One Fine Day

Through the Phone

Author's PoV

"I love you....r pencil!! Yes, that pencil over there is so amazing! The amazing strips and colors always caught my attention!" Taemin pointed at the pencil that was placed at the table, he then smiled at _____and walked out. 

Why do I have to embarrass myself in front of her? 

He thought while hiding behind the doors of his bedroom, he slowly slide down and sat, his back leaning against the door. 

On the other hand, ______ was just stunned, she thought that she was an idiot for thinking that he actually said those 3 words, which is "I love you" to her. But she was wrong, he loved her PENCIL?! She felt a sudden jealousy popped out in her mind, she can't believe that she's jealous of her very own pencil! Oh god, someone save her. 

She took the pencil and actually started talking to it, like a pencil whisperer? perhaps? 

"You know what? Pencil? I'm jealous..." She mumbled while holding the pencil. The pencil, of course, didn't reply her.

"I'm jealous of you, pencil..." She mumbled again and 'strangled' the poor pencil. The pencil, was innocent. SERIOUSLY so damn innocent. But she still had to strangle it since it's her 'rival in love' even though it was her buddy in studies.

Sigh... teenagers these days...

After a moment of pencil strangling and sulking, both of them finally turned back to normal, in front of others at least. They were still feeling weird when they met each other in the living room. 

"Err... want some apples? Key hyung cut it." Taemin said, the atmosphere is turning more awkward than just now, all awkward conversations just popped out of no where. 

"Err... Sure..." ______ said and took a piece of apple, try not to make a contact while reaching to the apple. She quietly took the apple and ate it, continues staring at the television just to distract herself from seeing Taemin. Taemin too, was staring at the television, just to distract himself from staring at ______. He didn't want ______ to mistook him as a stalker or anything, so he just quietly munching the apples and watching television. 

The living room was so quiet, SO QUIET. And someone had to break the silents, seriously! If there's no talking, there's no way I could continue writing anymore!!! 

"Who wants CHICKEN~~~~" Onew entered the quiet, peaceful living room and broke the silence. Well, good work Onew. Now I'll have something to write. 

"NO." everyone said in harmony, the sound echoed in Onew's mind and Onew was stunned. But he came back to earth after a while. 

"Okay~ Thank you for saying that~" He said and happily munching his crispy KFC chicken. The juicy chicken was slowly devoured in his stomach as he took another bite.... Okay I'll have to stop all the describing... 

The living room turned quiet again, Minho was busy gaming, Jonghyun was busy... er... well let's just say he's busy. And Key? He's busy cleaning up the mess that his 'sons' made in Minho's room. Onew? Of course, eating his beloved chicken. And then, everyone knows that ______ and Taemin were busy distracting themselves by staring at the television. 

"Er... So... Holiday ends so quickly huh...?" Taemin started a conversation, still staring at the television. And ______, she just looked at him and smiled while acting as if she didn't remember the fierceful kiss he planted on her lips just now. 

"Y...yes..." She said, she rest her head on the dolphin stuff toy that she hold in her arms and hide her red, cherry like colored cheeks. 

"So... what school are you in?" He asked. 'Trying' to act innocent and looked at her with a smirk hanging on his face, which turns out to be not-so-innocent. ______, of course, told him her school that she studied in. And WHAT A COINCIDENCE, Taemin also studied at that school. 

"Oh! I'm also studying at that school!!! Maybe we could go to school together!!!" He said and grinned. He slowly got up and went to tell Key something. And ______ didn't hear anything because of the far distance between Minho's room and the living room. 

Onew, who finished his chickens, walks to the living room and sat there, feeling upset. 

"W--what happened?" _____ asked. She was concerned about him being upset. Was is because he finished his chickens? she thought. 

"Nothing... just sad..." He said and started sobbing when he saw the chicken commercial appearing on the screen of the television. He then slowly turn back facing _______ and said. 

"Yah! I'm still not forgiving you..." He said and pouted. Which reminds _______ of the "call me oppa..." thing he said last time. And she didn't even said it yet. She gave him an 'oops' look on her face. 

