To forgive, and forget

Through the Phone

I'm gonna tell you guys this... don't get mad at me okay?~ 

This may be the FINAL chapter. 




Taemin's PoV

"How could you leave her alone like that?! And how did she know the password to get out of the house?!!!" Manager hyung shouted at Key hyung and then turned to face me. 

"Did you tell her the password?" He asked and walked to me. I gave him a cold glare and walk back to my room after saying this last sentence to him. 

"So what if I did?" 

He has no control over me! And he has absolutely NO RIGHTS to lock _____ in this house! 

"Where are you... ______..." I mumbled and searched every corner of my room, hoping to find any clue to where she's going. She's can't be too far, her wounds haven't recover yet... 

And, I found nothing, absolutely nothing in the room. NOTHING. Her things are all gone, GONE! 

There's only one single thing left on the table, and it's the phone I had left on my table. Yes, I forgot to bring it along again... 

I walk towards the desk and took my phone, clicking on every single file to check if there's any clue in it. And yes, I found one. It's a video clip, she recorded herself in it. The video started with her sitting on the bed, holding a pillow. 

"Taemin...oppa..." She called my name with the sweet, gentle, and beautiful voice of hers. 

"When you see this video... I'm probably left already..." She said as tears slowly roll down her beautiful smooth skin. I too, after seeing her cry, my tears slowly formed and rushed out of my eyes. 

"So... let's just say..." I clicked on the 'stop' button and it stop, just right before she says the word 'good bye'. 

"No... Don't say that... Don't say the word..." I hold on the phone tightly. No... There's no way she'll leave... No... 

I took the jacket and ran out of the house. 

"Taemin-ah! Where are you going?" Jonghyun hyung asked with a worried look in his face. I ignored it and closed the door.

No... ______... Don't leave... 


Your PoV

I walked to the park, not just any park, it's a private park owned by Eun Mi's father. She stood there with a huge smirk formed on her face. 

I glared at her as I slowly approach her. Noticing the girls who are in her gang with her, including some who WERE my friends. 

"I can't believe you would actually come..." She said as her smirk slowly faded, and glared at me. 

"I don't know why I actually came..." I said to her and glared at the girls who were planning to splash me with water. Eun Mi smirked and walk nearer to me. 

"No, you knew why. If you didn't come here, what will happen to SHINee?" She whispered softly in my ears. My eyes widened as she took out her phone and showed me the picture of... 

Me and Taemin... Kissing... 

I turned to look at her. She had that stupid smirk on her face. 

"You know right? What will happen to them when I posted this online..." She smirked. But I could see that she hates it, she hates this picture. 

Suddenly, I felt a sharp, painful thing hitting my stomach. I hold onto my stomach, hoping that the sharp pain would just go away like that. 

"So... you like Taemin huh..." I mumbled softly as the other girls started to hit me. She just stood there, behind them, seeing me suffer with that look on her face. I know those looks, those eyes, they felt betrayed... 

She thought that I betrayed her... 

The girls stopped after a while, and giggled while looking at me in this pitiful state. I slowly stood up and walked towards Eun Mi, glaring at the girls who were blocking my way. They slowly make way for me to approach Eun Mi, who's still glaring at me. 

I stood in front of her, ignoring the pain I'm suffering from. I gave her a huge slap on her face, making her fall on the ground. The girls were all scared after that, so scared that they backed off. 

"Get up..." I said in a low, scary tone. The girls behind started to tremble, well it's true that they've messed with the wrong person. Eun Mi just remain there, on the ground. She growled and got up after a while, and slapped me in the face. 

Tears slowly flowing out of her eyes, so as mine. We kept on slapping each other until we've satisfied. 

"Are you satisfied now?" I asked Eun Mi who is still lying on the ground, panting hardly. She glared at me as I slowly got down to her level. 

"I'll go." I told her, her eyes slowly widens after hearing my words. 

"Wh-what?" She cried. She started sobbing loudly, ashamed of what she had done to her once best friend. 

"No... No... wait..." 

"No, I'll go, I'll get far away from Korea from now on... So just..." I hugged her tightly and whispered. 

"Because it's better this way... " 

She looked at me with confused looks in her face. Looks like she didn't understand what I'm saying. I breathed in some air and continued saying the next sentence. 

"Eun Mi, I agree to leave. I know what you're thinking already, you wanted me to stay away from SHINee right? Send me off to other country then." I said and wiped off her tears. Yes, I've already knew it from the start... that I shouldn't have stepped into his world... that I should even go near his world... 

Eun Mi kept on apologizing to me and hugged me tightly. The girls behind also hugged me while crying loudly. 

To forgive... huh...


Taemin's PoV [A/N: Listen&enjoy this song while reading the rest of the chapter okay? okay! =) ]

I searched the whole area and I still can't find her. I felt like an idiot who's running around the whole area crazily. I sat on the bench and rest for a while. 





Where are you... 

You're lying when you said that you're leaving right? You're lying right? 

Tears rushed out of my eyes, down to my cheeks. Sobs kept on coming out of my mouth. No, she can't be going. No... 

I snapped back to reality and continue searching. She can't be leaving... She mustn't... 

Suddenly, my phone rang. I answered the call without even looking at the caller's name. 

"Ye-Yes?" I said. My voice trembled and I didn't know why. 

"I'm sorry..." was all the caller said. I looked at the screen. No way... it's ______... 

"No! Wai-" beeeppp, was all I heard. 

"No! No! Don't hang up on me!!!" I cried, begging her to answer the call again. But, she didn't. Tears uncontrollably rushed out of my eyes, slowly creeping down my cheeks. 

