Chapter Thirty Three;


"You saw who?"

Her body was stiff and she stared at the boy, laying down on the bed, smiling at her.

"Myungsoo. He wanted me to tell you, he said hi." Woohyun whispered.

She put her hand over to keep her from crying, when a huge drop of tear dropped from her eyes and down to her cheek.

Her knees weakened as she fell to the floor, bawling, her eyes turning red, and the stream of tears flowing down her.

Woohyun came out of his bed slowly and bent down towards her, holding her in his arms.

"Sh, it's going to be okay." He stated, when her cries began to get louder, "He told me to take care of you." 

She couldn't say or do anything. Her body felt paralyzed, but she had the strength to listen to his words.

"He wanted me to tell you, he loved you and that he misses you."

Her cries grew louder as she clutched onto his hospital clothes, while he petted her head more.

"He also wanted me to give you something from him." He whispered, while she looked up.

He had given something to her, but how?

"I'll give it to you soon. It's at home."


Howon was leaning by the doors, hearing her cries, hearing his whispers, while Dongwoo burst into tears.

"Kim Myungsoo, that bastard." Dongwoo whispered, while Howon patted him in the shoulders.

"I knew Myungsoo wouldn't have left her like that." Howon smile to himself, when he kept patting Dongwoo's shoulders.

"It's weird you crying. You're always the tough one." Howon teased, while he earned a smack from Dongwoo.

"I have feelings too, you know."


It's been a week and Woohyun was now out of the hospital.

"Namstar," Howon started off, while Woohyun was packing his things. 

"Yes?" He asked, turning to face him, when he sees a hand stretched out in front of him.

"I don't think I've introduced myself to you. I'm Lee Howon." He said, while Woohyun shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you. Names Nam Woohyun." Woohyun said.

"I hope you do know that you will be going to jail for murder." Howon whispered slowly, while he released his hands from Woohyun.

"Yes, I do deserve it anyways. Would my friends be going to?" Woohyun asked.

"It's your decision." 

"I can serve for them. It's not their fault. I made them do it. They only did it for me, because they were my friends." Woohyun pointed out.

"Really? Your friends say that they wouldn't mind going to  jail with you, they said friends had to stick together." Howon said, when Woohyun shook his head.

"No, I don't think that's necessary for them. I'll go." Woohyun replied.

"You're a good one, aren't you?" Howon asked when Woohyun just smiled, "That'll be three years, you know that, right?" Howon continued.

Woohyun clicked his brief-case when he nodded.

"So, I've heard." 


Woohyun pulled her closer to the door when he put his hands over her eyes.

"What are you doing?" She questioned, when he didn't release his hands when he brought her now inside the room.

"Just stay still." He said, when he took out his hands to let her see.

It was nothing, really. Just her usual room, when her shoulders deflated.

"Not a surprise." She said, when he held out his index finger indicating, 'One second' before heading to her desk and opening her drawer.

He dug through before he smile to himself, finding a letter, when he walked over and gave it to her.

It was in a white envelope with nothing in there when she stared at it, dumbfounded.

"What is this?" She questioned.

"Remember the present Myungsoo wanted me to give you?" He questioned, when she looked up.

"Yeahㅡ" She faintly responded.

"Open it." 


Sorry for not updating for a while! 

I've been overwhelmed by homework & studying.

But I did update, yay! :D 

Chapter 35 will be the last chapter so ... D; cry cry.

Thank you for the subscribers & comments though, I appreciated them! 


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princess_snowflake #1
Chapter 35: OMG! This is so good! I hope my stupid- ex-boyfriend would love me like that...
Fighting! It's 2am here and i must wake up at 6am but still not sleeping :3
anne10303207 #2
Chapter 35: I love everything!!
Chapter 35: Can't stop crying at 3 in the morning ㅠㅡㅠ
Kyaaa really love ur story author-nim.
Daebak ^^~
kai_chanyeol #4
I can't stop crying... Aigooo... Bestfriend—
awww! glad I found this fanfic! I love it! hehe
Nice story..
Still crying right now though..
But seriously i love the story..
Beautifully written, finished everything in just one seating! Ah~
This is such a good fic, my heart aches for Myungsoo. Good lawd.
Stayed up 'till 1 am reading this story... I REGRET NOTHING! xD Anyways this is like one of the best fanfics I have ever read! Keep up the great work!^^
flabbycow #10
ZOMG. Myungsoo and his ability to be the greatest boyfriend of all. Loved the story, by the way.