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♨ Kimchi Dumplings Review Shop ♨ || Closed Hiatus ||


Title[5/5]: I really like this title. It makes me really curious on why the smile is broken, and it gives off that angsty feeling. 

Design(Posters, Font Color, Font Style, and Backgrounds)[5/5]: The poster is simple, yet appealing. The pictures fit perfectly into what the story will be about. (Geezus. >.> The picture of Sungmin in the corner gave me chills..GAH! It fits nicely into the plot!)

Description and Foreward [9/10]: Description was fantastic! It wasn't too long like most stories, but it was a little short. Don't worry though! The description was great even though it was short. Just one little thing I'd suggest would be to add some sort of hook in the begining. Like a word that would spark some intrest. Something like: Tainted. Disgusting. Horrible. Lee Sungmin. The aegyo Prince of Super Junior was snatched away, betrayed, and was broken by the man who was suppose to protect him. 

Plot and Characters[27/30]: The plot wasn't the most original plot in the world, but it was a nice one. I really liked how you potrayed all of the characters here. Especially Ryeowook, and Kyuhyun. Even though your plot wasn't the most original, it wasn't cliche either. OH MY GOD. I just love how you end all the chapters. Just bravo. THE TITLES. GOSH. I really envy you on the title for each chapter. Each one is unique. Once I read the title it just makes me want to read the chapter already.

Grammar/Spelling/Punctuation/Word Chose[24/25]: I only deducted one point from the score because you added some extra commas where they souldn't have been. It doesn't really bother me, but sometimes when I see a comma my brain pauses and waits. Some of your sentences have about 2 extra commas that shouldn't be there, but they're really hard to find unless your some sort of grammar nazi like me. I won't list the sentences sine they're minor and can be fixed if you just read through your story a few times. Overall, your grammar is super. Same goes for your puncution and spelling. I didn't find a single mistake. Maybe there might be a mistake somewhere that I didn't catch, but that means the mistake wasn't even noticable. On to your word choice. Dear lord, your choice of words. I should just give you a 100%. The words you picked were marvelous. I could clearly picture ever scene with the words you provided. The imagary in this story was phenomenal. Bravo. 

Flow[10/10]: The flow was pretty good. It didn't go too fast and it didn't go too slow. The characters got to develop and they could properly react to the situtaion they were in. 

Overall enjoyment[14/15]: I literally love your story. I will subscibe as soon as I finish this reveiw. I deducted on point because I read through the whole story in one sitting, and I'm waiting for the next update. XD My mind is running with thoughts of the possible outcomes for the next chapter. LOVED your story. Keep up the good work! (It was so hard for me to find mistakes in your story. That's how well you write the story.)

Grade: 94% or A- 

Reviewed by: Misspanda15

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SmileFlyy-- has deactivated without informating me, sorry if you requested from her. Please request again from someone else.


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In_Disguise #2
Chapter 2: Is there by any chance , *cough cough* my review will be finished after a year? XD just wondering, I'm just wondering why a sudden stop of updating?
Ummmm this is random but you spelt "subscribe" wrong on your foreword? Perhaps this was done on purpose? O_O
In_Disguise #4
Chapter 1: Hi~! Can I um.. Pass my request to Imyeoniyeomni? Please do (^-^) thank you.
Excuse me, I just accidentally sent up my form, I was actually planned to send it on other day .__. I'm sorry
UwinLe #6
This is kind of awkward and it might seem like I'm a stalker, but I somewhat really enjoy reading your reviews on people fics. :)
Chapter 2: So sorry for this, but would tell AyoWhatUpKrease I would like to cancel my request.
Can I have a different reviewer instead. Any one will do but my request will go out to cottonSHINEEcandy or vnxazn. Please tell her I'm really sorry for the switch and she is still happy enough to be subscribed to my story :)
I added you as affies ^^
Please link back ^^
Chapter 68: Hqhahha i had their ages in the forewod but people kept telling me to delete the character charts. I'll just add it in the fist chapter then :) thank you so much for the wonderful rview!!
Promi53ToB3li3v3 #10
Cool shop!:)