I stood up and ran to her house without even seeing if there's any cars on the road. And then... 



Your PoV

I was sitting at Eun Mi's car, with my mother beside me. We decided to move to Australia, with Eun Mi's help of course. I've already made up my mind to get out of this mess, I don't want to live a life like that anymore, I'm not suitable in his life... 

I looked out of the window and saw a guy running straight, without even seeing that Eun Mi's car is driving towards his direction. And then... 

The driver quickly stepped on the break and eventually, it stopped, with a loud bang in front. 

My eyes widens as I open the door and ran in front, checking if the guy is okay. 

What could've possibly go wrong? Yes, EVERYTHING... 

I reached to the person and found ABSOLUTELY no bloody scenes and dead bodies. There only sits a guy with a blue jacket, his face was fully covered by the hoodie. I looked closely, he looks like someone... someone... 

His head turned up and what I saw was... 


Why are you here... 

Tears slowly formed and flow out of my eyes. No, I've already decided... 

I stood up and tried to walk back to the car but my wrist was grabbed by Taemin. He looked at me straight in the eyes and dragged me away. 

"Let go!!!" I struggled to escape from his grasp, but he was too strong. He dragged me to some quiet alley and pinned me against the wall. I glared at him, with my tears still uncontrollably falling. 

"What do you want? Lee Taemin..." I said softly and tried to look away, but I failed. My eyes kept on looking back on it's own. He looked... So sad... Why...?

Sudden guilt just ate up all my will to escape. My hands felt weak and I just can't get away from here, my feet felt like it was glued on the floor. Taemin, still continued looking at me with those sad looks on his face. 

"_____..." He said softly, just for me to hear in my ears. I flinched and he quickly pulled his head back. I trembled as I turned up to look at him again, and the next thing I knew, his lips were on mine. And I didn't fight back. 

I continued letting him kiss me, I sometimes would gasp for air but it didn't stop him from continue kissing me. 

"Tae... Taemin..." I mumbled between the kiss as tears slowly falls again. And, he broke the kiss. 

"____-ah... How could you..." He panted and rested his head on my shoulders. His breath kept on hitting on my very skin and goosebumps were formed at that very spot. 

"How could you be so cruel..." He mumbled softly. His words totally stabbed through my heart as he continues saying all those words. It was hurtful, it really hurts...

"You're so cruel that... I hate you..." That's what he said. I clenched my fist to control my emotions, but the tears just betrayed me and continued rolling down my very cheeks. 


He looked at me and planted a kiss on my lips. 

"I love you." 

My eyes widens and I looked at him. What does he mean he love me? 

"Wha- what do you mean you..." words won't come out of my throat, it's just... stuck... 

"I wished that I could hate you, but I couldn't..." He pulled me closer and hugged me tightly. 

"No matter how cruel you are, I just couldn't bring myself to hate you..." His hugs getting tighter and tighter every second, leaving me panting hard, gasping for air. 

"Even if you ignored me, you hurt me, you hate me, I still can't hate you..." Slowly, I noticed that his words turned into sobs. 

"I just... couldn't... ______..." He continued hugging me, hiding his face as he buried his head on my chest and sobbed. I hugged him, I hugged him back. 

"Tae-Taemin... I..." I covered my mouth to prevent myself from crying out loud. I should tell him that I'm going, I really need to go... 

It's for his and his hyungs own good... 

"I'm going..." I gained all my courage and said. His sobs immediately stopped and turned up to look at me. 

"Wha-what do you mean by..." 

"I'm leaving... Taemin... You won't be able to see me anymore..." I looked at him straight in the eyes while wiping off the tears that hadn't dry off. Had enough control of my emotions, I pushed him away.

"Taemin... We should just... forget about each other... isn't it better that way?" I can't believe I'm saying such cruel words to him. And my mouth just won't stop babbling about it. 

"We... are totally different... You're someone who shines in the spot, like a prince... And I'm... nothing but a nobody..." My tears started betraying me and fall down to my cheeks and creep down to my jaw. 

"So... let's just try to forget about each other... Please... Taemin... Forget about me..." My voice started to tremble. He tried to reach for my wrist but I ran instead.

I didn't want to destroy his world now... I need to stay away from him, from his world, so that he would shine brightly again. 

I should... 

So, Taemin... 

Forget everything about me... 

And please... 

Forgive me... 

For being so cruel... 



To Be Continue... 


Haha! I lied~ This is not the final chapter!!!! Oops, No! No! NO don't kill me please!!!

I'll promise to give you a nice chapter okay!! so don't don't don't!!! x~x

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Chapter 38: Awwww was so sweet!!!!!
kpop4u #2
can you update, please?
Chapter 38: WHAAATTT?!?!?THAT WAS SWEET!!! The few last messages they shared are really sweet.. I can't!!!
Ah and Jung Eun Mi really got me on my nerves, I was actually enjoying cursing here and there wherever there's Eun Mi on the scene hahaha!
GOOD JOB! >///<
KkamjongLover #4
Chapter 38: Almost made me cry!! I love you author-nim!! And this story!
ProudPrimX3 #5
Chapter 38: Nice story you got there author-nim! Fighting!
shiningmint #6
Si sweet!!!!i can even feel ants crawling.... this story is absokutely amazing
Angelz0715 #7
Chapter 38: Awwww cute ending ><
lolydev #8
Chapter 38: kyyaaaa sweet ending.. <3<3<3 this story is complete I can feel sad, heartbreak, happy n love hehehe
This story really made me feel like I was part of it ^^ Love it so much, haha. Sorry, I'm commenting since I finished the whole story from start to finish ^^ Jiayou :)