"sorry... " She tried doing aegyo since she really didn't want to call him 'oppa', she only wants to call her boyfriend, not a fake one, 'oppa'. She looked at him with the most innocent eyes she could do, which is the watery eyes attack. But Onew, who is too obsessed to chicken, won't even get affected by this attack of hers. Only Taemin, who is the maknae, could soften Onew's chicken loving heart with his aegyo specialty.

"Unless you call me oppa, or else I'll be ignoring you." Onew stood up and went to Minho's room, where Taemin and Key were in. And what is Minho doing again? GAMING. 

"FINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" _______ shouted and kept hugging the dolphin stuff toy tightly. She acted as if she was really crying hard, she even fake sobbing. And it scares the crap out of Jonghyun and Minho. Minho's PsP dropped off his hands when ______ shouted, and Jonghyun, let's just say he dropped something and hurt his feet when he heard ______ shout. 

Everyone came to take a look at _______, Key was comforting _______, so is Taemin. And Onew? Oh he's just doing fine... opening the fridge to check on his beloved chicken. 

"YAH! Hyung! What did you do to _______?" Key unleashed his inner umma and started attacking Onew with his nagging skills. 

"What?" Onew said and hugged a... chicken. A Frozen chicken that was placed in the fridge, reserved for dinner tonight. 

"Let go of the chicken. NOW!" Key said and took the hanger that was located near the sofa. He slowly approach Onew and snatched Chicken wife away from Onew husband. They were force to part and Chicken wife, was forced to go back to the frozen jail until dinner time. 

"I'm sorry... Onew OPPA..." _______ said to him and smirked slyly. Onew just simply glared at her for doing that to him and his chicken. But seriously, Onew, she did nothing. It was Key who separated you and your chicken... 

Onew sighed and sat on the sofa, looking depressed even after hearing ______ calling him oppa for the first time. 

"Fine... since you called me op---" 

"Yah! Call me oppa too!!!" Everyone started interrupting Onew and asked _______ to call them oppa, and she did, since she already called Onew 'oppa', she must be fair. 

"Okay... Jonghyun oppa, Minho oppa, Key oppa... Taemin...oppa..." She almost choked at the last name. But words were forced out of . She covered her face with the dolphin stuff toy, again, and blushed madly. Everyone thought that she was embarrass because she called them oppa for the first time but it's not it, she blushed because.... I'm not telling, use your own amazing imaginations, guys. 

"Woots! Now that's a dongsaeng!!!" Jonghyun said and placed his arms around ______'s neck. But was forcefully pulled by the jealous Taemin and Key and was physically tortured by them. Onew was still depressed about the whole separating situation with his dear chicken wife. And Minho? Oh... everyone knows... He's still gaming. 

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" Screams were heard clearly through the whole room, well, it's actually Jonghyun who is screaming here. He was tortured by Key and Taemin, the evil maknae and diva just wouldn't let him get away with all the skinships he did to ______ for the past few days. Sad huh... 

"Told you I was sorry!!!!!" Jonghyun screamed again when Taemin was placing tapes on his mouth, covering his god damn mouth from screaming any further. And Key, he secretly placed a duct tape on one of Jonghyun's leg without Jonghyun noticing it. Then, Taemin pulled the tape out quickly, causing Jonghyun to yelp in pain. Ouch, that hurts... 

Tears were rolling out of Jonghyun's eyes, it really hurts, everyone knows that. Poor Jonghyun, nevermind, shawols are here to comfort you, smiles~ 

Taemin really had fun torturing Jonghyun, why? Because it's fun, duh! You're dumb. He slowly pulled out the duct tape that was place on Jonghyun's mouth and whispered in Jonghyun's ears, which frightens Jonghyun. A smirked was formed on Taemin's face and he walked out, satisfied with Jonghyun's reactions. 

"Is this the reality you guys really wanted?!!" Jonghyun sobbed in the corner of the room like a girl who just got by  someone. Poor little thing... 

