Chapter Twenty;


"Good morning." 

She raised her head after closing the bedroom door before her, to be face to face with Woohyun, who was holding up a coffee mug.

"Would you like some coffee?" He questioned, while handing her a mug, as she thanked him.

"Listen about yesterdayㅡ"

"No worries about that, I don't care what you think about it." He cut her off, raising his hand to stop her from saying anything more, "I kissed you, because I wanted to. Not because I'm going to tease you later in life." He shrugged.

Not knowing how to respond to that, she simply nodded in agreement.

"Well, I think I'm going to be late." She muttered, walking to the front door, heading for her heels as usual.

"I like you."

Her hands dropped from the door handle, when she didn't turn and just stayed at the position.

"I like you, ~~~~~~." He muttered.

"Don't. I've thought about this the whole night before I went to sleep," She started off, not bearing to turn around and face him, "I have many scars and I have may thorns. I'm dangerous. I'm not the girl you think I am. I still love my ex boyfriend, and I can't let him go, yet. Especially, moving on. I'm sorry." She said, before heading out the doors.

Woohyun stood there, dumbfounded at what just happened, as he sat down on the seat and thought it over.

"I like you."


She leaned on her hand while tapping a pen on her desk, thinking of what will happen later when she gets home.


Surprised aroused in her body, knowing someone screamed her name, when Dongwoo came over and threw a cd at her, when she swiftly caught it.

"It's a video Sungyeol got last night.  We called you to see it, but you didn't answer your phone." He wiggled his eyebrows.

She remembered last night and nodded, "I'm sorry. There was trouble at home." 

"Anyways, go watch it. I don't know how you'll think about it, but we got it." He nodded to the cd before heading outside.

She twirled the cd in her hand, until she had the courage to put it in the slot of the laptop and turned it on.

The same video played as light night, as tears trickled down her cheeks.

Covering with her hand, she silently cried to herself, not knowing what to do. Her poor Myungsoo was getting beaten, she could hear the boy wanting to shoot, but couldn't. All because, he was his best friend.

She felt a slight pat on her shoulder. As she looked up, she saw Dongwoo standing above her, when he embraced her into a tight hug.

"Don't worry, we'll find out who killed him, we promise you." He said, in a low whisper, as it was not heard by her big cries.

"Everything's going to be okay, Howon and Sungjong knows what's going on, everything will be okay." He said, patting her head.

"Dongwoo, I'm scared. I'm so scared." She whimpered, helplessly under his grasp.

"I told you, we got this under control. Me, Howon, Sungjong, Sungyeol, and Sunggyu got this. Don't worry." He whispered, before she slowly nodded.

"I believe you."


"Your pop's looking for you."

Woohyun glared up at Eunhyuck, who just sat there with his legs crossed.

"You went to go meet him?" Woohyun asked, balling his hands into a fist.

"I had to, your pops' was asking for you. He asked if I knew where you wereㅡ"

"Don't tell me you told him." Woohyun warned him, giving him a piercing stare, before Eunhyuck shook his head.

"Do you think I'll tell you beforehand if I told him?" Eunhyuck rolled his eyes at his dumb friend, when Woohyun relaxed on the seat.

"He really misses you." 

Woohyun looked up from his smoothie when a smile ceased on Eunhyuck's lips. Not a huge smile, but a small one.

"I know you guys hate each other, but you know, he's your father. He loves you and he misses you." Eunhyuck replied.

Eunhyuck was right, he's always right. He was always the one that all of his friends' depended on. He was trustworthy, and he was good at giving advices. It was hard not to believe him. 

"I know, I should see him soon." Woohyun muttered, before Eunhyuck smacked him on the shoulder.

"Atta' boy."


I totally forgot about Eunhyuck as being his friend! 

I knew that there was seven in total, but I couldn't remember him! 

I'm so sorry for Eunhyuck fans - super junior fans. It won't happen again.


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princess_snowflake #1
Chapter 35: OMG! This is so good! I hope my stupid- ex-boyfriend would love me like that...
Fighting! It's 2am here and i must wake up at 6am but still not sleeping :3
anne10303207 #2
Chapter 35: I love everything!!
Chapter 35: Can't stop crying at 3 in the morning ㅠㅡㅠ
Kyaaa really love ur story author-nim.
Daebak ^^~
kai_chanyeol #4
I can't stop crying... Aigooo... Bestfriend—
awww! glad I found this fanfic! I love it! hehe
Nice story..
Still crying right now though..
But seriously i love the story..
Beautifully written, finished everything in just one seating! Ah~
This is such a good fic, my heart aches for Myungsoo. Good lawd.
Stayed up 'till 1 am reading this story... I REGRET NOTHING! xD Anyways this is like one of the best fanfics I have ever read! Keep up the great work!^^
flabbycow #10
ZOMG. Myungsoo and his ability to be the greatest boyfriend of all. Loved the story, by the way.