Chapter Eight;


"What did you find?" 

She walked into the office, to be greeted by Howon, Sungyeol, and Dongwoo at the meeting table.

"We found out Myungsoo went to Green Orchird Elementary, and he lived in the alley of Anyang." Sungyeol replied, clicking buttons on the computer screen.

"Anything else?" She asked, taking a seat next to Dongwoo.

"No,but we're on the case. We're going to go visit this, Green Orchird Elementary, and ask the teachers there if they know Myungsoo, or anything like that." Dongwoo, replied to her, tapping his pen on his chin.

"What else?"

"And Sungjong and I are going to the alley of Anyang to see if Myungsoo's neighbors will be there, or not." Howon said, when he stood up from his seat and walked to the white board, "While Sungyeol and Dongwoo goes to the elemtary, me and Sungjong will go around the alley. That means you, go around the building and see something suspicious." Howon ordered.

"Okay, I'll do that."


"Dude, where the hell are you man?" 

Woohyun turned off the vaccum cleaner, and wiped his sweat off his forehead, when he answered the phone that was called from Yong Gook.

"What do you mean?" Woohyun questioned, dumbly.

"We've been trying to get in contact with you, but you never answered our calls, or called us back. We even went to your house." Yong Gook said.

"My house?" Woohyun asked, in worry.

"Yeah, we met up with your pops too. He was super angry, man. I think you need to go see him or something. He's worried, and mad." Yong Gook tsked.

"That's not my problem. Don't go to my house every again. I thought I told you guys." 

"But we're worried about you, you just totally left after the club, and we never saw you after that. Not a single word." Yong Gook said, when Woohyun nodded in agreement.

"Thanks for the effort guys, in finding me. But I'm somewhere where you guys or pops can't find me. I just need time alone, okay?" 

"Okay, that's cool. Just keep us updating, from time to time, cool?" Yong Gook humoursly chuckled on the other line.

"Alright, I'll keep that in mind." Woohyun said, when he the vaccum cleaner again, "So, if you excuse me, I'm busy." He said, when he hung up the phone and began to vaccum the guest room - his room.


"Myungsoo, where are you going?" 

Myungsoo turned back to see his girlfriend pouting right in front of him when he walked over and cupped her cheeks.

"It won't take long, okay? I promise. I'm just going to be out of town for a few days, I have to investigate something." He assured, and rubbed her arms from the coldness.

"When will you be back? Exactly when?" 

"Maybe about three days to the max? I'll call you if there's any changes." He winked, when she looked away from his gaze.

"Come on, ~~~~~. You know, this is my job. I'm the best one out there!" Myungsoo opened his arms to hug her.

"Why can't they let Dongwoo or Howon do it?" She questioned, when he chuckled.

"Because they're not the best like me." He winked again, before kissing her on the forehead.

"I promise, I won't get hurt, okay?" He said, when she nodded.

"Okay. I'll miss you." She smiled, when he patted her head.

"I'll miss you too." 

She opened her eyes from her memory again, as she clutched her head and sat up straight.

She screamed in terror, not wanting to think about her boyfriend any longer, when she screamed louder.

The door shot opened, to see a boy's shadow running towards her.

"Are you okay?" He asked, worriedly.

"Myungsoo?" She whispered ever so lowly, to herself when the mysterious boy came up to her and the lights.

She closed her eyes by the sudden light, until she opened them slowly to see Woohyun in front of her.

"Are you okay?" He questioned again, when she sighed and felt a tear trickle down her cheek.

"You lied Myungsoo, you'll never come back." 


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princess_snowflake #1
Chapter 35: OMG! This is so good! I hope my stupid- ex-boyfriend would love me like that...
Fighting! It's 2am here and i must wake up at 6am but still not sleeping :3
anne10303207 #2
Chapter 35: I love everything!!
Chapter 35: Can't stop crying at 3 in the morning ㅠㅡㅠ
Kyaaa really love ur story author-nim.
Daebak ^^~
kai_chanyeol #4
I can't stop crying... Aigooo... Bestfriend—
awww! glad I found this fanfic! I love it! hehe
Nice story..
Still crying right now though..
But seriously i love the story..
Beautifully written, finished everything in just one seating! Ah~
This is such a good fic, my heart aches for Myungsoo. Good lawd.
Stayed up 'till 1 am reading this story... I REGRET NOTHING! xD Anyways this is like one of the best fanfics I have ever read! Keep up the great work!^^
flabbycow #10
ZOMG. Myungsoo and his ability to be the greatest boyfriend of all. Loved the story, by the way.