Now, back to _____'s side. _____, who didn't know what happened in Key's room actually thought that Key and Jonghyun were having a G.O.O.D JongKey time, like what the fans wrote on their fics, was startled to hear screams from that room.

Wow, what are they doing? She thought while playing the computer game in her laptop. Yes, she took her laptop with her after that, thanks to all the "lock her in this dorm and DON'T let her out until I settle all this." the SHINee manager did. Seriously, she felt like she was in jail, I mean, what's the difference??!! She was PRISONED in SHINEE'S DORM!! Well... I know you fans are so jealous about it.... hahaha.... 

ahem, sorry... I was in my little world. Now that I'm sooo lazy to continue describing the situation, I'll let _____ to do whatever she wants with the rest of the chapter. Oh I'm so smart. 


Your PoV

Seriously, worst author for throwing all the job to me... Okay now back to the story. 

"What do you think they're doing in the room?" I asked Minho... oppa who was still playing with his PsP. He paused the game and looked at me, I thought he was about to kill me for disturbing him but then, he smiled gently to me, which was suppose to be Onew... oppa's job. Okay! Okay! I'm still not used to calling them oppa!! 

"Probably something fun, so fun that Jonghyun hyung is screaming so loudly." He said slyly and patted my head. Now, I feel like a little kid... Oh, I'm a little kid to him... But what does he means by 'something fun'? Just thinking about what he said made me thought negatively. Which I would never tell you guys just to not spoil your innocent minds. 

"Oh..." I said and blushed slightly, thinking about what could they possibly do. I know what you're thinking too, oh you guys are sooooo dirty minded... 

Suddenly, the door went wide opened, I see Taemin walking out of the room. I curiously walked to the room and peeked through the little key hole on the door knob. And guess what I saw? I'm not gonna tell you guys... I'm not spoiling your innocent minds~~~ 

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY EYES!!!!!!!!!!!! MY PURE MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

That's what I thought when I run back to the living room and sat next to Onew oppa, physically strangling the poor dolphin stuff toy. I can't believe what I just saw... it was... WOW... What a bad experience.... 

I awkwardly munched the last apple on the plate and went to place the empty plate in the sink. The whole atmosphere started to freeze up as Taemin came to the living room. Oh god, don't tell me that it's gonna be like just now... No... NEVER!!! 

I tried to come up with something but what they said were "Oh" "Okay..." "Arhh..". I sighed. Seriously, it's weird like this... 

I turned and glanced on Onew oppa, he is still depressed?! What the hell?!!! Great, Onew OPPA, when I need you, you just go on depress about your chicken... 

And it's obvious that I couldn't talk to Minho oppa, because he's gaming... 

What? Key and Jonghyun? I don't wanna... 

Sigh.... WHAT TO DO?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Sad me.... thanks to all the studying... I can't come up with any good ideas for you guys.... =( 



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Chapter 38: Awwww was so sweet!!!!!
kpop4u #2
can you update, please?
Chapter 38: WHAAATTT?!?!?THAT WAS SWEET!!! The few last messages they shared are really sweet.. I can't!!!
Ah and Jung Eun Mi really got me on my nerves, I was actually enjoying cursing here and there wherever there's Eun Mi on the scene hahaha!
GOOD JOB! >///<
KkamjongLover #4
Chapter 38: Almost made me cry!! I love you author-nim!! And this story!
ProudPrimX3 #5
Chapter 38: Nice story you got there author-nim! Fighting!
shiningmint #6
Si sweet!!!!i can even feel ants crawling.... this story is absokutely amazing
Angelz0715 #7
Chapter 38: Awwww cute ending ><
lolydev #8
Chapter 38: kyyaaaa sweet ending.. <3<3<3 this story is complete I can feel sad, heartbreak, happy n love hehehe
This story really made me feel like I was part of it ^^ Love it so much, haha. Sorry, I'm commenting since I finished the whole story from start to finish ^^ Jiayou :)