Chapter Twenty Six;


"They found Jonghyun too. It's a matter of time, Woohyun. They're going to find us both. They'll first find me though." 

Yong Gook bit his lips, not knowing what to do, but staring at Woohyun.

"We got to get down to business, don't we?" Woohyun questioned, taking out his brief case.

"Isn't that the  brief-case you got from Taekyeon?" Yong Gook pointed, when he opened it, and was full of guns and bullets.

"Who says brief-cases were only full of money?"


Wow, good job.

You found all of them.

I didn't know you could find them all.

You even got the last one a bit later after we met. 

Now, what's left is you have to find me.

I suggest you come to where your love one was killed at, I'm sure you know where that is, right?

Of course you do, you were there, crying your eyes, but you couldn't find me.

Pathetic. But you want to know something? 

You're getting better at this game, after I gave you so many hints.

But no more clues now, it's over.

Game Over, you lose.

"That's the last letter, I guess." Sungyeol replied, looking up at the rest when they nodded.

"Okay, Dongwoo, Howon, go get the guns and search the place. We'll come to you guys later, when you need help. Since we got everyone, I'm sure there's only one there, so don't kill him though." Sunggyu ordered.


"I'll do it." She cut them off.

"~~~~~? You'll do it?" Sunggyu asked, not knowing where she was going at.

"He killed my boyfriend, so I'm going to kill him. Let me do it. I want to see how he looks like. I want to see his weasle like face." She muttered. 

"It's too hard for you, you're a girl, and you haven't worked here for a long time like Howon or Dongwoo, just sit down, relaxㅡ"

"I will not just sit down and watch when just to see the killer of my boyfriend get away without me looking at him. I want to see him. I want to be one-on-one with him and ask him why he killed him. I want him to beg, I want him dead." She gritted her teeth.

"We can't just kill himㅡ"

"Why not? He just killed Myungsoo, right? It's impossible. I'm going to kill him, if that's the last thing I do." She said, grabbing her gun from her drawer and putting in bullets.

"~~~~~~, this isn't safe for you. You know you're still weak in killing people." Howon tried to calm her down when she pointed the gun at him.

"Don't try to stop me."

They both looked at one another, before Howon nodded, "Let her do it."

"Lee Howon!" Dongwoo yelled, while Sunggyu held Dongwoo back.

"He's right. Let her do it. Besides, Myungsoo was her boyfriend, she should at least know who this guy is." Sunggyu continued.

"I'll be there. Just be in the back as back-up or don't come until I say so." She said, going out of the room while the others just stared at her leave.


She put on a sleek black outfit, as she put down her hair, her bangs covering her eyes as she stared into the mirror.

She held onto the gun and pointed it at herself at the mirror, as she pretend to shoot it. 

"You're going down, whoever you are." She muttered, putting the gun and extra bullets in her pocket.

Her heels clacked as she walked past Woohyun room before smilng at it, "I'll be back." She muttered.

With that, she walked out the door and went straight to the place they were supposed to meet.


"Namstarㅡ" Howon thought again, when he rolled in his seat, until his chair stopped and he was staring at the couch in front of him.

That's when his eyes flickered in surprise to remember what happened long ago.

"Hazzah! You will all die, I tell you! Don't come near the Namstar! I will kill you all, die, die, die!"

"Who dares to awaken Namstar? Namstar will not be awaken!"

"Namstar to the rescue, you will not be the winner! I will not be defeated, I will not beㅡ"


He stared at the couch, before grabbing his coat and running out the door.

"Should I tell her?" He thought to himself, taking out his cellphone and dialing her number, when her number wasn't reached.

"Yeah, ~~~~~ told me she took care of him." 

"Took care of him, as in at her house?" He tried to put the puzzle together, when her an to her house and opened the door with his spare keys.

He opened it and ran it to see the door empty, he ran towards the kitchen, her room, and next the guest room, and to his surprise, there it was. His stuff.

He looked around the room to find something suspicious when he stepped on something, making a sound.

Looking down, he grabs the crumbled picture to reveal something.

"Got you."


My last update of the day! 

Yay, I promised three chapters, so here it is! 

Hope you enjoyed the cliff-hanger again, heehee.

Thanks for the comment & subscribers again <3 (: 

See you guys all tomorrow! ;D 


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princess_snowflake #1
Chapter 35: OMG! This is so good! I hope my stupid- ex-boyfriend would love me like that...
Fighting! It's 2am here and i must wake up at 6am but still not sleeping :3
anne10303207 #2
Chapter 35: I love everything!!
Chapter 35: Can't stop crying at 3 in the morning ㅠㅡㅠ
Kyaaa really love ur story author-nim.
Daebak ^^~
kai_chanyeol #4
I can't stop crying... Aigooo... Bestfriend—
awww! glad I found this fanfic! I love it! hehe
Nice story..
Still crying right now though..
But seriously i love the story..
Beautifully written, finished everything in just one seating! Ah~
This is such a good fic, my heart aches for Myungsoo. Good lawd.
Stayed up 'till 1 am reading this story... I REGRET NOTHING! xD Anyways this is like one of the best fanfics I have ever read! Keep up the great work!^^
flabbycow #10
ZOMG. Myungsoo and his ability to be the greatest boyfriend of all. Loved the story, by the way.