Animal Lovers

Chanyeol's Girl Is JJang

>Airie's POV<

YAY! IT IS FINALLY THE DAY WHEN WE CAN HELP THE ANIMAL SHELTER! The animal shelter is called 'Pet Palooza'! ts such a cool name isn't it? I think its cool. We went there an hour early to set the things up.

We lined up tables and table of accessories and pet food. I arranged them by color, it looked neater that way. Yes, even the pet food... My tin can color and platic bag color! We let our little furry friends climb in their cages and we put them on the ground. I mean... We can't put them on the table right? Cause their heavy.. Or can we?

I picked up Rawr, hehe the little chihuahua, and put him on the table... Hmm... It doesn't drop. I took again more furry friends and put them on the table... It doesn't drop either. I picked up Canine and just before I put it on the table, the table started shaking. 


I quickly put Canine, Rawr and the rest down and the table stopped shaking bit by bit. Phew... That sort of scared me a bit... I don't want out little furry friends hurt.

I picked up Tuna, a little kitty cat and I walked backwards because she was... Heavy... And that I can't really turn until i bumped into someone and ended up falling on that someone. I looked at the person and gasped! "Mianhaeyo Suho!" I apologized as I got up from him. "Hey its okay, just be careful next time Airie." Suho assured me.

At the word Airie, Chanyeol came by my side immediately, "What happened?!" He sort of panicked... Hehe Chanyeol! "Um... I sort of bumped into Suho while holding Tuna and i fell on top op him...." I peeked up at him. Chanyeol grabbed me and pulled me into a hug, "Are you alright? Hurt?" Chanyeol asked as he began to check me.

A whistle was heard and it came from Suho. "Woohoo! Look at the couple~" Suho teased. "YAH!" Chanyeol hissed.

I blushed but then I remembered... WHERE DID TUNA GO?! 

"TUNA! TUNA! WHERE ARE YOU!" I panicked. It sounded as if I was um... catching fish and it didn't really sort of feel um... Suitable at an animal shelter? I spotted Tuna next to a can of tuna and picked him up. "Your not called Tuna for nothing aren't you?" I scratched her ears. She meowed and purred. Hehe, at least I found her.

30 minutes passed at believe it or not, we were done setting up everything, There was even already a line outside the animal shelter's main door! We continued to arrange and set up a bit and then we opened the main door. Well, the staff did apparently.

The same boy we have encountered bought a brown poodle... He seems awfully familiar... I can't just put my finger on it... OMO!

We sold a lot! Only a few of the things we set up were left. And believe it or not, nobody has tried to mobbed Exo K! Maybe they weren't fans? Or maybe... They are just animal lovers? Or... Both?

Anyway, we did a great job anyway. We quickly hurried to Soo Man-sshi office to see if the fans and supporters of Exo K have risen... AND IT DID! "YAY!" We all cheered.

Even Sehun! But... quietly... He should speak more! I know! Even though that's coming from me, he still shout speak more!

Everyone else went back to their own dorms while me and Chanyeol took our time to go back to our dorm.  

>Chanyeol's POV<

"We did a great job today right? I think both of us need a present for doing such a good job!" I said proudly. 

"What present?" Airiebear asked. Aww, my little Airiebear doesn't know! Hehehehe, just wait!

"A kiss!" I said cheekily. "A kiss?" Airiebear repeated. "Mmhmm, here." I pointed at my cheek. "Oh.. Ok." She said and attempted to kiss my cheek but...

I quickly turned my head so that she kissed my lips instead!


She stayed there, frozen until she pulled away and said, "Yah! Park Chanyeol!" She hit my arm.

I laughed and tapped her nose, "Thank you for your present!" 

I think she's blushing now! Hohohoho!

I carried her bridal style and ran to our dorm, laughing. 


[A/N: i have the mood now hehehehe.... HHAHAHAHAH CHEEKY CHANYEOL!! XD]



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HappinesssDelight #1
Chapter 34: Naughty! Lol. Stolen kiss
HappinesssDelight #2
Chapter 18: Cuteee ^____^ (starts singing first snow)
HappinesssDelight #3
Chapter 16: Wth.he's too sweet!
HappinesssDelight #4
Chapter 1: Woah! That was fast. Living w/ cy suddenly. I like that :DD
JellobaByNaekoYya #5
Chapter 66: I love it!!!!!!!haahhhh.....but,I didn't really expected that I read your story for the second time,the first story I read is chocolate+potato.zelo hwaiting!!"""
Chapter 2: Aiii ;) :)
Chapter 66: Wow~ soooo cute :)
exoticoo #8
Chapter 66: Sweeeeeetttt~~
Angelz6 #9
mitaki2 #10
Chapter 66: Ahh it's so cute !!! And I'm happy tht there aren't that much drama tht can cause me a heart attack!!