limited to writing XD

So, any ideas? Maybe like a specific thing you want to happen? Or a one-shot? or... well idk I'm just happy ^__^

**The IMPORTANT part*** Actually aside from that, I was going to write in a scene before but.... I chickened out last mintue... XD my bad~ I'm thinking of just getting over it and seeing what it turns out like so uh... when it does come... don't judge me too hard alright xD Oh... btw, I don't know how to put a poll so I'll jsut right here. Who should it be with? Kai or Daehyun? If no ones replies I might flip a coin... lol

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Hey! Just wanted to say thanks for all the comments left and that as for a sequel, I'll think about it and if I come up with anything I'll let you guys know~


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JiminLee #1
Your fic is one of my all time favourite! ♡♡♡
i loved this so much my heart hurtssssssssss
kai is a cutie
omg sorry
btw tHANK U
WinterRain #3
Chapter 47: omo think hyerim is pregnant ?? im kind of hope though kkkk
its really made me open my ayes over the the night ...its really amazing thanks to you !!
Chapter 47: Aww, your story is so dramatic yet nice. I love how it flows very well. Good job, author-nim ^^
Chapter 47: It's amazing author-nim! My feelings were on high the whole time. Good job on your first fanfic :)
Chapter 47: Implode, very true.

OHMYGOD IT HAS ENDED. Kai came back, and his words, they made me die. I AM CRYING. I need a hug. Please hug me. Is it weird that I want more of this story?! I NEED MORE!! Yes, I'm greedy. I want more of my fill of Kai. But, THANK YOU HANNAH. I LOVE YOU.

Dear Kai, If you would marry me as well, I will be greatly appreciative. Thank you. Love, Noona.

Hannah, don't stop writing! Unnie looks forward to reading all your other stories!!!! Hwaiting!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

I'm such a spazzoid.
Chapter 47: I can die now. this fic was an emotional rollercoaster. i wish there was an epilogue though.. but then again as long they got back together, i couldn't care less.
good job author-ssi
cassia513 #8
I loved it :,) thank you soooo much for writing this story
KimJongMin #9
Chapter 47: Your story is soo amazing!! Great job!! :D